Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 202
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
Therefore, the screen that is called “the firmament” and that makes a Zivug
with the Upper Light by reflecting it consists of 390 parts, for the part of Malchut de
Malchut is lacking. The firmament is therefore said to consist of 390 firmaments,
and on it a daily Zivug with the Shechina is made, whereas a Zivug on the dust,
which signifies the ten parts of Malchut de Malchut, is forbidden. The impact
between the screen and the incoming Light resembles shuddering from fear to
receive the Light inside of oneself, beyond the limits of one’s restrictions.
There are five Sefirot in the Rosh (head) of a Partzuf:
Keter Galgalta (or Metzach) forehead
Hochma Eynaim eyes
Bina Awznayim ears
ZA Hotem nose
Malchut Peh mouth
Just as the secretion from one’s physiological eyes is called tears, the secretion
of the Light of Hochma from the part of the spiritual Kli called “eyes” is referred
to as “tears.” Tears constitute the part of the Light that is rejected by the Partzuf
due to the absence of a screen on Malchut de Malchut. All the Light that comes to
a Partzuf wishes to enter and fill it with its pleasure, even the part of the Partzuf
that has no screen to receive with altruistic intentions. Therefore, the screen
immediately repels this portion of the Light.
But between the strike of the Light from Above and the resistance of the
screen from below, tiny drops of Light seep through the screen, which, due to its
hurry, is unable to repel them. These drops have nothing to do with the level of
Hochma of the Partzuf, as they lack the clothing of the Returning Light. They exit
the Partzuf Hochma and receive the name “tears.” But it is nonetheless Light!
This is similar to a state where we are filled with tears of compassion for
another person. Indeed, all that exists in our world exists because it derives
from its spiritual prototype, and all that transpires in this world, transpires only
because it stems from its Upper, spiritual root.
After all, the fact that the Upper Light strikes the screen, trying to break
through its restriction, stems from its origin in the Highest Place, the Creator
Himself, and is unrelated to the creature’s desire to receive this Light within
the bounds of its altruistic capabilities. The Light stems from the world of
Infinity, from the Creator Himself, long before the Kli appeared and wished
to restrict itself.