“Tearing in order to sew together with two stitches.” Was there any tearing done at the
tabernacle? Both Rabba and R. Zera said: When a curtain became moth-eaten, they tore out the
moth-eaten part and sewed it together.
R. Zutra b. Tobiah in the name of Rabh said: “To rip a seam on the Sabbath makes one liable; to
learn from a magician is a sin involving capital punishment; one who knows the science of
astronomy and does not make use of it, is not worth being spoken of.” What is a magician? Rabh
says a “wizard.” Samuel says a “blasphemer.” R. Simeon b. Pazi in the name of R. Joshua b.
Levi said: Whoever knows the science of astronomy, and does not occupy himself with it is the
party alluded to [Isaiah, v. 12]: “But the deeds of the Lord they regard not and the works of his
hands they behold not.” Said Samuel b. Na’hmeni in the name of R. Jonathan: “Whence the
adduction that we are bound to learn astronomy?” From the passage [Deut. iv. 6]: “Keep,
therefore, and do them, for this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of the
nations.” And what kind of wisdom is before the eyes of the nations? You must say that it is
“Hunting deer.” The rabbis taught: To catch a slug and squeeze it so that it bleed is a
transgression involving only a sin-offering. R. Jehudah says, involving two sin-offerings, for R.
Jehudah holds that squeezing comes in the class of threshing, but the rabbis told him that
squeezing is not threshing. What reason do the rabbis give for their opinion? Said Rabha: Their
reason is that threshing can only be applied to produce of the soil.
“Slaughtering.” Under which category? Rabh said “dyeing,” and Samuel said “taking life.” Said
Rabh: “I said something which may seem absurd, and so as to prevent future generations from
deriding me I will give a reason for what I said: Butchers are in the habit of coloring the throat
of the carcasses with blood, in order that people may see (that the meat is still fresh) and be
induced to buy.”
“Salting the hide,” etc. Is not salting a hide preparing it? Both R. Johanan and Resh Lakish said:
“Strike out one of them in the Mishna and substitute it with ‘marking.’
“Scraping the hair off,” etc. R. Aha b. Hanina said: To polish a floor on the Sabbath is a
transgression of the same order as scraping off the hair of the hide. Said R. Hyya b. Abba: R. Ashi told me three things in the name of R. Joshua b. Levi: Sawing rafters on the Sabbath (that they may be equal in size and pointed) makes one liable the same as “cutting.” Daubing a plaster on a piece of cloth makes one liable the same as “scraping hair off.” Smoothing a stone makes one culpable of “hammering.”
R. Simeon b. Kisma in the name of R. Simeon b. Lakish, said: Painting pictures on vessels or
blowing out glassware makes one culpable the same as hammering. R. Jehudah said: Removing
a border from cloth also makes one as culpable as hammering; but only in case one is particular
about having the border remain on his cloth.