[paragraph continues] Is there not a Boraitha which teaches that he is? This presents no difficulty. R.
Ashi refers to food served in a basket or a bowl, but R. Jeremiah learned that the man sifted the
food in a sieve.
When R. Dimi came to Babylon he related: It happened on a Sabbath, when R. Bibhi’s turn
came to entertain the disciples, that R. Ami and R. Assi arrived. R. Bibhi placed before them a
basket filled with fruit (together with the leaves and sprigs), and I am not aware what his reason
was. Was he of the opinion that it is forbidden to separate food from trash, or was it his
Hyzkiyah said: “One who shells pressed lupines (on the Sabbath) is culpable.” Does this mean
to say that it is forbidden to separate food from trash? Nay; there is quite a difference where
pressed lupines are concerned; they must be scalded just seven times and immediately shelled,
for if they are not immediately shelled they become putrid; therefore to shell them is equal to
separating trash from good food.
“Grinding.” Said R. Papa: To chop beets is the same as to grind. Splitting wood for kindling is
the same as grinding. Said R. Ashi: Splitting leather is the same class of work as cutting by
measure (if he is particular about it).
“Kneading, baking.” R. Papa said: “The Tana of the Mishna omitted the cooking of spices that
took place in the tabernacle and instead of that taught about baking.” It is because the Tana
follows the order of baking (first comes kneading, then baking, and cooking is included in the
“Wool-shearing, bleaching.” Rabba b. b. Hana in the name of R. Johanan said: Spinning wool
from a live animal on the Sabbath makes one liable for three sin-offerings; one for shearing, one
for carding, and one for spinning. R. Kahana, however, said: This is not the way shearing,
carding, and spinning are done (hence he is not at all culpable).
If one plucked quills, cut off their tops, and singed them on both sides, the rabbis taught that he
is liable for three sin-offerings.
“Tying, untying.” What kind of tying and untying was done at the construction of the tabernacle?
Rabha, others say R. Ilayi, said: This is the way of the (snail) fishers; to untie their nets from one
load and tie them on another.
“Sewing on with two stitches.” But two stitches do not hold (hence it cannot be called work)?
Said Rabba b. b. Hana in the name of R. Johanan: Provided two knots are made, one at each end.