Man & God Mitzvot



Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 244

ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson

And, although it accumulates within all the Lights that emerge from it itself and
become revealed in the lower worlds, the Light of the end of correction remains
concealed nonetheless. It follows that after each degree disappears due to the
sins of the lower ones, it ascends to Rosh de Atik and conceals itself there.
However, Guf de Atik, from its Peh downward, is located inside all the other
Partzufim of the world of Atzilut, i.e., it is attainable by them. Thus, by clothing
in the Partzufim of the world of Atzilut, Atik shines through them and gives the
Light to them and to all the lower worlds of BYA. And any Light that shines on
creation during the 6,000 years comes only from Guf de Atik, and not from some
other spiritual object.
We usually say that whatever is present in the Rosh of a Partzuf manifests in
its Guf. This is also true with regard to all the Partzufim of the world of AK and
all the other Partzufim in all the worlds, except in Partzuf Atik! This is so because
Atik remains in Tzimtzum Aleph and descends down to our world. However, with
regard to other Partzufim below it, Atik acts as though it is in Tzimtzum Bet, making
a special Zivug on itself and the Light from it descends to the lower worlds.
The Light that comes to revive the worlds is called “sustenance” or Ohr
Hassadim, and the Light that comes to stimulate the growth of the Partzufim,
to turn a small Partzuf (Katnut) into a big one (Gadlut) is called Ohr Hochma.
Both these Lights originate in Guf de Atik. Ohr Hochma, which makes a Partzuf
big, is called the Light that elevates the Partzuf, for the lying position is called
Ibur (embryo), the sitting position is called Katnut (small), and the standing
position—Gadlut (big).

  1. He slew two—Ariel and Moav (Moab). Two Holy Temples existed thanks
    to Atik and received from it: the First Temple and the Second Temple. Since
    Atik’s disappearance, the process that stemmed from Above had ceased. It is
    as though he struck and destroyed them.
    Only Malchut de Malchut must be corrected, and nothing else. All the other
    properties do not require correction. This Malchut de Malchut is Malchut of Olam
    Ein Sof (the World of Infinity), Behina Dalet, Nukva de ZA or Partzuf BON—the
    Creator’s only creation, the will to receive (pleasure) for oneself. It is this desire
    that caused the breaking of the Kelim (vessels)—the sin of Adam.
    And all the work of the righteous during the 6,000 years concerns the
    correction of Malchut, so she becomes precisely as she was prior to the breaking
    of the Kelim and the sin of Adam. As a result, the great Zivug on Tzimtzum Aleph
    in Rosh de Atik will be revealed. The Light of this Zivug enables man to sort and
    separate his impure desires from the pure ones, and thus forever rid himself of
    the impure egoistic forces. This is exactly what Prophet Yeshayahu writes about:
    “He will eradicate death forever” (Yeshayahu, 25:8).

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