Man & God Mitzvot


Baal HaSulam. The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)

Morning Lesson July 24, 2022 Transcription

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 2

The Arvut

1. R. (00:16) It is clear that Israel are those who yearn for the Creator and connect in order to attain Him, and the connection between them is called Arvut so let us see what they say about it.

Reading (00:32 – 01:19) “This is to speak of the Arvut…” Page 392

2. S. (01:33) Exactly this excerpt, we want you to explain to us. I think we can invest all our time until the end of the lesson, until each one will say there is a love for the other, there’s satisfying all of their needs, the commandment the said, “we shall do and we shall”, all the Covenant, everything we have here in 6 lines.

R. So you direct me in Russian or Hebrew; in Russian, this is what the friends from the Congress asked, so what can I say here? In order to create the created beings and to give them the ability to attain the degree, the state, the sensation, the attainment on the degree of the Creator, for this we need the created beings to be able to feel because everything happens in the feelings and not in the mind, in that sense of sensation that is called a desire. So how will we be able to create and bring the desire to such a state that this desire can be able to feel the Creator, all of creation.

Because when we say “Creator”, we speak about the whole of reality that exists, all of creation that we can attain, so how does that happen? For this, creation is created the way we learn: from a desire that afterwards grows, swells up, to the extent that it equalizes to the Creator. Reveals that egoistic desire inside up there that is completely opposite of the Creator, it is destroyed, and now it needs to be resurrected from that state that is opposite to the Creator to the state that he is similar to the Creator.

So this is the path we have to go through. Part of this path that we go through in the preparation on our behalf that we do not feel ourselves yet, that is how it happened in our world, that there are two forces and by connecting between them they create all of the conditions for development of that child, of that new desire that comes from within them and develops independently. Also we need to do that, meaning we need to depict ourselves as independent desires that are controlled by the Creator on one hand, on the other hand, they are completely not dependent on. Meaning to determine what our freedom is and in what the dependency, that complete dependency, the lack of Independence and these two opposite forces inside of us need to work in parallel. We need to balance between them, connect between them and aim them so that they can add to one another, they can’t complete one another; and from the two contradicting forces, reception and bestowal, something will grow that is called ‘resemblance to the Creator’. Meaning to the extent that he has that force, that it has an oppositeness to the Creator, something that can help him resemble Him so that this created being will grow from that state will be called Adam, from the word ‘similar’, the translation means similar to the Creator, Adam. How do you obtain that?

That is attained by first of all the created being that was created by the Creator is completely opposite from Him and very small. And afterwards he keeps developing and growing, and the desire to discover the Creator awakens, it is not his own desire, it depends on the Creator, that’s the point in the heart, that’s how it’s called, and from this desire, this point in the heart, it grows awaken the growth of the egoistic desire. And in this way we develop until this state called ”thirteen years old”, or “Bar Mitzvah”, or “twenty years old”, that is in our development and we reach a state that we want whatever will happen from that egoistic desire, the initial desire that we already feel and determine is opposite to the Creator, we want to leave that desire and resemble the Creator, meaning to change our desire.

We cannot change our desire, the Creator created it as egoistic, as that will to receive, so what can we add to it? We can add the intention to bestow and that is our task, to receive the quality of bestowal from the Creator. That in us it will be felt as the intention to bestow, meaning we take upon ourselves, like, the seal of the Creator and the desires just remain the way they are. But above them the intention will be in control, the intention to bestow. This intention to bestow will start from zero, from the roots, as we say Tzimtzum, restricting the will to receive, that will keep going and develop the intention. The more the will to receive will grow and the intention to bestow above it will also grow.

That is how we will succeed for our nature through the will to receive, to constantly keep going and resemble the Creator because our intentions will be to bestow. Meaning, we will keep developing as created beings in the will to receive and resemble the Creator in the intention to bestow. And by that, the  meaning and this process comes to a summary, the process of our development, until all of our egoistic desires will appear and we’ll be able to close them with the intention to bestow. That is the path we have to go through together and now we are starting to enter this path, gradually. And here, the most important thing here, is that each of us will be ready to help the others because it is not helping someone else that I supposedly have to do but it is, actually, building myself as resembling the Creator. Meaning there is no mutual help in the way of aiding the others, we build ourselves and resemble the Creator. So it is not in the egoistical world but on the other hand, the mutual bestowal comes in our work, working in resemblance to the Creator, that is self building. Well, that is just the beginning.

S. No translation

R. This is to speak of the Arvut, the Mutual Guarantee, when all of Israel, all of those who yearn for the Creator, became responsible for one another because the Torah, the method of correction was not getting to them before each and everyone comes to a state where each one of them agreed to take upon himself, the Mitzvah, the commandant, the condition of loving others in the full measure expressed in the words “love your friend as yourself”, as explained in all of the measure, in all of its depth, in all of its height. Meaning that each one of these people will take upon himself the condition of caring and working for each member of the nation and all the people of the world, ,to satisfy all of their needs, all of their desires no less than the measure imprinted in him, in man’s nature the way he cares about himself.

S. Should I keep reading?

R. No, these five lines, everything is included there.

S. How to do it? It says, “until each one will do it nothing will happen”?

R. This is attained only by example where each one gives an example from himself to the others. I must show everyone, to present before everyone how much I am doing this for the others. And here now we can have a quick 5-minute workshop: in what way can I show the others howl I am concerned about everything, about my whole group?

WSQ (14:40 – 24:01) – How can I show others that I care for the whole group?

3. R. (24:21) Let us summarize that now we have a few announcements and these few words, these lines that you asked us about, they include everything we need to do. Until we do not reach this Arvut on the basis of love your friend as yourself, we will not receive the Torah, and that’s the upper light clothed in the desires. Meaning he is speaking about this general law, ‘love your friend as yourself’, that brings the main rule, law of all of reality, of all the universe, that so thanks to its existence, as a result of its existence you discover inside of you all of creation. Let us try to not forget about it and gradually come closer to it.

S. Forgive me if I won’t say it but you just said that the women gathered in Latvia to support the Congress here. She is writing that women are also having a very powerful Congress in Latvia and Moscow virtually that’s entirely parallel to our Congress, to . . . . They also have regular gatherings of women, led by women from around the world, where we scrutinize the role of women and we scrutinize that women cannot live and unite for themselves, but they live and unite for the sake of the men and the next generation of the world.

R. I completely agree, actually we the men have to learn from the women, how to do it. Their nature, to begin with, is more aimed outside of themselves and we have to try and resemble that too and correct ourselves. So what other announcements do we have?

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