Baal HaSulam. Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah
Part 2:
Baal HaSulam. Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah. (Explaining the Three Worlds Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya. #144)
Reading item #144 (00:27) “There are seven general principles…” Twice.
Reading item #145 (04:28) “The first discernment has already…” Twice.
Reading item #146 (07:00) “The second discernment is…” Twice.
Reading item #147 (09:39) “Since the Nukva…” Twice.
Reading item #148 (11:46) “Thus it is considered that…”
1. S. (14:11) Where are the worlds of BYA elicited, where do they come out of? We know Atzilut has the Reshimot Aleph Shoresh, why do all these worlds of BYA start to get created ?
R. From the incorporation.
S. Of?
R. The vessels if there wasn’t a shattering then obviously there wouldn’t be a source for the worlds.
S. It means it comes from the Nekudim, the world of BYA?
R. Yes.
S. We learned that the world of Atzilut is the world of correction, what’s the role of the worlds of BYA?
R. To ascend to the world of Atzilut and complete it.
Reading item number 149 (15:26) “The world of Assiya..”
2. R. (17:26) That’s how he finishes that depiction of all the worlds and now..
Reading item number 150:(17:46) “Now we shall explain the third discernment…”
3. R. (18:52) It attained.
Reading continues (18:53)
4. R. (19:57) You can see that in the book of the Gilan, the tree that we also have the drawings there whoever wants to go look at them afterwards.
Reading item 151: (20:10) “Now we should explain the 4th discernment…”
Reading item 152: (22:10) “The 5th discernment is the…”
Reading item 153: (23:12) “The 6th discernment is the..”
Reading item 154: (24:15) “The 7th discernment is the..”
5. R. (26:17) That’s it so up to here, we were actually, we heard about how all the worlds ABYA organized in face and posterior and now what he wants to explain is the ascents of the world so that’s not for now we will go to the third part of the lesson.