READING: MID DAY SATURDAY ETERNAL SABBATH -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What is the “eternal Sabbath,” about which it is said that everything will be on the seventh day? Answer: The “eternal Sabbath” represents complete adhesion of the Creator and the created being. This is a feeling of complete correction. “Eternal rest” means that you have nothing to fight but…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET SATURDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The The 14th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. מיכ שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו, יודע תעלומות THE STATE OF SHABBAT IN TEN -Rabbi Michael Laitman Question: What is the state of Shabbat (Sabbath) in a Kabbalistic ten?…
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READING: DAWN SATURDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The MUSAF מוּסָף FOR SHABBAT: of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. “THE MITZVA OF TORAH” Hence, the student pledges, prior to the study,to strengthen himself in faith in the Creatorand in His guidance in reward and punishment,as our sages said, “Your landlord is…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) SATURDAY VIDUI: OMITTED ON SHABBAT RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: OMITTED ON SHABBAT TIKKUN RACHEL: OMITTED ON SHABBAT CONCLUSION OF TIKKUN RACHEL: OMITTED ON SHABBAT TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 24 תְּהִלִּים א לְדָוִד, מִזְמוֹר:לַיהוָה, הָאָרֶץ וּמְלוֹאָהּ; תֵּבֵל, וְיֹשְׁבֵי בָהּ. 1 A Psalm of David. {N}The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness…
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READING: BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND DAWN OF SATURDAY CHAPTER IX.RABBI AQIBA’S REGULATIONS ON DIFFERENT SUBJECTS.MISHNA I.: R. Aqiba said: Whence do we deduce that one who carries an idol is as unclean(ritually) as a woman suffering from menstruation? From the passage [Isaiah, xxx. 23]: “Thouwilt cast them away as a filthy thing. 1 ‘Get thee hence!’,…
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT SATURDAY Psalms Chapter 74 תְּהִלִּים ז שִׁלְחוּ בָאֵשׁ, מִקְדָּשֶׁךָ; לָאָרֶץ, חִלְּלוּ מִשְׁכַּן-שְׁמֶךָ. 7 They have set Thy sanctuary on fire; they have profaned the dwelling-place of Thy name even to the ground.
READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT SATURDAY THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and THE 15th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. “You birth me, support me and terminate me”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: DEMOLISHES FEELING OF VICTIMIZATION Exodus Chapter 38 שְׁמוֹת ו וַיַּעַשׂ אֶת-הַבַּדִּים, עֲצֵי שִׁטִּים; וַיְצַף אֹתָם, נְחֹשֶׁת. 6 And he…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 7 page 113. Read from right to left. ההה In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
READING: SUNSET FRIDAY REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY -by Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag The Torah, Exodus 20:8 – 20:11: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work; thou nor thy son, not thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET FRIDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The The 14th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. ההה שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו, יודע תעלומות SABBATH IS A KIND OF NEXT WORLD -Rabbi Michael Laitman Baal HaSulam, Shamati #190, “Every Action Leaves an Imprint”:…
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READING: DAWN FRIDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 10th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE If they (Israel) accept the religion (bestowalupon others in the form of “Love thy friendas thyself”), the Temple can be built and theancient glory restored. This would…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) FRIDAY VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים י כִּי-אֵפֶר, כַּלֶּחֶם אָכָלְתִּי; וְשִׁקֻּוַי, בִּבְכִי מָסָכְתִּי. 10 For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping, Psalms Chapter 137 תְּהִלִּים א עַל נַהֲרוֹת, בָּבֶל–שָׁם יָשַׁבְנוּ, גַּם-בָּכִינוּ: …
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY Psalms Chapter 74 תְּהִלִּים ו ועת וְעַתָּה, פִּתּוּחֶיהָ יָּחַד– בְּכַשִּׁיל וְכֵילַפּוֹת, יַהֲלֹמוּן. 6 And now all the carved work thereof together they strike down with hatchet and hammers.
READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and The 12th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) THE PRAYER OF Eighteen Sefirot. “My enemies will be alarmed and ashamed”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: AGING HARMONIOUSLY Exodus Chapter 38 שְׁמוֹת ד וַיַּעַשׂ לַמִּזְבֵּחַ מִכְבָּר, מַעֲשֵׂה רֶשֶׁת נְחֹשֶׁת, תַּחַת כַּרְכֻּבּוֹ מִלְּמַטָּה, עַד-חֶצְיוֹ. 4 And he…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 7 page 112. Read from right to left. ייז In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
SELICHOT סליחות READING: sunset of Thursday Genesis Chapter 25 בְּרֵאשִׁית ז וְאֵלֶּה, יְמֵי שְׁנֵי-חַיֵּי אַבְרָהָם–אֲשֶׁר-חָי: מְאַת שָׁנָה וְשִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה, וְחָמֵשׁ שָׁנִים. 7 And these are the days of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived, a hundred threescore and fifteen years. ARVUT: Celina Syuy
READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET THURSDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 11th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of The Eighteen Sefirot. ייז יחיד גאה לעמך פנה, זוכרי קדושתך QUESTIONS ABOUT SPIRITUAL WORK -Rav Michael Laitman Question: Why is it so difficult to think that there is none else…
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READING: DAWN THURSDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 10th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE If they (Israel) accept the religion (bestowalupon others in the form of “Love thy friendas thyself”), the Temple can be built and theancient glory restored. This would…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) THURSDAY VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים ט כָּל-הַיּוֹם, חֵרְפוּנִי אוֹיְבָי; מְהוֹלָלַי, בִּי נִשְׁבָּעוּ. 9 Mine enemies taunt me all the day; they that are mad against me do curse by me. Psalms Chapter 137 תְּהִלִּים ט אַשְׁרֵי, שֶׁיֹּאחֵז…
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT THURSDAY Psalms Chapter 74 תְּהִלִּים ה יִוָּדַע, כְּמֵבִיא לְמָעְלָה; בִּסְבָךְ-עֵץ, קַרְדֻּמּוֹת. 5 It seemed as when men wield upwards axes in a thicket of trees.
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