Man & God Mitzvot



Rabash. What is Unfounded Hatred in the Work. 24 (1987)

Morning Lesson July 26, 2023

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation, which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio.

Part 1:

Rabash. Article No. 24 (1987). What Is Unfounded Hatred in the Work?

1. Rav’s Introduction: (00:30) Yes, this is indeed odd. Why is it that we have to reach the degree of unfounded hatred, it’s the opposite, we should be far away from it if there’s such a thing, so what is that? How do we overcome it or maybe that’s not worthwhile? Let’s see.

Reading Rabash. Article No. 24 (1987). (01:03)  What Is Unfounded Hatred in the Work?

2. S. (31:31) It says they kept the Torah and Mitzvot and charity, but then how could they have unfounded hatred? What does that mean then Torah and Mitzvot and charity?

R. Torah and Mitzvot is the positive force that one can summon towards himself and by that he improves.

S. How is it that they observe the Torah and Mitzvot and charity internally and not externally, but this brings to unfounded hatred?

R. What were they lacking?

S. Apparently connection, love.

R. Yes.

S. How, if a person keeps Torah and Mitzvot in the sense that we understand this. How can this bring to unfounded hatred?

R. What is then revealed in such a way you observe, you follow.

S. I don’t understand.

R. The light influences you with Torah and you do the Mitzvot meaning you correct your desires because you don’t want to use them in order to receive; but it still doesn’t give you strength to be in order to bestow, not in connection yet.

S. Yes, there is a direction here we try and here suddenly the temple is ruined?

R. What is missing in what’s required of a person right now? In the first temple unfounded hatred was missing, now they have unfounded hatred. They were lacking the force of bestowal, that force of bestowal can only be received from the Creator.

3. S. (35:05) I don’t understand what is this unfounded hatred in the will to receive? There’s always a profit in this calculation, there’s a reason for unfounded hatred, some kind of force that brings ruin. What is this force in Hebrew unfounded hatred is free hatred?

R. That there’s no reason for now what you feel towards the other.

S. How can it be now there’s no reason?

R. How can that be? You feel hatred towards the friend’s rejection, distance, and there’s no justification for it?

S. But we say that only a child or a madman can do things without any reason without justification because a normal person always needs justification?

R. No, that’s because of the evil inclination in them, that it’s not that they themselves are to blame. The Creator said I created the evil inclination so that we identify the difference between me and you.

4. S. (36:33) About unfounded hatred, what I understood from the article it’s that unfounded hatred, or free hatred, is that I hate the fact that I need to connect with the friends in the Ten. Let’s say I perform Torah and Mitzvot and charity. I hate the fact that I’m being asked to do it without receiving any reward for myself, to work for free. This is what I hate about that work, and this is what brought the shattering of the second temple?

R. Yes.

S. It’s not that I hate the friend, let’s say he annoys me or I disapprove of how he speaks and this is what brings ruin. The ruin is something that is internal, deep, of someone who is doing spiritual work and discovers at the end of it he connects with the friends so that he himself will profit, but he is asked not to do it any more. He is asked to stop thinking about himself profit and this is what he hates.

R. Yes.

S. Especially now during our times during these days in the people of Israel and in general in the world it’s like a reminder that we are not really talking about people in the street hating each other. This is a sign that the ruin is coming. According to what Rabash writes here, it’s completely unrelated. He’s not talking about that. Unfounded hatred is an inner concept unrelated to what we see on the streets now, to hatred among nations, it is an incorrect interpretation, right?

R. That’s right, why are you trying to interpret what you think of as what you see on the streets.

S. Because many times in our dissemination an explanation and even about myself I can say that until I was reading it now with everything happening in the world. You know we hear about unfounded hatred and we use this expression so many times to look what’s happening in the world it’s hatred will bring about ruin that’s not precise. This hatred is unrelated to the ruin that we’re talking about here or maybe with respect to the public it is relevant and we should explain it this way?

R. To the public. To the broad public yes it is relevant, because really why do you suddenly hate the other?

S. He thinks in a way that I believe may harm me?

R. Who is harming you?

S. He chooses to lose his life and let’s say he wants to force some way of life that will change the way I live and I resist it. I don’t want it so I hate him. I feel that I’m justified in that.

R. Okay.

5. S. (39:30) We also heard like the friend and Rabash define it nicely that the unfounded hatred of free hatred means that they hated working for free so unfounded hatred is it a necessary state?

R. Everyone hates working without a reward.

S. How do we switch from unfounded or free hatred to free love?

R. If you see benefit in giving truly, then for you it becomes salvation. You’re being saved, you’re allowed to ascend to transcend your innate nature.

S. What is the free gift here?

R. Free gift is that you’re given for free and you, well this is the question, can you refuse, can you refuse? The Creator is above our nature and if he wants he plants in your nature whatever he wants, and here is man’s free choice. Does he want that, what he receives from the Creator or not.

S. It’s unclear, the Creator plants within me unfounded hatred. He can also give me a free gift and take me out to free love, where am I here?

R. You agreed with it or not?

S. What does it mean, can I not agree with the unfounded hatred?

R. Probably, yes.

S. What is my force of resistance or my force of agreement? Where is my force here?

R. That you see that before you. How it happens between you and others.

S. How is the agreement, my agreement, expressed?

R. That you can either be in hatred of friends or love of friends.

S. Okay, but these are states that the Creator plants within me?

R. No, you by your work with the friends you can move from hate to love.

S. How?

R. What do you mean how? By corporeal actions you can come to a degree where you demand an inner, fundamental change?

S. But you’re saying the Creator plants everything within me. All of the states the Creator plants them in me, so what do I do here?

R. You can choose your future quality which you’ll receive for your effort.

S. What does that mean?

R. It means that if you labor, you can reach a state where you get a new quality.

6. S. (43:29) It said in the article that the force is to against nature, so what do they want from us if they don’t have the strength to go against nature?

R. That we ask.

S. That we ask for what?

R. To receive a quality that’s opposite to my nature.

S. To ask for that, do we have the power to do it?

R. Seemingly, yes. Yes. Well, yes we can ask for it.

S. Seemingly as if?

R. We start from make believe from as if, and then through the light that reforms from as if we want it we come to a complete desire for it.

S. But it’s just as if it’s as if it is the complete opposite of me, so how can I ask for something which is the opposite of me as if?

R. Even how it’s opposite to you is not something you really understand. A person begins this new degree from not thinking, not believing, not being aware that it is opposite to Him.

S. At some point we reach the scrutiny of the unfounded hatred, free hatred, that he hates this free gift giving he hates it, it’s opposite him, it’s opposite of his nature, so what is he asking for? What is He giving me that is the opposite of me? He gives me what I hate, who is the one who asks for these things?

R. Yes. Yes, these two forces, in favor and against, are working within him, both in order to receive and in order to bestow, these two forces work in him and thus he advances.

7. S. (45:39) The ruin of the second temple, if they observed, it’s almost the same question that a friend asked before, but I didn’t really get an answer. If they kept charity and Torah and Mitzvot, how come there was a ruin?

R. No translation.

S. Their intention, their intention was incomplete, not correct because he writes in the next paragraph that the order of the work is that at first we have to keep Torah and Mitzvot and charity and this is what brings you. That’s the beginning of the work. This is what brings you the intention so how come to begin with there is need for the ruin if necessarily you need to get into these actions?

R. Well today I’m a little bit sick with a fever.

8. S. (46:57) It’s unclear how they were even successful in building a structure, a temple. In the first temple everything was ruined, broken. So what force let them build and reach that degree that they have reached after which suddenly there is a ruin because they don’t manage to keep advancing. Then everything is completely ruined. How come something suddenly bad was revealed to them, but what was holding them until then?

R. Soon you will understand that in order to reach sanctity we have to go through the ruin, and the ruin is a stage in the construction of the building. Each time we want to reach something first it has to be destroyed and ruined and then one has to build it by himself. We get it from above we get something from above it has to do not have any power by which we can build anything or do anything correctly, but rather only by building and destroying, building and destroying.

S. We build and then we discover every time we go to a higher degree we discover that our foundations are incorrect and everything has to be ruined down to the foundation then rebuilt?

R. Yes.

S. They built it and then reached the degree of discovering their foundation was then incorrect and it was ruined?

R. Yes.

9. S. (40:09) To continue, he said in the article that unfounded hatred is the hatred of working for free and it’s as if it has nothing to do with the hatred that appears between man and man. We kind of agreed that it’s disconnected, but I feel it is connected because we say love thy friend as thyself is the great rule of the Torah, so how is it connected? The hatred of working for free, not wanting to bestow, how does it also lead to hatred of others?

R. Repeat please?

S We translate unfounded hatred that it also arrives at hatred between people, and in the article he says it’s hatred of working for free, working in order to bestow. I wanted you to make a link between not wanting to work for free, hating that and hating others unfounded hatred of others.

R. Because where is it manifested? It’s manifested between me and the others. This is why instead of hating the work I hate the source of it, the address, to whom is it that I need to work for?

S. If I can’t make actions without wanting to receive the benefit into myself unnecessarily arrive at hatred as well?

R. Yes, it will become clear soon it’s just that today I’m completely not myself.

10. S. (51:35) I want to clarify the matter of robbing or stealing. How do I steal correctly? It sounds like, always like something you don’t do but here, it appears to be the only thing you do to steal the actions from reception to bestow? How do I do that?

R. I’m completely disconnected, I apologize, I can’t hear even. 

Reading Rabash. Article No. 24 (1987): (52:30) What Is Unfounded Hatred in the Work? Again.

11. R. (01:21:30) How is the article? Today you cannot ask me. I’m ready only to hear, but answering, thinking, speaking, maybe tomorrow or the next day, it will pass.

12. S. (01:22:01) We spoke about it also yesterday, and also recently, feel that Rabash articles that we once read,nand again today that we feel that it is like we read them anew.

R. That’s true.

S. What is going on? Are we changing all the time? What is going on here? What is happening? How is this happening?

R. Everything is changing since each and every article is related to the upper light. It comes to us fulfillment and it conveys it to us and this is how it works every time. Because the conduit between us, and as a conduit between us and the upper force. Yes, it is very special. Rabash did something that no one did before him. You do not know yet what is going on, what he did in general and all of creation. Actually in his modesty, humility, you did not feel anything. He was very closed down, very much. I’m talking about spirituality. In corporeality, he was willing to tell jokes. He also used to work during all the years. He worked with laborers, house builders. That is why he had an opportunity and ability to relate to everyone. I used to go with him to the sauna. I used to give him beatings with a broom. He used to talk to everyone in the way that no one would feel who he is, just like anybody else. That is it, very unique.

S. Something as an addition for a long time we’ve been reading bits and pieces because we were maybe afraid that we would not be able to stay concetrated with the world of Kli with us, now there’s a feeling that we can.

R. You can dive in together and connect between yourselves and with him. Yes, the infrastructure is ready for it.

13. S. (01:25:30) I really felt what you said about Rabash, how he is conveying these articles. You really feel the qualities of the Creator. How the Creator just wants us to be his partners, He will do anything and everything because you feel it. It;s incredible. You feel it through the articles of Rabash. You said his modesty, similarly the Creator gives from himself for us so that we will come and be His partners. He opened His business here, His upper business, throughout the whole world and He wants us, Israel to do our role. As it is written here, in the article that He created the world through the actions of bestowal that we will be His partners in this special act throughout the world? That is what I feel, thank you.

R. Yes. What are we going to do next? Then next part of the lesson?

4. S. (01:27:40) First, let’s say the Torah, Mitzvot and charity were not enough to avoid the ruin of the second temple because of the unfounded hatred. Later the Torah and Mitzvot weren’t even used, let’s say the power of Torah and Mitzvot to even build the vessel of Kedusha. What is the difference between these two Torah and Mitzvot?

R. If we divide it this way, there is Torah, Mitzvot and GevurotHassadim, that there are speaks about them and the Torah, Mitzvot and charity, as we understand it, and want to build it between ourselves and each and everyone until they connect together.

15. S. (01:28:51) First of all we want to thank you for all that you have given us, that you have tied us to these articles and you have passed on the inner force in them. There is a powerful force felt from you in these articles. If I understand correctly, if we do not increase love, then in the general actions they do not suffice and destruction will come nevertheless?

R. If anyway? If there’s going to be destruction? I’m not sure about that. I do not think that in any case. I hope we are going through everything in our intentions. That is why what we should see in front of our eyes is not destruction, but rather restructuring a building on the right relations between us, and in it the right relations of the whole world.

S. They did not increase sanctity and that is why the temple was destructed and it seems that even though we have our schedule if you don’t have love and do not add this then the destruction will come?

R. No, the destruction will not come. We have to believe that the Kabbalists are paving the road for us and when we can reconstruct the correct mutual connection between our souls.

S. How to find this prayer for the unfounded love, for the love of others?

R  This is a special light that shines from above and elevates us above our egoism, above all of our calculations. It turns out that we can connect between ourselves despite the egoism that was given to us initially, and to make connections of love and friendship. We will succeed at that. We will succeed in this, even though it is not simple at all, and it will take time.

16. S. (01:32:17) What was destroyed every time in the destruction of the Temple?

R. What was destroyed was the intention of the connection. It used to be there and now it is gone and we have to start anew. He does not talk only about us, but he talks about the entire humanity.

17. S. (01:33:09) Why if I feel pain it is forbidden to hate?

R. Because you feel pain because of your vessels that are not ready to feel good in bestowal.  That is why you should first make a correction.

18. S. (01:34:13) Incredible things are happening right in front of our eyes. We see all of this happening. Every day there’s such a powerful influence of light on us. We are changing not in a matter of months but a matter of days we can only be grateful to the Creator for this and the group. Here in the article, it says that during the time of the second temple they had Hassidim or Gemilut, Hassidim and even though other results they had unfounded hatred. So, in Hassidim there is such depth that you can come deeper into that quality.

R. Yes, to the extent of Hassidim, the quality of Hassidim can elevate us until the Creator.

Workshop: Summarize the lesson in the tens.

Workshop: What labor is demanded from us in order to attain the new quality? What is our practical work?


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