Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 203
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
The Upper Light wishes to fill the desire to enjoy that it created, as it is said,
“the Creator wishes to dwell in His creatures below.” The Light and the Creator
are one and the same; after all, man defines the sensation of the Creator as
spiritual Light. And this Upper Light strives to force its way through the screen
and enter man’s desires, but the screen hurls it back. Thus, this repelled Upper
Light becomes Returning Light, which designates man’s altruistic intentions to
bestow delight upon the Creator.
As a result of the collision with the screen, portions of the Light fall
outside, for these tears originate from the Creator’s love and compassion for
His creation. In our world, this spiritual action results in an emission of tears
in an individual overwhelmed with suffering and love. However, spiritual tears
do not disappear.
This is described in Song of Songs (8:6): “For love is as strong as death,
jealousy is as cruel as hell; the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, the very flame
of the Lord!” This is because these tears stem from the Upper One’s love and
compassion for the lower one. And just as flaming tears shed by someone in our
world burn, so do the boiling and burning Upper tears burn like fire, like the
very flame of the Lord!
Being related to the property of Hochma, Malchut is called “sea.” It is
therefore said that the tears (Light of Hochma without first being clothed in
Light of Hassadim) fall into the sea, Malchut. And it is written that the many
sea waters will not extinguish the Creator’s love for His creatures, expressed
in these tears.
It was said during the creation of the world: “Let the waters be gathered
together unto one place” (Beresheet, 1:9). But the angel that governed the sea did
not wish to swallow these waters, and was hence killed (was emptied of Light).
Now, as the tears fall, he is revived.
The reason for this is that during the creation of the world, Malchut de
Malchut itself had not undergone any kind of correction, as the Creator created
the worlds ABYA in a special correction, called MAN de Bina or Ateret Yesod,
and not MAN de Malchut or Malchut de Malchut. In other words, correction is
possible only if man corrects not Malchut de Malchut itself (his essence), but,
while completely refraining from its use (use of egoism), he acquires higher,
altruistic desires from Bina and receives the Creator’s Light in them (in Sefirot
KHB-ZA de Malchut, in 390 Sefirot).