READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Tuesday
Zohar for All. Introduction of The Book of Zohar. Rejoicing in Holidays and Not Giving to the Poor, item 174
Morning Lesson February 05, 2023 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 2:
Rejoicing in Holidays and Not Giving to the Poor, item 174
Reading 174., 175. (03:05)
1. R. (11:05) This is very difficult to the extent of what we receive so much through the lies, that specifically through the lies, meaning all of the unclean actions we ultimately do come to correction and come closer to the Creator. It’s not simple to understand and agree with and certainly the first time you read it there seems to be many complaints on the part of the person. How can that be that the Creator agrees that specifically through the filth, the falsehood, the prostitution, all those things will ultimately also bring the person closer to spirituality?
Reading on 175. (12:03)
2. R. (16:28) Meaning it’s not worthwhile telling the person what he cannot use in order to bestow. It’s not good to load him with amounts of knowledge or information and all kinds of things but everything to the extent that it really benefits his progress.
Reading #176 (16:59)
3. R. (21:11) Yes, that’s how it is.
Reading #177 (21:18) “Who in the world is greater for us than Abraham..”
Reading #178 (22:36) “Since Abraham invited the greatest in the generation..”
Reading #179 (34:17) “The Creator told him who in the world..”
4. R. (35:30) We read two articles very well, very close to one another speaking on the essence of the correction of Malchut, the stony heart and the final correction. We hope that we will arrive at that and really we have all of the cards and all of the forces in hand to work in that.
5. S. (36:17) Could you please explain what is a slanderer?
R. To slander is to complain, very simple for now it’s to complain.
6. S. (36:48) “God has laughed at me when Isaac died”, what is that state of Sarah in order to correct it?
R. To pray for her sons, to pray for her sons.
7. S. (37:19) Why did the Creator slander truth to the ground and not peace?
R. That I don’t know how to explain but the correction is as such.
8. S. (37:59) In item 176 what should we give to the slanderer as the point of Kedusha that remains? She’s asking what that means.
R. What to give to the slanderer? To shut him up so that he doesn’t slander, this is what they speak of, holy water. There are a few of these actions that suggest to us that even at the highest corrections, we aren’t able to be at 100% in order to bestow. We don’t understand, we don’t feel but we have in us still some connection to reception. And this is why we need to take this and despite not feeling, despite not wanting still give to the Klipot something as well because in essence it’s helping us to arrive at life.
9. S. (39:38) It says in the Zohar that a person is sorry and he starts crying. What is the meaning of the Creator being sorry when he sees that a person reaches from Lo Lishma to Lishma?
R. This we will not understand yet. We will learn a little more and then understand what is being said.
S. Does this go hand in hand with the fact that the Creator in every moment awakens the person to spiritual work?
R. Yes, yes.
10. S. (40:40) How does Sarah avoid or cause the correction of Malchut not to happen and why?
R. In order not to awaken the Klipot she is very concerned for her sons and all the rest in depth we’ll study.
11. S. (41:24) What’s the meaning in spirituality that you breastfeed a baby?
R. This is the period of breastfeeding, where the baby feeds from the mother and the weaning when he’s not given to suckle anymore, then he has to work with his own desire and he begins to become Adam.
S. From Lo Lishma to Lishma, how will we discover that all we do is for our own good and how can we hasten this process?
R. To see? No, this is done differently, this is all done in order to bestow with the power of faith.
12. S. (42:45) There are many questions in the text and we felt that we are going into these wonderful texts but what’s not so clear is why doesn’t he compromise when he presents himself as a poor man, a slanderer. How do we distinguish between the poor or the one who disguises as poor?
R. This can be distinguished between a person’s request.
13. S. (43:42) At 175 it’s written this is why he has to start with the Mitzvot of Lo Lishma for his own sake but still by that he extends Kedusha on these Mitzvot. What does it mean to perform a Mitzvah in Lo Lishma?
R. Does is as an action of Mitzvah but he knows there is some flaw there, that he cannot truly act in order to bestow but he does as much as he can.
14. S. (44:29) The Creator is sorry about the broken vessels that are not yet corrected. It says here that he rises to the upper world, rising to the destroy the world. What does that mean?
R. That if there’s no correction of the world then there is a different judgment to destroy the world.
15. S. (45:08) What is the Mitzvah of mercy and charity for the poor?
R. Mercy and charity is when you see those who have no strength or opportunity to do an action of in order to bestow and they are called poor.
S. Is this related to support to the friends?
R. Of course it’s related. Support of the friends is essentially a very precious commandment.