Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 119.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
What does a particular name of the Creator mean? The name of the spiritual
object indicates the way one can receive the Light that fills it, the way one can
attain its spiritual degree. Generally speaking, the twenty-two letters are the ten
Sefirot-Kelim in the Ibur (embryonic phase) of the future Partzuf in the Sefira
Yesod, for that is where the screen of the embryo of the new Partzuf is located.
That is why Yesod is called a “number,” as it measures the size of a new Partzuf.
Bearing in mind that each name determines specific spiritual properties
and states of an object, one can understand what is meant by a change of name,
place, or action.
HaVaYaH is the basis of all the letters, but the filling of each letter clarifies the
letter itself. The filling of a letter is heard as the letter is pronounced. As we read
the letter Yod in the word HaVaYaH (Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey), we actually pronounce
three sounds (y-o-d); although we write only one letter, the sounds “o-Vav” and
“d-Dalet” are heard together with the sound “y.” When we say “Hey,” the sound
“ey”—Yod or “ey”—follows the sound “h.” Therein lies the clarification of the
name HaVaYaH in the process of its emergence.
The Creator’s form-properties are revealed in His deeds; hence, the three
lines in Bina (the Creator) are imprinted and act in His created beings (the lower
worlds) as a seal and its imprint. Therefore, the name MB exists in Bina, as well
as in ZA and Malchut. However, in ZA, this name is divided into the ten sayings
and thirty-two forces of creation of Elokim, which create Malchut, the creature.
Bina is designated by the letter Mem, Malchut—by Bet; the name MB designates
the creation of Malchut by Bina. The letter Aleph designates ZA, which passes all
the twenty-two letters (from Aleph to Tav) to Malchut (Bet). This is why Malchut
is called ET (Aleph pronounced as ‘E’-Tav).
Malchut is the central part of creation and its purpose. She is the only
creation and includes all the worlds with all that inhabits them, us included.
Depending on its states, parts of Malchut or Malchut herself (which is one and
the same) have different properties designated by the different letter combinations.
For this reason, Malchut’s parts receive various “codes” (combinations)
of letters (properties) or names.
All the words in the world originate here, in Malchut. There is not a
single property in the world that is not included in Malchut. Each property of
Malchut, each of the creatures (for all creatures are her parts) is designated by the property that distinguishes it from the others, by the unique set of lettersproperties
that forms its name.