WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday READ LIKE IT IS THE FIRST TIME -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What does it mean to look at a book a new each time? Answer: It is as if you do not remember at all what you once read and…
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LOVE AS COMMON TREASURE MONDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday LOVE OF FRIENDS IS OUR COMMON TREASURE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman It takes a long time to begin to see clearly and discover that if you can collect all the forces contained in the friends…
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RECEIVING THE UPPER ABUNDANCE MONDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Sunday HOW TO RECEIVE THE UPPER ABUNDANCE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman To the extent that the lower one can awaken the Upper One in the middle line by raising MAN (a prayer), the Upper One can fill his…
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IN APPROACHING THE CREATOR THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday ASCENDING TOWARD THE CREATOR ALONG THE DEGREES OF DESIRE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman A question I received: What is the goal of creation, and where are we on the spiritual ladder leading to this goal? My…
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HOW THOUGHTS FULFILL DESIRES WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday THOUGHTS ARE MEANS TO SATISFY OUR DESIRES -by Rabbi Michael Laitman The Creator created the desire to enjoy, and nothing was created besides this desire. A greater desire for pleasure dominates over a smaller desire. Thought or the mind helps us…
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TURNING MISFORTUNE TO FULFILLMENT TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday EMPTINESS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR FULFILLMENT -by Michael Laitman Question: Why do people begin to feel emptiness along with the thirst for spirituality? Answer: Because this feeling of emptiness is an opportunity for fulfillment. All we need to do is to develop…
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A SYNONYM TO PRAYER THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday PRAYER AND CONFIDENCE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Baal HaSulam, “Letter 24”: You already know that prayer and confidence go hand in hand. And we should believe in complete faith that the Creator hears the prayer of every mouth. And by this…
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THE KIND OF REASON THAT HELPS WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday FAITH ABOVE REASON -by Michael Laitman There is no boundary separating our world from the heavenly, spiritual world. But because the spiritual world is, according to its properties, an “anti-world,” it is placed so far beyond our perception…
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THE ROLL OF CONFIDENCE & FAITH IN PROGRESS & HAPPINESS TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday CONFIDENCE & FAITH -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Q: Fear of disappointment stops us from being happy in the present. Does it also hold back my progress? A: For Kabbalists, attack…
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THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday A HEALTHY GROWTH OF THE EGO -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What are the signs of a healthy growth of the ego in corporeality and spirituality? Answer: Healthy growth of the ego takes place when I ascend above it and perform spiritual actions. By doing so,…
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ONLY THE CREATOR HEALS, THROUGH EMMISARY OR NOT WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday HEALING THE SICK -An allegory by Rabash from The Rungs of the Ladder Imagine a personWho had someone ill in his household.What would he do?He would go to the doctor and ask ofThe doctor to be…
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Three boundaries in learning kabbalah TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday Three boundaries in learning kabbalah -by Rabbi Michael Laitman FIRST BOUNDARY—WHAT WE PERCEIVE In his Preface to The Book of Zohar, Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag writes that there are “four categories of perception—Matter, Form in Matter,…
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HEALTH IS EQUILIBRIUM WITH NATURE THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday HEALTH IS A SPIRITUAL NECESSITY -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Our health is one of the conditions of general equilibrium between man and nature, of the balance of the person himself and his adhesion with the Creator. That is why…
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HOW TO RELATE WITH THE CREATOR WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday INFLUENCE OF THE CREATOR -by Rabbi Michael Laitman “From behind and in front, you embrace me” – says a metaphor. That is, whether by means of a concealment (from behind), or revelation (from before) of the Highest Power…
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THE INTENTION OF SEARCHING FOR THE CREATOR TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday THE SEARCH FOR THE CREATOR -by Rabbi Michael Laitman When we are distracted by outside thoughts, we feel that thoughts obstruct us from ascertaining the spiritual, because our strength and minds are wasted on extraneous concerns, while…
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QUESTION FROM A MEMBER: ABOUT ADVANCING IN KABBALAH The study of Kabbalah is so vast and sometimes difficult to understand. Are we expected to learn them all in order to advance spiritually? Answer: First and most essential is the practice of connecting with the group and loving friends as ourself, which may not be that easy either…
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PRAYING IN RIGHT CONDITIONS WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday THREE CONDITIONS IN PRAYER -by Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag There are three conditions in prayer:
TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER OF MANY -by Rabbi Baruch Ashlag (The Rabash) During the concealment, when the upper bounty cannot appear to the lower ones because they do not have the proper Kelim, whatever illumination they are given will go…
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THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday HOW DO YOU CALCULATE INFINITY -by Rabbi Michael Laitman We have no chance of attaining the spiritual reality with our egoistic mind. It simply can’t perceive it! Spiritual perception is called attainment (Hasaga), which comes from the saying, “Attainment in…
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WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday THE DAY OF THE CREATOR -by Rabbi Michael Laitman The day of the Creator is the state when a person does not feel any shortage in anything and is ready to remain in this state all his life and…
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CREATING A FUTURE THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH RABBI YEHUDA ASHLAG READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday ONE`S FUTURE DEPENDS AND IS TIED TO GRATITUDE FOR THE PAST -by Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag It is written, “The Lord is high and the low will see,” that only the low can see the greatness.…
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WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday PRAYING IN ORDER TO CHANGE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: How does a Kabbalistic prayer differ from a religious one? Answer: Kabbalah fundamentally differs from all other methods and from everything there is in our world. In short, Kabbalah is one…
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Q: Why is The Circular Assembly so important? Yes, it`s a good question. I´m asking myself the same question too. Why is it so important when we can manage to have these questions and answers out here in The Outer Court here on our Group page, so to say. Have you ever asked why “leprocy”…
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EVERYTHING WE WANT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday INFINITE PLEASURE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU -by Rabbi Michael Laitman A question I received: When a person crosses the Machsom, where does he sense this attainment? My Answer: Everything is sensed…
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WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday ADVANCEMENT THROUGH QUESTION AND ANSWER -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: Is a question the most important element of practical work in studying the wisdom of Kabbalah? Answer: Yes. A question is of utmost importance to our spiritual advancement. However, it is…
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EFFECTIVE METHOD TO ADVANCEMENT TUESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of MONDAY THE GREATEST MEANS TO ADVANCEMENT -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Connection is the greatest means of advancement toward the goal. It is the realization of our correction. The Creator helps us by giving us desires for…
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BECOMING THE CREATOR`S PARTNER THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday BECOMING THE CREATOR`S PARTNER -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Desire, Israel, (“straight to the Creator”) in a person gets reformed in stages, step by step since it must reach understanding and attainment according to its inner needs. In…
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WEDNESDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Tuesday UNITY – THE FORCE OF SALVATION -by Rabbi Michael Laitman We have reached a state where it is essential for us to unite. However, we mustn’t unite in order for each one of us to feel better, but because by…
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FRIDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Monday THE CREATOR TAKES CARE OF EVERYONE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: Usually, we rise after falling into the Klipot. Is there a state when you fall into them and can’t come back? Answer: No, this practically cannot happen because the Creator, the…
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HOW TO DEFEAT YOUR ENEMY THURSDAY PRAYER: MENTORSHIP POST LET`S WALK WITH THE RABBI READING: between afternoon and sunset of Wednesday KABBALISTIC HAIKU: HOW TO DEFEAT YOUR ENEMY -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Comment: Our viewers asked you to comment on your haiku. Observe your external enemies,Uncover your internal enemies,And win! My Response: Yes. It is precisely the…
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