READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and THE 15th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. “Adhering to your command in my heart”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: POWER TO BEAT ADDICTION Exodus Chapter 34 שְׁמוֹת ב וֶהְיֵה נָכוֹן, לַבֹּקֶר; וְעָלִיתָ בַבֹּקֶר אֶל-הַר סִינַי, וְנִצַּבְתָּ לִי שָׁם…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 6 page 261. Read from right to left. דמב In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
READING: SUNSET FRIDAY BREAD OF AFFLICTION -by Rav Michael Laitman Hence, abundance is measured only by the degree of the Light of Hassadim in the spiritual vessel (Kli). Hochma can shine only to the extent of the presence of Hassadim. This explains why “the bread of affliction” implies that you already have the Light of Hochma, but still lack the possibility…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET FRIDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 14th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. דמב שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו, יודע תעלומות THE COVENANT OF SALT -Rav Michael Laitman Question: What does it mean to sacrifice salt? What kind of action…
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READING: DAWN FRIDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 13th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. THE ARIDITY AND DARKNESS THAT HAVE BEFALLEN US The aridity and the darkness that have befallenus in this generation, such as we havenever seen before. It is because even…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) FRIDAY VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים יא מִפְּנֵי-זַעַמְךָ וְקִצְפֶּךָ– כִּי נְשָׂאתַנִי, וַתַּשְׁלִיכֵנִי. 11 Because of Thine indignation and Thy wrath; for Thou hast taken me up, and cast me away. TIKKUN RACHEL: Psalms Chapter 137 תְּהִלִּים ד אֵיךְ–נָשִׁיר…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN FRIDAY Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 1. Part 1. Inner Observation. Chapter 3, item 15 LESSON MATERIAL First, we must know that when dealing with spiritual matters, which have no concern with time, space or motion, and moreover when dealing with Godliness, we do not have…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN FRIDAY Baal HaSulam. Shamati, 62. Descends and Incites, Ascends and Complains 62. Descends and Incites, Ascends and Complains I heard on Adar Aleph 19, February 29, 1948 “Descends and incites, ascends and complains.” One must always examine oneself, if one’s Torah and work do not descend to the abyss. This is…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN FRIDAY Baal HaSulam. Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot LESSON MATERIAL Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot1 1) It is written at the end of the Okatzin [final treatise in the Mishnah], “The Creator did not find a vessel that holds a blessing for Israel, but peace, as it is…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN FRIDAY Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 2. Part 6, item 24 LESSON MATERIAL Part Six The Ten Sefirot of the World of Nekudim 1. *AK contains AB SAG MA BON in its self. Each of these four incorporates all four and lights emerge from it, which…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN FRIDAY Rabash. What Are the Two Discernments before Lishma?. 11 (1988) LESSON MATERIAL What Are the Two Discernments before Lishma? Article No. 11, 1988 The Zohar, Exodus, asks about the verse, “These are the names of the sons of Israel who are coming to Egypt with Jacob; they came…
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY Psalms Chapter 68 תְּהִלִּים לד לָרֹכֵב, בִּשְׁמֵי שְׁמֵי-קֶדֶם– הֵן יִתֵּן בְּקוֹלוֹ, קוֹל עֹז. 34 To Him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which are of old; lo, He uttereth His voice, a mighty voice.
READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and The 12th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) THE PRAYER OF Eighteen Sefirot. “I am immune under God”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: COURAGE Exodus Chapter 34 שְׁמוֹת א וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-מֹשֶׁה, פְּסָל-לְךָ שְׁנֵי-לֻחֹת אֲבָנִים כָּרִאשֹׁנִים; וְכָתַבְתִּי, עַל-הַלֻּחֹת, אֶת-הַדְּבָרִים, אֲשֶׁר הָיוּ עַל-הַלֻּחֹת הָרִאשֹׁנִים אֲשֶׁר…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 6 page 260. Read from right to left. מחי In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
SELICHOT סליחות READING: sunset of Thursday Genesis Chapter 24 בְּרֵאשִׁית נה וַיֹּאמֶר אָחִיהָ וְאִמָּהּ, תֵּשֵׁב הַנַּעֲרָ אִתָּנוּ יָמִים אוֹ עָשׂוֹר; אַחַר, תֵּלֵךְ. 55 And her brother and her mother said: ‘Let the damsel abide with us a few days, at the least ten; after that she shall go.’ ARVUT: Celina Syuy
READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON AND SUNSET – THURSDAY TEVILAH (טְבִילָה): PURIFYING (WASHING OF THE BODY) RITUAL AFTER THE MAIN READINGS OF `PRAYER OF MANY´ THIS WEEK. There Is None Else Besides Him What is it preferable to think about, about connection or about “There is none else besides Him”? Without “There is none else besides…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNIGHT AND DAWN MONDAY KIDDUSH LEVANAH קִדּוּשׁ לְבָנָה : 🌳 – PRAYER OF CONCESSION ON FULL MOON ACT OF CONCESSION: SHORT READING OF SHAMATI Now we can understand what our sages wrote, “On Purim,one must intoxicate until one cannot tell between the cursedHaman and the blessed Mordecai.” The matter of Mordecaiand Esther…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET THURSDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 11th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of The Eighteen Sefirot. מחי יחיד גאה לעמך פנה, זוכרי קדושתך ROOT OF THE SOUL -Rav Michael Laitman Your spiritual vessel with the Light inside it is called by your…
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READING: DAWN THURSDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 10th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. STUDY OF KABBALAH Why did the Kabbalists obligate each personto study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Indeed,there is a great thing in it, worthy of beingpublicized: There is a wonderful, invaluableremedy to…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) THURSDAY VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים י כִּי-אֵפֶר, כַּלֶּחֶם אָכָלְתִּי; וְשִׁקֻּוַי, בִּבְכִי מָסָכְתִּי. 10 For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping, TIKKUN RACHEL: Psalms Chapter 137 תְּהִלִּים ג כִּי שָׁם שְׁאֵלוּנוּ שׁוֹבֵינוּ,…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN THURSDAY Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 1. Part 1. Inner Observation. Chapter 1, item 9 LESSON MATERIAL First, we must know that when dealing with spiritual matters, which have no concern with time, space or motion, and moreover when dealing with Godliness, we do not have…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN THURSDAY Baal HaSulam. Shamati, 13. A Pomegranate LESSON MATERIAL 13. A Pomegranate I heard during a meal on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah, October 5, 1948 A pomegranate, he said, implies to what our sages said, “Even the vain ones among you are filled with Mitzvot like a pomegranate” (Iruvin 19). He said, Rimon [pomegranate] comes…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTER MIDNINGHT AND DAWN THURSDAY Baal HaSulam. Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot LESSON MATERIAL Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot1 1) It is written at the end of the Okatzin [final treatise in the Mishnah], “The Creator did not find a vessel that holds a blessing for Israel, but peace, as it is…
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