READING: SUNSET SATURDAY Wishing all friends a great SHALOSH SEUDOS, THIRD SHABBAT MEAL! GRACE ON THE SHALOSH SEUDOS, THE THIRD SHABBAT MEAL THE FIELD OF LIFE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman Rabash, “Love of Friends” (1984,#3): “And a certain man found him, and behold, he was wandering in the field. And the man asked him, saying, ‘What…
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READING: MID DAY SATURDAY BOUNDLESS LOVE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman “The need to bestow that stems from love never dies out. You’ll never be able to say “Enough!” On the contrary, the more you give, the greater your need to bestow will be. Otherwise it’s not love. If love is limited to a certain level…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET SATURDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The MUSAF מוּסָף FOR SHABBAT: of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. מבה אנא, אנא בכח, גדולת ימינך, תתיר צרורה AN ALTERNATIVE TO EGOISTIC FULFILLMENT -Rabbi MICHAEL LAITMAN Question: Is there any alternative to egoistic fulfillment? What does a person acquire as…
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READING: DAWN SATURDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The MUSAF מוּסָף FOR SHABBAT: of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. “THE MITZVA OF TORAH” Hence, the student pledges, prior to the study,to strengthen himself in faith in the Creatorand in His guidance in reward and punishment,as our sages said, “Your landlord is…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) SATURDAY VIDUI: OMITTED ON SHABBAT RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: OMITTED ON SHABBAT TIKKUN RACHEL: OMITTED ON SHABBAT CONCLUSION OF TIKKUN RACHEL: OMITTED ON SHABBAT TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 42 תְּהִלִּים ט יוֹמָם, יְצַוֶּה יְהוָה חַסְדּוֹ, וּבַלַּיְלָה, שִׁירֹה עִמִּי–תְּפִלָּה, לְאֵל חַיָּי. 9 By day the LORD will command His lovingkindness,…
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READING: BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND DAWN OF SATURDAY “Any one else, however,” etc. Our Mishna is not in accordance with that of R. Simeon b. Elazar(on page 145).Rabha in the name of R. Na’hman said: “If one carried out a thing the size of a dried fig with theintention of eating it, but changed his mind…
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT SATURDAY Psalms Chapter 78 תְּהִלִּים סד כֹּהֲנָיו, בַּחֶרֶב נָפָלוּ; וְאַלְמְנֹתָיו, לֹא תִבְכֶּינָה. 64 Their priests fell by the sword; and their widows made no lamentation.
READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT SATURDAY THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and THE 15th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. “Your awful right hand shall answer me”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: HEALING RIFTS Exodus Chapter 1 שְׁמוֹת כ וַיֵּיטֶב אֱלֹהִים, לַמְיַלְּדֹת; וַיִּרֶב הָעָם וַיַּעַצְמוּ, מְאֹד. 20 And God dealt well with…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE FRIDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 7 page 238. Read from right to left. נית In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
READING: SUNSET FRIDAY HOW TO RECEIVE THE UPPER ABUNDANCE -by Rabbi Michael Laitman You will thoroughly keep the Achoraim [posterior, back] for Me, for My name, then the abundance will do her thing and fill the letters. The qualities will become Sefirot, since before the filling they are called “qualities,” and upon their fulfillment for the best, they…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET FRIDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The The 14th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. נית שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו, יודע תעלומות SABBATH IS A KIND OF NEXT WORLD -Rabbi Michael Laitman Baal HaSulam, Shamati #190, “Every Action Leaves an Imprint”:…
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READING: DAWN FRIDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 13th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh ( שמנה עשרה ) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. THE ONES WHO MAKE THE TORAH They are the ones who make the Torah dry,for they do not wish to delve in the wisdomof Kabbalah. Woe unto them, for…
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READING: DAWN (MORNING) FRIDAY VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים כז הֵמָּה, יֹאבֵדוּ– וְאַתָּה תַעֲמֹד:וְכֻלָּם, כַּבֶּגֶד יִבְלוּ; כַּלְּבוּשׁ תַּחֲלִיפֵם וְיַחֲלֹפוּ. 27 They shall perish, but Thou shalt endure; {N}yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture…
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READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY Psalms Chapter 78 תְּהִלִּים סג בַּחוּרָיו אָכְלָה-אֵשׁ; וּבְתוּלֹתָיו, לֹא הוּלָּלוּ. 63 Fire devoured their young men; and their virgins had no marriage-song.
READING: AFTER MIDNIGHT FRIDAY THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and The 12th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) THE PRAYER OF Eighteen Sefirot. “My soul has longed for you”. WITH THE DIVINE POWER OF: HARMONIZES DISAGREEMENT Exodus Chapter 1 שְׁמוֹת יט וַתֹּאמַרְןָ הַמְיַלְּדֹת אֶל-פַּרְעֹה, כִּי לֹא כַנָּשִׁים הַמִּצְרִיֹּת הָעִבְרִיֹּת: כִּי-חָיוֹת הֵנָּה, בְּטֶרֶם תָּבוֹא אֲלֵהֶן…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to…
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READING: LATE EVE THURSDAY Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 7 page 237. Read from right to left. ננא In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
SELICHOT סליחות READING: sunset of Thursday Genesis Chapter 25 בְּרֵאשִׁית כה וַיֵּצֵא הָרִאשׁוֹן אַדְמוֹנִי, כֻּלּוֹ כְּאַדֶּרֶת שֵׂעָר; וַיִּקְרְאוּ שְׁמוֹ, עֵשָׂו. 25 And the first came forth ruddy, all over like a hairy mantle; and they called his name Esau. ARVUT: Celina Syuy
READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON AND SUNSET – THURSDAY TEVILAH (טְבִילָה): PURIFYING (WASHING OF THE BODY) RITUAL AFTER THE MAIN READINGS OF `PRAYER OF MANY´ THIS WEEK. To Demand Bestowal What do we have to do, in our internal environment, in order to reach mutual guarantee between us? We must demand the force of bestowal. We…
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READING: BETWEEN AFTERNOON & SUNSET THURSDAY MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 11th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of The Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of The Eighteen Sefirot. ננא יחיד גאה לעמך פנה, זוכרי קדושתך GRATITUDE EXPANDS THE KLI -Rav Michael Laitman Question: When I receive the revelation of the perfection of the Creator, where should I move…
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READING: DAWN THURSDAY SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 10th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE If they (Israel) accept the religion (bestowalupon others in the form of “Love thy friendas thyself”), the Temple can be built and theancient glory restored. This would…
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