Man & God Mitzvot


READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Sunday.

Baal HaSulam. Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, item 34

Part 2:

Baal HaSulam. Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah. #34

Reading Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah. #34 twice (00:14)

1. S. (06:55) Why is the calculation while receiving inner light is not only with the inner light that is received in order to bestow? Why do we also have a calculation of the surrounding light? I thought the clash was only at the end of the coupling and not throughout it?

R. First of all Inner light and surrounding light all come from the same light. They all come from Him and the screen divides the inner surrounding light; that’s why there is a connection  between them, even closeness, they all come from One Source from the Creator who wants to do good to the Partzuf, the face. The Partzuf divides the light that arrives to it in two because it wants to be in the most closeness with the Creator, adhesion to the Creator, and so he takes a part of it and cleaves to it, and the other part he rejects. So what do you ask?

S. I’m asking in the Guf of the Partzuf, the body of the face, let’s say you have to deal with pleasure from a salad and the body of the face, the screen has to deal with for example pleasure from that. He needs to receive in order to bestow how can I also make a calculation around the light that remains outside the face where it makes a coupling on the salad?

R. It rejects it. It does striking; there’s striking and there is coupling, and all together it’s called ‘striking by coupling’ that he takes only a part of what he can be with in the Zivug, coupling.

S. So, can you say that it’s got double dealing both on the calculation he does on the screen when he receives the light and what it rejects outside of the screen?

R. Yes, yes.

2. S. (09:16) If the screen was already able to reject all the light, why is it now there’s a part that I can receive in order to bestow, what’s the problem with rejecting the rest?

R. What is it that rejects all the rest? it rejected all the rest.

S. Right, so now that they entered this Inner light there’s another part of surrounding light smaller than all the direct light that was before, so where’s the problem in dealing with it so why does it need to become refined?

R. But it hasn’t received anything from the direct light, anything. When light arrives, the upper light arrives to him, part of it he checks how much he can receive in order to bestow, to be in adhesion with the Creator; and he rejects one part and the other part he accepts in order to bestow. So what do you ask about that?

S. Why couldn’t the vessel remain in the state of rejecting the surrounding light and that’s it and remaining there it doesn’t have to refine itself because of it?

R. Meaning?

S. It already refused the direct light it rejected all the light, so now the surrounding light that presses it is smaller, so it’s already got the screen?

R. It receives part of it now as Inner Light.

S. Right, and the other part why can’t it simply reject it, there’s the inner light that I receive and the all the rest I reject?

R. Reject right.

S. So why is there difficulty for the vessel to remain in that state? Why does the clash have to be so difficult that it has to be refined?

R. Because he doesn’t feel that he is equal to the Creator, the Host wants to give him 100% and he’s only able to receive a thin line and in that he doesn’t attain anything.

S. But he made a calculation and the calculation was correct.

R. The calculation was correct according to his strength but he didn’t achieve any closeness he can say to the Creator, to The Host.

S. So what is the point in receiving this Inner light?

R. To receive and then come out once again to a new striking by coupling, to receive many of such strikings by couplings, to get closeness to the Creator; through thousands of actions and in such small portions he grows and equalizes and resembles with the Creator. How is the baby, how much does he eat? 10 G and then you can’t give him more, 15 or 20 and that’s it, in such a way he grows.

3. S. (12:48) How does the Rosh, head do not make a calculation that is more accurate to understand that in the Guf, body there will be this whole mess there will be this clash?

R. it doesn’t matter that there is striking or whatever will be, the Rosh will need to do what is right by him, and what is necessary to do.

S. Then in the body he discovers that it wasn’t accurate and now he has to…

R. Why not precise, it is precise according to all the information that’s in the Rosh.

S. And then in the body other conditions are revealed?

R. In the Guf there are more conditions that he cannot be in 100% bestowal like the Host. But in something he did do and in the part that he did do it and resembled to the Host, he can now discern what the Host wants for him in truth; and he can resemble taking the examples from the first face in the first contact and out of that he learns how to continue with the Host. Meaning it’s not that it just happened or he weakened. No.

4. S. (14:45) Concerning the kind of light that comes, how is the kind of light that comes determined according to the vessel?

R. According to the vessel of course. The latter arrives as the light of Ein Sof and the vessel chooses according to the coarseness of the Masach Screen and receives it.

S. Can the vessel change or ask to change the kind of light?

R. Yes.

S. Should it?

R. It’s worthwhile for him to be as close as possible to the light.

S. Now the kind of light changes with the different Partzufim?

R. The type of light makes the Partzufim to a different Partzufim.

S. Yes, but in the Partzufim that comes the kind of light changes?

R. Yes.

S. Is there such a state where a certain kind of light that makes him feel like he has to go for all 100% can’t just go for part of it is there such a thing?

R. Certainly he can go for 100%, but only of a part so he rejects the light and then discerns which part he can receive in order to bestow.

S. But is there a kind of light where it says if he can’t, he’s going all out, and even if he knows he won’t succeed, and in part he will receive for himself, he’s still has to go for it. Is there such a light?

R. There is no such thing.

5. S. (17:04) How can the screen reject the light? The light created the Vessel and everything so how can there be anything that rejects the light?

R. Because the screen is the result of the light there was no screen but the light constructed the screen, which is why the screen is able to reject the light from receiving it in order to receive. To make the restriction, a screen and returning light it all depends on the screen.

S. In other words the light made the Vessel made the Screen and we can only ask do this do that?

R. Yes.

6. S. (17:59) What’s the difference between the clash in the Rosh and the clash in the Guf?

R. A clash means that the qualities are clashed opposing qualities meaning for example inner and surrounding, and in that they want to cancel the barrier, the border between them. They want to return to be as a single light, one light as they were before that this is the Bitush.

S. What’s the difference between the clash in the Rosh and the clash in the Guf?

R. One is in practice and the other one is in potential.

S. Surrounding light is it light of Hochma or light of Hassadim?

R. The surrounding light is that light that remains from the lack of the Screen in the Guf of the Partzuf.

7. S. (19:05) What’s the difference in the Screen in the descent from above downward and in the descent from below upward?

R. There is no difference the Screens always guard over the relation between inner and surrounding lights.

8. S. (19:25) What’s the difference between a Clash and a Coupling?

R. Bitush, the Striking is they annualing one another and Coupling is that they clothe within one another.

9. S. (19:45) What is the power of the hardness of the Screen?

R. Strength according to the Aviut to coarseness Root 1234.

10. S. (20:05) What happens in the Guf that changes the discernments that were in the Ten Sefirot of the Rosh?

R.The vessel wants to always be as close as possible to the light. To the Creator. This is what determines its actions.

11. S. (20:38) It’s written that the clash happens in the Guf of the Partzuf of but not in the Rosh because the surrounding light is still not taken into consideration. It turns out that what happens in the Rosh influences the Rosh is only the surrounding light.

R. The Rosh thinks. It’s the roots of the vessels not the vessels, themselves this is why there’s still no action there, but only a plan of action.

12. S. (21:19) Can we say the reflecting light, reflecting from the Masach, that is what we will build the vessel of bestowal. It means that say 80% is used for that, it builds this vessel of bestowal that clothes it? Does it also mean that you receive, on the basis of equivalence of form, 80% Hochma in this vessel of bestowal?

R. No no no, we will learn it. It’s not according to these percentage.

S. If you have Ohr Pnimi 20% let’s say, if you have 80% of Ohr Makif, surrounding light, so I see that Ohr Makif is equal to Ohr Pnimi ?

R. No no no no no no no, drop these calculations and math, it doesn’t work this way.

13. S. (22:51) Question about the last sentence, that only once the light descends from the Peh down where the light clothes in the vessels which are the ten Sefirot of reflected light from the Peh down, is there beating there between the inner light inside the vessels and the surrounding light that remained outside? It means that the beating happened below the screen, this is what I understand from the text, and all the pressure on the screen are being reflected and here it appears that it’s happening under the screen.?

R. We will learn what’s the difference between the expansion of the light down from the Rosh to Tabor and from Tabor to Sium. There’s a big difference between them, we will study it.

14. S. (24:12) If the Ohr Makif, surrounding light, is doing pressure on the Kli, an additional pressure, more than the vessel can receive and my question is how does it enter in conflict with the surrounding light and what does it mean that it enters through additional friction?

R. It’s obvious that there is because it wants to spread inside the vessel and it’s dependent on the screen, the surrounding light is dependent on the screen, so it’s outside the vessel and this screen only detains it, that’s why it wants to cancel it, and the reason for the surrounding light and inner light is although they are dependent on the screen they are opposites, these lights, inner light and surrounding light. This is why there is a clash between them.

15. S. (25:55) How exactly does Bitush appear in the Guf which is action?

R. When the light wants to enter the vessel it clashes with the screen that detains it from clothing, that’s all for now.

16. S. (26:25) You just said that it beats in the screen. How can it be that the inner light and the surrounding light are lights that belong to the Kli, to the vessel, so how can it be that the lights beat on one another?

R. Because the screen differentiates them into two forms of light that are opposite, one receives and one doesn’t receive.

S. They’re beating in the screen?

R. Yes, that’s how it’s written that they clash it against each other but actually they’re both clashing with the screen, that’s correct.

17. S. (27:14) The action of beating, it brings closer or distances the creature from the Creator, the guest from the host?

R. It’s on the way. They have to get to know each other, connect, and then they cause further expansion.

S. It brings them closer?

R. Yes.

18. S. (27:41) Does the surrounding light exist only Leishma and in Lo Leishma there is no surrounding light?

R. Of course, in the state of Lo Leishma it doesn’t have inner light, surrounding light, external, internal, it’s completely not, no lights.


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