Man & God Mitzvot


READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Sunday

Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him

Morning Lesson February 10, 2023 Transcription

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 2:

Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him

Reading Excerpt 3 Twice

1. S. (02:47) We also learn, however, that if we are in certain states and some things we cannot correct, we set them aside. These are maybe things that come in a later correction. Does Baal HaSulam mean here that anyhow we have to correct whatever we find in our eyes or something should be set aside?

R. That’s really a question. If what is revealed before our eyes, can we work with it? Can we work with it even though we just understand half of it or a quarter of it, don’t feel, don’t know how to approach it like let’s say little children. What can we do with it, yes? So, what we understand from what we learn, not just from here, is that it’s very important for us to understand that we don’t yet attain the essence of the question, the problem that’s before us, but we do want to come closer to it. Therefore, we leave negative memories in it for us where we don’t yet understand how to work with it, but we prepare ourselves for the future as closely as possible so it will all be revealed in us and ask in a form of a question that we will be able to discover and receive.

2. S. (04:39) What does he mean that in the tougher times we can use faith above reason effortlessly and tirelessly? How do we use faith above reason effortlessly?

R. That we can in faith above reason to go above all the questions, and to carry out the actions in faith above reason, and succeed that way.

3. S. (05:21) What does faith and confidence mean? Is there a difference between faith and confidence?

R. These are inner states that we simply need to feel.

S. Let’s say I feel confidence. Is that different from faith?

R. It’s not faith. It’s your personal confidence. Confidence is a feeling that it is inner, an intimate feeling a person has and faith is something that is higher up, more general, you can even say physical, philosophical.

4. S. (06:33) Friends in the ten are asking about the text that says that thanks to our forefathers the faith in the confidence above reason was prepared for us in the difficult times. So what is the force of faith that enables us to feel the reality and truth?

R. The force of faith is considered that we can receive such forces of confidence that even though we don’t understand the states in their true manner and who can say when we will and when we will not, we can nevertheless deal with these states because we do want to be above them.

5. S. (07:50) It seems to me that I understood how I should work correctly and ask questions when I have five friends in the camera, I can ask. When they’re not there, I’m not allowed to ask a question. Is that correct?

R. That doesn’t mean that it’s above reason or below reason.

S. So how do I use the vessels correctly in my ten?

R. If everyone has the same question then certainly it is worthwhile to ask.

S. That’s not clear. How can I know what questions the friends have? I can’t go into their thoughts, to the mind of a friend.

R. Then connect to them as much as possible and then ask.

Reading excerpt 4 (08:52) “First thing in the morning when he rises from his sleep, he should…”

6. R. (10:42) Meaning in a shorter and more clear way: pray all the time. Constantly talk to the creator. Ask him non-stop. Even though you don’t quite have, but aim your heart towards him. That is what is important. Get accustomed to your heart being aimed towards the Creator, always. Then you will see how you succeed in this. This doesn’t need to be an outcry, because you can’t cry out all the time. It needs to be a certain kind of ache of sorts, but it’s constantly turning to the Creator.

7. S. (11:41) Is there room for logic in the work in the path of the Creator? Depends what logic?

R. I think there is. How can you say that there is no logic in this?

S. Can I ask about the system we’ve been talking about previously where everything affects everything else for humans, it’s very easy to say the weather affected me. Why don’t we affect the weather? That’s something I don’t understand.

R. We also influence the weather. We are also inside of nature and each and every part of nature influences the other parts.

S. We understand this. We learned this, but humanity in general doesn’t relate to that. As we said that when things are happening, they don’t associate them with our relations.

R. Whether they attribute it or don’t attribute it, that’s not important. What’s important is whether it happens and whether it’s the truth, whether it’s a fact and we’re saying that it is and we can, we ourselves discover our influence, our impact on nature, on heat and on cold, on pressure and on everything that there is.

S. By relating to each other in bad relations, this is how nature responds to us.

R. Also that way; of course, much more powerfully than our relations towards one another. We change weather much more and all kinds of other things by the relations between us.

8. S. (13:40) I hear that we have to pray and talk to the Creator. Can you explain a bit what that means for someone who doesn’t feel any connection with the Creator in the meantime?

R. No, I have nothing to explain. One should constantly ask from the Creator to have a connection.

S. Asking means to think about it?

R. Think about it.

S. How to do it in the most correct way?

R. Think about this.

9. S. (14:45) Praying and speaking with the Creator all the time, is that from the center of the ten or directly?

R. It’s best to come from the center of the ten.

10. S. (15:07) What are the partitions of nature and how can we cancel them?

R. Everything that hides the Creator from us, because the Creator is the nature.

S. How do we cancel them, everything that hides the Creator?

R. By faith above reason when we want to rise above all the partitions and to feel ourselves as existing in a direct contact with the Creator.

S. And this depends on the connection with the environment right?

R. Through the connection with the environment of course, through the ten we connect to the Creator, who is in the ten.

11. S. (16:08) Where it’s written that it says the forms that are not in Holiness, the picture of nature forms an iron partition and a person should cancel the partitions and believe that they are the.. he’s asking about the times that are, he feels that it’s not Holiness and he should pour out his heart that the Creator should save him. He’s asking what does that mean?

R. Even though it seems to us that there’s some kind of cessation and partitions between us and the Creator, we need to nevertheless believe that there are no partitions and we are inside of nature and inside the Creator; and, there is no problem, no cessation between us and the Creator and all that we feel he feels. We just ask him for us to feel what he feels. For this connection to be mutual. Where we are in Him and He is in us. That is what we want to reach. That’s what we want to come to and then we come to adhesion.

12. S. (18:05) If we look at the history of at least 2,000 or 3,000 years that have passed, nothing changed as we had wars. We still have. We have disasters, we have them. Why are we considered the last generation? What is that based upon?

R. Because that’s what the sages explain to us, to attain these forces that are managing our world including the general and highest force called the Creator.

13. S. (19:08) Reaching the stage of higher sensitivity, is that the mechanism of achieving equivalence of form? Is it moving us in this direction?

R. Yes. According to the increasing sensitivity in us we feel the force of nature, the upper force, the Creator in a more disclosed manner; And, this is how we reveal his presence, his attitude, in every place in reality.

14. S. (19:54) I pray for awareness to increase when I see the earthquakes inside of us outside. How can I become more aware of this and more sensitive to that?

R. It’s not too bad that you don’t feel this sensitivity within or outside, and so on. You pray and ask for what happens in nature for you to feel within so that you will have the correct response to all that the Creator awakens in nature. That undoubtedly what happens in nature is awakened by the Creator only. So you want to know and see that it’s Him who is doing it and how you can respond to this. Then you will see how this will help us, how this will help us invert and rise to higher degrees until you embrace with the Creator.

15. S. (21:40) We talked a lot about partitions and disasters and the mess in the world and our heart aches. We are all in pain all week long in the morning lessons, so what I’m asking is why did the Creator give us partitions? Why do we need these partitions for? We see how hard it is and breaking this barrier, what does that give a person emotionally if I break the barrier or not?

R. I also ask. Why wasn’t I born Einstein? Yes, why? What is the benefit for me to be born such a small dummy, foolish and without the right senses etc,. and there are those who are born who are ready, they have some kind of beautiful, great, clear tendency for all kinds of sciences, to music, to something and I’m not. What can I do?

S. Because It seems that the scientists claim that it cannot be done, to pass on from the corporeal to the spiritual.

R. Don’t, from your questions to other questions.

S. How to finally break this barrier? It sounds like something terrible, we see that there is no help for the world. We can’t reach this emotional thing that we’re talking about.

R. It’s possible. It’s just not dependent on our emotions and our intellect, but rather if we receive different emotions and intellect, different because the problem is not in the emotions and intellect of a person that he’s not developed enough, but rather the fact that he is built in an opposite way to the upper force. As in a person, it constantly works in accordance to the extent to which I receive, enjoy, will want more and for the Creator it is in a different way. The more I give, the more I bestow and help the others. And therefore these two creatures, these two forms are opposite to one another and cannot feel one another. We claim there are those who claim that those around us in our world in the air around us all kinds of other spirits, demons, and what not are around us. Very many, many such creatures seemingly spiritual ones. Why don’t we feel them? Why don’t I grasp them? What’s going on with everything? This happens because I don’t have the senses to feel them. It could be that they exist but I don’t feel. What can I do? So the wisdom of Kabbalah is therefore called such, the wisdom of Kabbalah, the wisdom of perception. It teaches us how we will acquire additional senses. At which point we will be able to feel all of those creatures, those that are made and all those that are around us. Then we will be able to grasp them, feel them, and use them.

S. (26:12) So we’re coming up in 2 weeks, we’re going to have a Congress. What’s so special about this Congress compared to the rest of the Congresses or what’s special about, isn’t this a Congress today in the morning lesson? What’s so special about the Congress we’re going to have in 2 weeks?

R. What’s special about the convention is, we have the room to connect and to rise to a higher up degree and feel what is above us. To meet with all kinds of friends of ours that we usually are not physically beside them. To talk more with one another, to sing, dance, and there’s more time to come here. To think whether it’s not worthwhile for me to be here as well in this convention and I really hope that both men and women will come to this assembly of ours. And we, in 2 weeks that remain, will think how we can make our connection during the convention also with those that are here. Also with those who are remaining in their homes, or in the gathering places that they will be in, how we can assemble more, connect more, really be as one man in one heart. There is the Creator, that’s where the Creator is. The moment we unite our hearts, what is felt in them is not your heart and my heart together. It is felt as a third part that is in the connection between us and that is the Creator. Therefore, it’s written. It’s the least of the two. It’s enough that two want to connect together; they reveal the Creator between them.

S. So according to your opinion, let’s say this Congress we will decrease the volume of the trouble? You said it will become worse. Is there a chance it will become better?

R. On one hand we might see things that are worse, but on the other hand we will receive them in a much more beautiful way. Well that’s something we will still talk about.

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