Man & God Mitzvot



Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 224

ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson

  1. However, the third day may be better described as one that reveals the
    creation of the first three days, as it is written: LET THE EARTH BRING
    FORTH GRASS. That is to say, the revelation of the earth’s (Malchut’s) deeds
    already took place on the third day. Yet, although it was written on the third
    day, Tifferet, it was actually the fourth day, Malchut. Malchut joined the
    third day, for Tifferet and Malchut are inseparable. And then the fourth day
    revealed its deeds—to elucidate the work of each and every one of HGT, for
    the fourth day is the “fourth leg” of the Supernal Throne (the Sefira Bina),
    whose four legs are HGTM (Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, and Malchut).

In other words, Malchut is gradually created from Sefirot HGT of ZA in three
days, and forms on the fourth day as the Sefira Netzah de ZA. Hence, at this stage in
her growth, Malchut is referred to as fourth from the Patriarchs. And then Shabbat
comes to our land (Malchut is called both land/earth and Shabbat). The state that
Malchut achieves as a result of her growth from Sefirot NHY of ZA is called Shabbat
on earth. And this state she attains as the seventh Sefira from all the Sefirot of ZA.
The first three days are not revealed in Malchut, for as long as a Partzuf
lacks Malchut, it is defined as concealed or secret. The weekdays are defined so.
And when Malchut completely attains the degree where she stands, she thereby
attains herself. This state is defined as Shabbat.
However, if Malchut receives from the six Sefirot de ZA, shouldn’t they (the six
weekdays) be more important than Malchut-Shabbat (inferior Sefira with regard
to those she receives from)?
The truth is that all the weekdays constitute individual degrees of correction
(weekdays’ work) that are devoid of Malchut. Hence, they are called “weekdays,”
for a Partzuf without Malchut is considered a closed degree, unable to receive
Light, and is therefore deprived of holiness. After all, in the absence of Malchut,
there is no GAR of the Light, Ohr Hochma. And only when Malchut is revealed
in the Partzuf (signifying the arrival of Shabbat) is the holiness of the ENTIRE
degree revealed; ENTIRE, because all six days receive what they have earned,
and the Light shines in all the weekdays thanks to them alone.
When the first three days of creation HGT emerged before the emergence
of Malchut, these three Sefirot were devoid of Light, i.e., they were concealed.
And when Malchut appeared, the fourth day arrived, and the importance and
holiness of all four days manifested, for Malchut complements the entire degree,
and the perfection of creation becomes revealed thanks to her. In the language
of Kabbalah, this is described in the following way: all six days of creation are
Ohr Hochma, and Shabbat is Ohr Hassadim. Ohr Hochma is present on weekdays,
but cannot shine for lack of Ohr Hassadim, and when Ohr Hassadim arrives on
Shabbat, all the Ohr Hochma shines thanks to this Ohr Hassadim of Shabbat.

  1. There is fire, water and air—HGT—the three first days of creation.
    Although they are the initial Supernal foundations of all that will follow,
    their actions are not revealed until the earth, meaning Malchut, reveals them.
    Only then does the work of each of the Supernal foundations reveal itself.
    Hence, the power of the first three days is revealed only on the fourth.

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