Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 253
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
Hence, it is said that ten things were created in the twilight, when there is no
distinction between the thing itself and its origin, Bina or Malchut, for Malchut
herself shows no distinction. And such is the property of the staff that was created
in the twilight, before the world’s first Shabbat. Hence, it possesses the holy (special)
property of the Creator’s name, an allusion to the properties of Bina, from which
holiness (altruism) descends. And Malchut is ready to receive this holiness.
And these two properties of Bina and Malchut are contained in the Creator’s
staff, utterly indistinguishable from one another, for they were created in the
twilight. Hence, with the help of this staff, i.e., by means of the property of
uniting Malchut with Bina, all the fortunes and wonders, all of the Light can be
brought to Israel, for this is the purpose behind the Light’s descent from Bina
to Malchut. With the help of this property (the staff), Moshe merited an ascent
to Bina, up to the degree of “Godly man.” Therefore, the staff is called the
Creator’s staff, according to the name of Bina.
Malchut is called Tzur (rock), and upon ascending to Bina, she is called Sela
(another name for a rock). The inner Zivug between ZON (ZA and Malchut) in
the state of their ascent to AVI, when Nukva uses Ima’s Kelim, is called “speech.”
The outer Zivug between ZON, when they are in their own place, is called “Zivug
de Hakaa” (a Zivug by Striking).
It is hence written to Moshe in the weekly Torah portion Bashalach: “You
shall strike the rock (Tzur), and it shall bring forth water” (Shemot, 17:6), for
a Zivug de Hakaa occurs within Malchut herself. However, it is written in the
weekly portion Chukat: “Speak ye unto the rock before all eyes, that it give forth
its water” (Bamidbar, 20:8), for the “rock” is in Bina, and the Zivug within her is
called “speech.”
And herein lies the sin of Moshe: he struck twice: in addition to first
striking the Tzur, he struck the Sela, which lacks the strike, and only has a
Zivug in the form of speech. Since there is no distinction in the Creator’s staff,
and it is unclear whether it refers to Malchut or to Bina, he also applied it to
Sela-Bina. And the Creator told him that the staff was given to him to use with
Tzur, but not with Sela.
- At once He descended to him in strictness and wrenched the staff from
the Egyptian’s hand, for the moment the staff was taken from him, it was
taken for good. And he was killed by it: because of the sin of striking the rock
with the staff, he died and did not enter the Holy Land. And that Light was
concealed from Israel.