GRAB THE WAY TO SUCCESS THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday GRAB THE LIFELINE – THE GROUP -by Rabbi MichaeL Laitman The main work of a person is to add to the ascent the lack of the greatness of the Creator that he felt previously…
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THE CREATOR IS THE REWARD THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday THE CREATOR IS YOUR REWARD -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Writings of Rabash, “What is the Flood Water in the Work”: Isn’t this contrary to logic? Our inborn nature is the desire to receive pleasure.…
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CAN WE ASK FAVOR FROM THE CREATOR WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday WE MUST PRAY, WE MUST ASK -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Comment: “Luck” in Hebrew is “mazal,” which means “drops”—from the word “nozel,” “drip.” My Response: Luck seems to be dripping from above. It…
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN SERVING THE CREATOR TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday SERVE THE CREATOR -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: Do I understand correctly that if the upper Malchut is not revealed at least to some extent, we have no opportunity to serve the Creator? Answer: We have…
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EXISTING WITHIN THE CREATORWEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POSTLET`S WALK WITH THE RABBIREADING: between afternoon and sunset of WednesdayJUMPING INTO A GOOD FUTURE-by Rabbi Michael LaitmanThe difference between past, present, and future is only in the strength of our connection. If we connect, we compress time and jump into the future.In fact, there is no time! It…
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WE ALWAYS RECEIVE WHAT WE PRAYED FOR WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday WE ALWAYS RECEIVE WHAT WE NEED -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What can we do with the light that we attract to us? Answer: The light of correction is what you are asking for.…
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THE HIDDEN REALM OF THE UNIVERSE TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday PERCEIVING THE HIDDEN REALM OF THE UNIVERSE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman When we deal with the spiritual world, we need to understand that we are entering a new realm where none of our…
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CONNECTION ABOVE THE DISCONNECTION WITH FORCES OF THE CREATOR ( THE GROUP ) WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday THE DEEPENING RIFT BETWEEN LEFT AND RIGHT -by Rabbi Michael Laitman ….. Human society is just like our body, but on a macro level. Take out even…
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HOW DOES SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday RESHIMO AND TIME TRAVEL -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What is a Reshimo (spiritual gene)? Answer: A Reshimo is a record of the complete spiritual state. Suppose, now I want to be ten years younger. So I arouse…
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A LEAP ACROSS A RIFT TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday A LEAP ACROSS THE ABYSS -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Everything we have, including the great world, the spiritual worlds, the breaking, the Kelim, the friends, all the means, and the entire method are intended only…
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: NATURE OR NORTURE? -by Rabbi Michael Laitman THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: NATURE OR NORTURE? Human Development: Nature or Nurture? Every person has a “preset” of unchangeable inner properties, which are congenial qualities that nature inserted into us. We receive…
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KARMA OR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT -by Rabbi Michael Laitman LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday KARMA OR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Question: Is there a law of fate, called Karma, that depends on the actions of a person in this world? Laitman`s answer: A person indeed can influence his fate, but not on the…
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PHASES OF GROWTH OF MIND AND HEART -by Rabbi Michael Laitman LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday HaVaYaH: The Phases of Growth of The Mind And Heart All of the differences and all of the parts of the creation in general are contained in the division into the four…
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WHAT DO WE GAIN FROM LOVE OF FRIENDS -by Rabbi Michael Laitman THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday “Friends” is not just any people; they are companions who stands opposite me. I gradually acquire love for them in order to reach love of the Creator. This…
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HOW TO REACH THE LOVE FOR THE CREATOR -by Rabbi Michael Laitman THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday Rabash, Article 6 (1984), “Love of Friends – 2”:By each joining the society and annulling oneself before it, they become one body. For example, if there are…
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RAISING THE SECHINA FROM THE DUST TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday READY TO RAISE THE SECHINA FROM THE DUST -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Shattering is indeed an opportunity for correction. And therefore, when Kabbalists saw the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, everyone wept and…
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MENTORSHIP POST: HOW TO DRAW THE LIGHT -by Rabbi Michael Laitman READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday Question: How can a person balance the upper governance in reward and punishment? Answer: A person can’t do anything by himself. One can only give the Light the best opportunities to be influenced by it. The upper Light is in concealment. In…
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-by Rabbi Michael Laitman Let`s Walk With The Rabbi … READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday THE PROCESS OF ADVANCEMENT -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Greetings to everyone, specially the new members. Since we have new members, but also a reminder for us who have been here for a while now, about the ups and…
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-by Rabbi Michael Laitman Let`s Walk With The Rabbi … READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday PRAY FOR THE INTERNAL POWER OF BESTOWAL -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What does it mean to ask the Creator? Do I have to acquire His attributes for that? Answer: To ask is to search, demand, and even ask for…
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-by Rabbi Michael Laitman READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI … We’re aspiring to attain the spiritual world, but we need to attain the whole of it. By attaining just a small part of it, we’re unable to understand where we are and what’s happening to us. It’s difficult to discern…
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BASED ON HARMONY WITH NATURE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Coming closer to each other and the property of our commonality will give us the opportunity to connect with nature and see that we can use its laws in a completely different way. This will be a completely new discovery for us. The sciences will be based not on…
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WHERE SHOULD THE CORRECTION WORK BE? – SPIRITUAL WORLD ( THE ROOTS) -by Rabbi Michael Laitman QUESTION: How do my bad deeds in corporeal life affect my spiritual life? RAV MICHAEL LAITMAN: No deeds in corporeal life influence spirituality because they are all dictated by egoism, which is controlled from above. The only thing that…
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