Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 210
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson

In other sources, such as the Talmud (Bava Batra, 58:2), this is described
as Adam’s ascent to the level of the sun (ZA de Atzilut). This Light is called
“Zihara Ilaa” (Zihara is the Aramaic word for Zohar in Hebrew or “radiant
Light” in English).
As a result of his sin, Adam fell spiritually to the level of our corporeal world
(Talmud, Hagigah, 12:1). And instead of NRN de Atzilut that he used to receive
before his fall, he now receives the Light from the worlds BYA that are below
Parsa. And as a result of Adam’s sin, Heaven (ZA) and earth (Malchut) of the
world of Atzilut descended to the level of VAK de ZA and the point of Malchut
respectively, as they descended below Tabur de Partzuf AA.
And the righteous that live in this world, but already exist spiritually in
the spiritual worlds of BYA, are entrusted with the task of correcting all that
transpired through Adam’s fault, and to return, to renew the Heavens and the
earth (ZON de Atzilut) and elevate them to AVI and AA—ZA to AA and Malchut
to AVI, as it was before the sin. And as a result of their work, the righteous will
receive the Light of the world of Atzilut that the corrected Adam is entitled to,
for they (their souls, spiritual Kelim or inner spiritual Partzuf) are his parts.
- However, even before the sin, Adam was not in the perfect state for which
the Creator had created him. Hence, after the righteous correct the consequences
of Adam’s sin and attain NRN de Atzilut, which existed in Adam before the sin,
new work awaits them—to receive new Upper Light that has yet to descend. In
other words, if the first goal is to correct the sin, the second is to attain even
more. It is called to “create new Heaven and earth,” new properties of ZON, in
which new, Higher Light can be received.
This new level or degree that has never been present in any Kli is described
as “neither hath an eye seen the Creator beside thee,” and the degrees which the righteous attach to the worlds are called “new Heaven” and “new earth,” for they are truly new and have never before existed in reality.