Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 186-187.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
Only one Sefira (Malchut de Malchut) out of the fifty does not receive the
Light. This is because until all the Kelim (desires) have been completely corrected,
the Light cannot enter it, as it is known in advance that Malchut de Malchut has
no strength to oppose such a powerful egoistic desire to receive pleasure.
Instead of being in Malchut de Malchut, the screen stands in Yesod de
Malchut, and this place is called Brith (Covenant), the place where the Mitzva of
circumcision must be kept, so as to make a Zivug not on Malchut herself (on the
first restriction), but on Yesod, or rather, Ateret Yesod (on the second restriction).
Malchut de Malchut itself is called “Shaar Nun” (the 50th gate). This refers to
Malchut of each Partzuf in the worlds ABYA.
And although Malchut of Partzuf AVI descends from NE de AVI to her place
in Peh, while AHP and YESHSUT that clothe them ascend to the degree of
AVI, and AVI merges with YESHSUT into one Partzuf, as a result of which,
Ohr Hochma descends to them from AA, AVI are unwilling and therefore do
not receive anything from Ohr Hochma, and remain only with Ohr Hassadim, as
though Malchut had never even descended from Eynaim to Peh.
Therefore, it is impossible to tell by the Light of AVI whether Malchut is
located at the NE or at the Peh. On the contrary, by looking at AVI, it always
seems to us that Malchut stands at NE. Only by the state of YESHSUT can we
determine Malchut’s location, for when she ascends to AVI in Gadlut (big state),
YESHSUT receive Ohr Hochma.
Although Malchut herself can receive Ohr Hochma in AVI, since AVI receive
no Ohr Hochma whatsoever, they do not utilize their own Malchut. Since
YESHSUT already has Ateret Yesod instead of Malchut, it receives the Light or
“opens up,” whereas AVI remain closed.
However, the absence of the 50th gate, the Zivug on Malchut herself in
YESHSUT, causes the absence of the corresponding Light of Hochma in all the
Partzufim. It is written about it: “fifty gates of Bina, and all are given to Moshe,
except for one, the last secret of the absence of the Upper Light.” For this
Upper Light can be received only within the Kelim (desires) of Malchut herself,
of primordial egoism, which will occur at the end of all the corrections, at the
completion of the 6,000 years.
- Those gates have one lock with a narrow space inside for inserting the
key. It is unmarked, and recognized only by the impress of the key, which is
unknown in that narrow space, but only in the key itself. And it is written of
CREATOR CREATED). “In the beginning” is the key, and all is concealed
within it, as it unlocks and locks. And six gates are contained in this key,
which locks and unlocks. When it locks those gates, encloses them within
itself, it is written IN THE BEGINNING (BERESHEET): a revealed word,
though it is usually concealed. BARAH (CREATED) is a concealed word
everywhere, implying that the key unlocks it and locks it up.