Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 235
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
- He said to him: “Who appointed you to walk here and be a donkey driver?”
He replied: “The letter Yod waged war with two letters, Chaf and Samech, for
me to come and join. The letter Chaf did not want to leave its place because it
has to support those who fall, for without a screen, they cannot survive.” - The letter Yod came to me alone, kissed me and wept with me. It said to
me, “My son, what can I do for you? I disappear from many good deeds and
from secret, supernal, basic letters. But I shall return to you and will be of
help to you. And I shall give you two letters that are more exalted than those
that have disappeared—the letters Yod and Shin. They shall become for you a
treasury that is forever full. So, my son, go and drive the donkeys. And that is
why I am here in this role.”
As we already know, the donkey driver is an auxiliary force given to someone
who wishes to ascend to a higher spiritual degree on his path toward the Creator,
just as donkeys carry people on their backs, thereby helping them travel from
one place to another. As this happens, the righteous one falls from his previous
degree and enters the embryonic state of the new degree, just as the soul that
came to help him. However, the property of Ibur-embryo (Ibur is also derived
from the word Haavarah, crossing) means that all the Light that it had in the
previous degree disappears upon the conception (Ibur) of a new, Higher Degree.
And that is what they wanted to know of the donkey driver: “How did the
Creator bring you here in the state of Ibur, in our state of Ibur, as a result of which
the Light in us has disappeared? Who lowers you from the Higher Degrees?”
And that is why the donkey driver replied that the letter Yod waged war against
the letters Chaf and Samech, to join with them. The degree of Hassadim is called
Samech (Ohr Neshama).
“When the time has come for you to attain Ohr Haya (Yod from HaVaYaH,
the degree from which I descended to help you to attain Ohr Haya), Hochma
really wanted to connect Ohr Neshama (that was previously in you) to me. And
here Yod wages war against Chaf and Samech. Malchut of the Upper Partzuf
clothes in the lower Partzuf, designated by the letter Chaf. There used to be Ohr
Neshama, and now there is Ohr Haya, whereas Yod, which desires Ohr Neshama
as well, merges with it, and rejects the Chaf.”
This is so because the connection between the degrees, from the Highest
Degree in the world of Atzilut to the end of the world of Assiya, is realized only
by Malchut of the Upper One descending to the lower one and clothing in it.
Malchut of the Upper One herself cannot descend from her degree of YESHSUT
(the degree of Neshama) even for a moment, as the chain connecting the degrees
would be instantly broken.