Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 204
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
These higher, altruistic desires are referred to as desires of Bina or as MAN
de Bina, and the reception of Light in them (Zivug) is made not on egoism
(Malchut herself), but on the will to bestow, called Ateret Yesod. This Zivug is
therefore sufficient to fill only the first nine Sefirot in Malchut, but does not
fill Malchut herself.
Prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) writes in this regard: โWho are you with,
partners? I started the worlds, and you are to complete them!โ The correction of
Malchut de Malchut is incumbent solely upon the creatures. Hence, when the sea
ruler was told: โLet the waters be gathered together unto one place,โ he objected
and did not wish to swallow up the created waters, for due to the uncorrected
state of Malchut de Malchut, the impure forces prevailed and ruled over him.
And that is why he was killed.
However, these tears correct Malchut de Malchut, and thus revive the sea
ruler so that he would rise from the dead, sanctify the name of the Lord, fulfill
the Creatorโs will, and swallow up the primeval waters. For then, all the impure
forces, all the evil in the world will disappear and all (desires) will gather in one
place (property), whose name is Atzilut. This is because the world of Atzilut will
spread from the end of the world of AK down to our world, and there will come
the end of correction, for the worlds of BYA will return in their properties to
the world of Atzilut.
In the future, at the end of correction, after the correction of the first nine
Sefirot of Malchut, when only Malchut de Malchut, the last, tenth Sefira, remains
to be corrected, when all the nations of the world (Malchut de Malchut) unite to
destroy Israel (the first nine Sefirot of Malchut, the desire to correct all the ten
Sefirot of Malchut), the act of the sea ruler will be revealed in that he will swallow
up all the primeval, evil waters, and the waters (severe restrictions) will dry up, and
the sons of Israel (those who aspire for the Creator) will walk through dry land.
The prophet Micha (Micah) says of this: โAs we fled the land of Egypt, we
saw wonders.โ However, this was only the beginning, for it was only in the End
Sea (the Red Sea; the Hebrew name signifies the end of Malchut, or Malchut de
Malchut), and only for a limited time. But, at the end of correction, death will
disappear forever.
This is how Matat explained his oath: the Creator never forgets Malchut,
which is cast in the dust. For even though a daily Zivug with the Shechina is made
on only 390 firmaments, on the nine Sefirot of Malchut and not on Malchut de
Malchut itself, which remains lying in the dust, and, as it seems to us, completely
forgotten by the Creator, nothing could be further from the truth. In truth,
He corrects it with each Zivug, because with each Zivug, as a result of the 390
firmaments being struck, the tears fall outside. And these tears are not lost, but
fall into the Great Sea (Malchut de Malchut), which receives from them slow, yet
gradual corrections, even if it is the Light of Hochma without the clothing of
the Light of Hassadim. As it becomes more and more corrected, the sea ruler is
revived until the tears accumulate to the necessary amount for the correction of
the entire Malchut, so that all of her intentions would be for the Creatorโs sake.