READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Thursday
Zohar for All. Introduction of The Book of Zohar. The Commandments of the Torah, the First Commandment, item 189
Morning Lesson February 07, 2023 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 2
Reading #189 (00:07) “In the beginning God created…”
1. S. (02:41) If the fear is the base for all the Mitzva all commandments so how if love is the final Mitzva so how to open the path towards love?
R. I do not know it doesn’t say here about love it says here about fear why you are asking about love? Let the Zohar explains to you what it thinks and in the way that it thinks, read with patience and try and penetrate the book please.
Reading #190 (03:33) “Fear is interpreted in three discernments to which do not contain a worthy root..”
2. S. (04:33) What exactly did it mean if not for fear God would not create a thing?
R. Because fear is the means to reach the beginning of correction.
3. S. (04:58) These events like what happened in turkey and the whole world, is it in order to increase the fear of the Creator in us?
R. Yes, true.
Continue 190 (05:30) “And there is a person who fears the Creator because he fears the punishment of that world and the punishment of hell..”
Reading 191 (06:08) “Fear means primarily that one should fear one’s Master because he is great and rules everything..”
4. S. (09:25) To correct the states inside us does that mean that they won’t appear as a reality before us as earthquakes and wars, would that give us an ability to see that everything comes from the Creator is good and we will see that wars and earthquakes are good things that come from the Creator?
R. You could be right in speaking correctly but the question is how does a person receive these things? how does a person receive them? It is possible that there is a person who accepts these earthquakes and for him it is a sign from the Creator which is a good sign and next by his side there is someone else he sees these earthquakes and he sees them as a bad sign and here we need to see every single person how he receives these things. We will talk about it it is all ahead of us.
5. S. (10:54) The main fear the fear about him being great how can you explain that fear towards the ten?
R. When we see the Creator that arranges all of reality and everything is under his complete dominance including us and that is what we have and this brings us to complete faith complete fear.
6. S. (11:49) What can we understand of the fear of blemishing the king’s Glory?
R. I did not understand.
S. What can we understand from the fear of blemishing the king’s Glory? What does that mean?
R. His honor is in his place meaning that we do not know how to locate these things but when we are drawn to them and want to locate them to feel them and to feel how they are they are under our control that you can bring back the honor to the origin another words to bring Malchut to the Keter.
7. S. (13:00) To fears that are not real it’s clear that the person is afraid of himself, what is the true fear? So what is he afraid of there?
R. Hold on we’re not done that is exactly the question.
8. S. (13:25) The fear of the creator means to feel the Creator?
R. No, no, first of all fear of the Creator is a feeling within men also feeling the Creator is within men. Is it the same? That will still need to learn you see how many disceremens that are here, it is all related to the psychology of reception.
9. S. (14:16) Fear of the Creator his paralyzing me I cannot respond and not even think, is that the fear of the Creator or something else?
R. That’s possible that this is the result of fear of the Creator but wait and wait to see what else.
10. S (14:52) Can we see this earthquake as apart of the Creator trying to balance forces in nature? Can our fear be towards us not doing enough in order to prevent?
R. It is written in the wisdom of Kabbalah that whatever happens after the sin of the tree of knowledge it is all corrections, it is all corrections. Nothing happens but only corrections, upon corrections, upon corrections. So we will continue and we will see how it clothes in our life in our psychology and how it brings us to the general correction.
Reading 192 (16:15) “Rabbi Shimon wept and said woe if I tell and woe if I do not tell….”
11. S. (19:25) A friend can not justify the Creator is this request for the friends necessity less effective?
R. Well still is because he has not yet corrected his attitude towards the Creator most important we need to correct our attitude towards the Creator, our attitude to the friends is the means for Love of the creative beings to Love of the Creator. That’s why the main thing is the relationships to the Creator that’s what needs to be corrected.
S. So how can a friend justify the Creator?
R. One will help his friend you should talk about and see how it’s not really how to correct, wherever we can finish corrections it is not very difficult.
12. S. (20:37) Are we using the spirit to correct our desires?
R. Try to think.
S. So I thought about it, how do I use it for the correction?
R. I don’t know, think about that too, I can not answer such a question, I want you to delve into it.
13. S. (21:11) Should we even justify the Creator? His work will always be confusing for us, So is our work to shut our eyes and work in connection in our small point in the desert where we can only take one step? We are on the stage we need to reach the we hold the connection even though all the innovations that the Creator is giving us all these strange means?
R. ….
S. Another words it is important to us to justifying the Creator, it’s confusing to justify..
R. Of course, of course.
S. And if we shut our eyes and only look at my state?
R. I don’t know to notice it
S. But I’m looking at my responsibility connection with the friends?
R. What do I need the connection for?
S. So afterwards I can go into this field like we said….
R. I don’t know why you are suddenly saying this.
S. I wanted to ask you.
R. We need to reach a state that we agree completely with the Creator. We don’t need anything other than that by that we are coming closer to him and penetrating him that is it.
S. So we can say that we agree with his actions by not going into the work?
R. No that is completely incorrect why you escaping this? if I don’t pay attention to what he’s doing then I have no connection to him.
S. So demand such efforts not to pay attention but only being contacted with the friends?
R. I don’t know saying you’re confused write on the piece of paper in an organized matter what you need to do the order of actions and what you want to reach.
14. S. (24:20) It’s written that without fear the Creator won’t create anything can you explain that?
R. The Creator created everything just for us so that we’ll all understand and justify them. That is what we need to change from receiver to bestower from egoist to altruist.
15. (25:12) Regardless of my personal benefit should I be afraid of not being able to bestow? Is this what I should understand when I say fear of the creator?
R. No, this is a selfish fear will I not be able to bestow, no no it’s the opposite.
16. S. (26:02) We are afraid of what will happen to our friends we have an anxiety what should we do with this feeling?
R. Ask the Creator to help them.
17. S. (26:43) Should we today the whole world Kli support our friends from Turkey so that can really rise..?
R. Yes, yes, of course throughout the day when we need to connect among ourselves to support the Turkish group.
S. So our purpose today is to really help them rise above this world to have fear of the Creator?
R. Yes.
18. S. (27:27) Why do we sometimes say that the most important thing is relations to the friend and not to the Creator?
R. Because the attitude the relation to the friends that’s the main thing it’s the beginning of correction and the relation to the Creator is a result of that.
S. It changes doesn’t it?
R. That is enough for you think about the rest.
19. S. (28:07) How could it be that after the shattering of the vessels you use the fear of the Creator to escape the punishment?
R. Again.
S. How can it be that after the shattering of the vessels you can still use fear of the Creator to escape punishment?
R. We don’t use the fear of the Creator to run away from punishment, we use the fear of the Creator in order to understand where we need to be closer and more adhere to the Creator.
S. He writes that Rabbi Shimon doesn’t want to fear what the truth fear is so that the wicked will not be so that they will receive the punishment that they’re punishment is their cleansinign but after the shattering of the vessels there is no such a fear?
R. Correct.
S. So why is he afraid to discover what the true fear is?
R. Because they won’t remain shattering with no correction.
20. S. (29:35) How can I be afraid of something I have never felt?
R. A special light will come from above and you will feel as much as you will get a feeling to discernment that you were never connected to. That is how it will be.
21. S. (30:24) I have a problem here because it says that those who are not corrected the sin of the tree of knowledge good and evil they should have known that they first of all they cannot work in other work until they correct the sin of the tree of knowledge. There is a paradox here first of all correct the good and evil and then we will give you the secrets. How can you work that way? I don’t know anything and I need to undergo corrections so why is it the opposite?
R. It’s not the opposite, how could you correct if you did not attatin those things and if you didn’t attain them, so how were you correct them? So you have like you lose on both sides.
S. That is clear why but in the time of the ARI couldn’t study Kabbalah, why is it concealed all this time the wisdom of Kabbalah?
R. I don’t know, they say that our universe exists for billions and billions of years. So what does the billions of years of universe has to do with 2,000 of years so of the revelation of the book of Zohar?
S. What does it mean to correct the sin of the Tree of Knowledge that he said here?
R.The sin of the Tree of Knowledge is a revelation that in order to receive is a sin and it is a disconnection from the Creator before that it wasn’t felt that it’s a sin.
S. What is its correction?
R. Connection, connection.
S. Only connection?
R. Against the shattering you have nothing but connection.
S. Okay and how can we make this correction we talk about so much but how can we actually make this correction? We have troubles all the time but how can we finally make this correction?
R. You connect.
S. We connect.
R. Connect.
22. S. (32:58) The fear from the third type is that the Tree of Life?
R. I don’t know, it’s not written why should I say something like that?
23. S. (33:15) Is there any other kind of direction regarding the commandments here the 14 commandments is it different the other parts we have read?
R. What parts?
S. Upuntil now we learn the articles of introduction where Rabbi Shimon exited the cave and who created this and all kinds of previous articles we studied structure of the world and processes and here it’s commandment it sounds like also the way he opens it up here it sounds a lot closer to our internal work?
R. So okay.
S. So in this part there’s first commandment second commandment and so on, is there some different relation to this?
R. I don’t know maybe we should read first why are you jumping? Where did you read the first and the second?
S. Says here the Mitzva of the Torah is the first Mitzva. I see he describing these three Mitzvot and I feel like that I can relate myself to it I feel like that at sometime I’m like this and another like that it feels close to me.
R. So connect to this and see.
24. S. (34:37) All the questions of the friends and your answers I got confused already how to correctly relate to the reality. We see that we need to justify the Creator and justifying meaning he does everything correctly on the other hand we need to ask for the friends for the same Creator that is doing everything correctly?
R. Right.
S. Before asking then we’re already resisting if we’re asking for the friends it’s like were are not justifying that the Creator as if he did something that is not good it’s incorrect.
R. So you got confused, that is all, right, not too bad.
Reading Item #193 (35:34): “And one who fears the punishment…”
Reading item #194 (36:02): “For this reason the place called…”
25. R. (36:45) Nice, I don’t see any questions keep going.
Continuing Item #194 (36:49): “This relates to what is written…”
Reading Item #195 (38:57): “For this reason it writes…”
26. S. (43:25) In the Zohar here he writes about two fears: fear of sanctity and evil fear and we see that working with the friends, you work in love of friends there is this joy that awakens and then there’s this fear of Holiness and suddenly you receive instead of having love that will awaken from it instead you have these questions and problems and you feel that you fall into this evil fear and then everything suddenly breaks down. How can we maintain this fear of Holiness and not fall into this contemplation that pulls a person to say that he really hates the Creator. Why are you doing this if I love then why do you bring me to this hatred?
R. In order for you to feel what your attitude towards the Creator truly is.
S. But I’m working, I’m feeling this love there is this joy.
R. So you felt love, then you went a bit deeper into that love and you saw that love is if the Creator gives you what you want, you love Him. And if He doesn’t give you then you don’t love Him, on the contrary.
S. Exactly, that’s the problem, that the Creator is doing all that, so…
R. Of course. This is how He teaches you.
S. But if he gives me this hatred and even to hate Him because there’s something arranged in my mind that i didn’t receive correctly.
R. You received everything correctly and you now need to receive more discernments. Then it will be clear to you; who you are, where you are, how you judge the Creator? It will all be revealed gradually in such a way.
S. Last question: this bad fear that is revealed when there is hatred?
R. That is the ego being revealed already.
S. So what is the advice to break this, to break it and to penetrate towards love?
R. After you feel what thoughts and desires activate you now, you need to work against it; connect to the friends, get new forces through them in order to rise upon this new evil discernment you have revealed.
S. And this discernment what, just to ignore it?
R. to rise above it not to ignore it.
S. What is this nuance to rise above it and to ignore it?
R. It’s a huge difference, either i work with that in a way and just step on it or i dont even take it into account.
S. Working with that let’s say I come to the ten and I say to them, I’m suffering now I feel bad come and help me?
R. It doesn’t really belong to the state but it could be. It could be.
S. I want to touch upon that, how do I rise, how do I use this work correctly and not just ignore something or quiet it down?
R. Adhere to the Creator through the friends that is all you can do; you can count on anything else, anything you had before.
S. That is just in the demand and adhesion towards the friends?
R. Yes, okay. I am happy that you all calm down.
27. S. (47:24) This feeling of punishment creates a feeling of shame. Is this correct in the work?
R. It could be, maybe, why not? It is already my response to what I feel as a punishment, yeah. But it is a nice response.
Reading Item #197 (48:03)
28. S. (51:24) We have questions about the convention we are aware of the change that we have here, regarding the gathering we’ll have here in the center, and the friends from abroad to have arranged also separate convention for men to go somewhere should they also change and maybe do convention together with the women or leave their original plans?
R. However they planned it, however they wanted it, they can either change it or not change it. It completely does not depend on me. I also wasn’t the one who decided about the previous Congress and also not deciding now.
S. Friends are mainly asking towards spiritual development, just like one here in the beginning we went in one direction and now we are doing it in a different form. What is most correct for them, for their spiritual development?
R. So explain to them why you decided to change.
Info: (52:44) We would like to update regarding the changes we have made, we heard from the Rav in the lesson today that the most significant change from the transition from the convention in the desert to our convention here in Petah Tikva is because we want to have a larger convention, a more connected, more powerful one. That’s why we’re changing the location and don’t go to the desert but remain here in our Center, men and women together. A big convention is going to take place here. Another consideration is the medical state of both of Rav and many friends who cannot participate in the conditions of the desert, and because it’s very important for us to be together with our Rav and all of our friends in one location, we decided to have the World Convention physically here at home, in Israel in our Center and we have room for everyone. We have a few more additions to say.
M. (53:47) All about our Congress here in our home: it is open for men and women from 18 and up. The convention will take place on Fridays Saturday 24th and 25th of February. it is planned to start in the morning and end in the evening, it will be a whole day. Detailed time schedule will be published, we are still working on it. Also we recommend all the gatherings around the world, continuation of the question we have just heard, just keep being updated, once we publish the schedule and you can see it. And, like we heard from our Rav, every local gathering has the freedom to make decisions according to what they need to do according to the place they are.
Another thing we wanted to say, the whole time that the World Kli supposed to come here is the same dates as were before, we are going to host the World Kli here till the 25th of February, longer afternoon lessons are planned that Rav will specially give to the friends that will come from overseas to our lessons, 2 hour lessons in the afternoon. They will have opportunities to ask questions, and also in that period in the 26th of February we are planning a big trip that will be after the Congress; a big trip to the friends that are coming from abroad and also whomever want to from around Israel to participate it will be a trip to the south of Israel, we’re organizing a special and we will publish details about it soon.
From the 21st to the 28th of February the time we’re hosting here, there’s going to be a team or content team that Boris is going to lead special content for that: we will have two lessons a day with Rav and meal, social activities. So that schedule once it’s ready, that will also be advertised.
About the payment to the Congress so because of the change we are recalculating the price and once we will be done with the calculations we will announce it to everybody. it is important to say that everyone who signed up to rent a room where the Congress was supposed to be or hotels where the Congress was planned, it is their responsibility to cancel that reservation. Whoever has additional questions, requests you can turn to us personally or send a mail to
M. (57:26) We’re coming close to the end of the lesson and we have an important update:
Dear friends, we are all continuing our mutual prayer for our friends in Turkey with our hope to hear good news from our friend Ahmed who is in the danger zone. Friends from Turkey who need any kind of help are welcome to turn to us through the head of your groups or to the email and we will do our best to help.