READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Sunday
Zohar for All. Introduction of The Book of Zohar. Heaven and Earth, item 154
Morning Lesson February 02, 2023, Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 1:
Zohar for All. “Introduction of The Book of Zohar”. Heaven and Earth. #154
1. Rav’s Introduction: (00:30) Yes, so we continue to study The Introduction to the Book of Zohar, as Rabash says it includes within it the entire Book of Zohar, and now we are studying about the relation between the two worlds, the upper world, and the lower world; both of them are actually spiritual, so please.
Reading #154. (01:00) “There are two appointees who govern there…”
2. R. (18:27) Ok, this is certainly difficult for us to explain these continuous excerpts the way that the Zohar writes it. So I think that we should simply continue to read further and get used to the flow of the text. And after, we will get to know it like this, more or less, by reading and hearing it then we will come back to it and start to scrutinize it. But first we should get use to what this is about, just the names of the words, so please.
3. S. (19:19) What is this domination of the Nukvah over Zeir Anpin?
R. The will to receive wants to rule over the will to bestow, in general.
4. S. (19:41) We are reading about the worlds of Klipot and I have this idea to raise MAN to connect the male and female and then I thought, I shouldn’t do that this is a Klipa, why do we learn about the world of Klipot what do we need to ask for?
R. The systems of holiness and Klipot; they were created together and they complete each other. It is impossible to be in holiness without the shell or in the shell without holiness. But rather as it is written ‘the Lord has made one opposite the other’ and therefore, we actually read in such a way how these systems are established. This is what The Zohar is telling us about. Later on it will actually go deeper into it.
5. S. (20:50) How can we invert all our desires that awaken in the reading to desires for the ten? What kind of desires for connection do they need to be for us to become zeros one towards another?
R. The Zohar explains to us how the shell and holiness stand one opposite the other. How do we people sort through the connections between us what can clothe in the connection of one with the other from holiness and the Klipa, that all in all only now the light will be revealed more and more.
6. S. (21:35) It turns out that we lack Hassadim, and all is concealed in the darkness.
R. Yes.
S. So what’s the benefit we would have from the anticipation of reading The Zohar?
R. Have patience, stay calm, just listen and you’ll understand everything.
Reading # 155. (22:17) “Those two appointees are called Afrira..”
7. R. (30:00) For the time being I am not saying anything which is important. I just see that now, 156, it is a very long one, but ok let’s read nevertheless and then we will move on.
Reading # 156 (30:14) “When they are in the dark, they invert into the shape…”
8. R. (33:45) What are we doing here? We hear what the reader reads, actually, it’s not even important in which language. We talked about it once, that even though people who came to the Kabbalah lessons and they didn’t know, they didn’t understand the language; nevertheless they had to sit down and listen and bit-by-bit they began to enter from within into the matter. Because The Wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t require an intellect, but rather it is a clothing the upper reality gradually within the person, within our vessel. Here as well this is what we have to do, ‘It is not the wise who learn’ but rather specifically those who simply want it to fill them up, that the Creator will take care of them; that they are willing to be together with everyone and together with everyone to build themselves, feel themselves with the upper force. This is what helps a person to begin to feel The Wisdom of Kabbalah from within, to begin to feel the upper system as it exists above us. Therefore, listen and try not to forget that we want together to reach a state that what we read will fill us, and it will be clear to us from within, from within what it is supposed to be; What is the upper world? What is happening there with all of these names and actions? This is clear? If there are no questions about what I said, then we can continue onward. Let’s go.
Continue Reading #156. (36:06) “Interpretations of the angels Aza and Azael:..”
9. R. (01:01:00) Thank you very much Moshe. We will not read any more of the Zohar today, this impression I think it’s enough, it is pretty powerful and deep. However, if you guys have time by yourselves you can read to come to understand the text a bit more; it doesn’t matter what language and this will be good if we can return and remember this story.
10. S. (01:01:48) You started the lesson and you said it is not the wise that learn. I hear that a lot, so actually what is the correct form of studying the Zohar without being wise? Because we are studying The Zohar so…
R. I read, I’m connecting with friends, I’m doing all kinds of actions in dissemination and connection, this is what I can do. I have a really really small head. I can barely finish a few grades in school let’s say but it doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. Each and every one as much as he has the ability, the opportunity to connect to the story that the Creator created the world and commanded a group of people to do something, if I connect to that same story it is enough for me and the rest is done from above. I, for myself, I’m like a small child that grabs on to his Mommy and the Mommy goes and she drags him, he sits on her, he is in her arms.
S. Baal HaSulam came and he saw the group in Israel when he came to Israel, what did he see there that he really didn’t like? He really didn’t like the way that we were studying so what did he see?
R. They were very studious. They would study and they would say why is it like this and why is it like that and they had their little finger pointer. They wanted to prove to one another how to study even more correctly and so on and so forth. This is not the method, the method is studying how to connect more, helping one another be more connected, not to understand more but to be more connected because the wise does not learn. He is connected with others and wants to come to one connection for the Creator to be revealed between them and then however much the Creator reveals, wisdom comes to them, the upper wisdom.
S. Was this small part in the Zohar not worth the end? It says that everything is only in the thought and desire so if we do that in the reading of the Zohar…
R. Open your heart and it is enough.
S. Without trying to understand what is written there?
R. Even if you read in Chinese.
S. How do you draw the reforming light in such a case when we read the Zohar? What, think about the friends or… What did you tell me before?
R. I want the force that is imprinted in the text to influence me and for it to open my heart and then I really will be born into that world that the Zohar speaks about. Otherwise I’m just going to stay in this world. Good luck.
11. S. (01:05:23) The falling of Aza and Azael and their cheating, their lying, what does it mean? That even in the state of the point in the heart, that state of bestowal there is this fear that something will separate us from the Creator?
R. Yes, that too, correct.
12. S. (01:05:56) During the reading of the text once in a while all kinds of thoughts come up about analogies, parallels related to what we are studying. Should I follow these thoughts or turn them off or resist them or go along with them?
R. What do you want to ask?
S. I’m asking if it is good that we have such thoughts or maybe it is bad or…?
R. What there is and what there is not doesn’t matter. You are trying to be as much as you can adhere to the text, simply understand it, absorb it and accept it, that’s it. Like a child who is hearing a story.
S. But once in a while it detaches me from the text itself and it takes me to certain thoughts and I fall again, so?
R. That is not good, so as much as you can from your strange thoughts, foreign thoughts, come back to the text and flow together with the text.
13. S. (01:07:38) Is repentance an act from the egoistic part in me?
R. Repentance? Yes, that is for sure an egoistic action in a person, that he wants to be more connected with all kinds of conditions that are written in the Torah. We will talk about that.
14. S. (01:08:10) Can you explain what it means that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men are beautiful and they lusted after them. What does it mean that we cannot get out of the will to receive?
R. No, no, we’re not talking about the men and their beauty or love or whatever we have in this world. We are going to delve in more deeply in the Zohar and then we are going to understand what is being talked about there. Everything is talking about desires to receive and to bestow but not on the level, on the height of this world, no.
S. That’s why we are asking, that’s why I’m asking. Does it speak about the will to receive?
R. Yes, yes, the entire Torah is written on the will to receive.
15. S. (01:09:27) What does it mean that following man’s repentance there is still some damage, some flaw that is not corrected? Does it mean that the stony heart is not corrected?
R. We cannot correct the stony heart, only at the end of correction.
S. What does it mean that the eagle is part of the chariot, the Merkavah?
R. Well what’s a Merkavah, chariot? These are all just discernments, complete spiritual discernments. We do not even understand what is being spoken about there.
16. S. (01:10:31) The Creator answered the Angels, he told them all of your merit is only because the place causes it. He told them that as a de-merit, as a flaw and Rabbi Yosi Ben Kisma was certain that all of his merit was only because of the place where he lived so what other possibility is there for a man to seemingly praise not because of the place that he is in?
R. I cannot tell you because you have to study this separately and besides what do you get from that? What do you get from that where you take it from all different places?
S. We say that the environment is the only merit of a man. That is how it is with us. One who chooses the right environment and here the Creator says it is actually a de-merit, not a praise that all of their merit is only because of the environment that they are in, so I’m asking why does the Creator see it in a bad way and not in a praise?
R. Because they are bad angels and they are not corrected.
17. S. (01:11:59) In the beginning of the reading more than once it states that then everyone saw that they were Cain’s offspring. Can you elaborate on that a bit for us please?
R. In everyone there is a flaw and you cannot use them as they are, first of all you need a correction.
18. S. (01:12:37) What is the great sea?
R. The great sea is a sea of the other side, the Sitra Achra, usually.
19. S. (01:12:58) What actually is Adam’s sin and what are we trying to repent there?
R. The sins of Adam is his will to receive with the intention to receive which he received after the sin of the tree of knowledge and what we want is to bring the upper light on the will to receive in order to receive that will rise above this intention to receive and gradually up 125 degrees where we correct it in the intention in order to bestow.
S. In what phase of our study? At what point do we come to this point of repentance where we can use it for our study?
R. We are constantly entering gradually into the path of correction and soon we will start feeling the results that we will have something that has accumulated.
S. And what are the signs, let’s say, that we are now in the sin of Adam? What do we feel there then? What is typically, specifically, that sort of feeling?
R. Where you will feel that you want to be connected with the friends with all your heart and soul on one hand and on the other hand a certain desire awakens in your heart that repulses you from them, from the friends.
20. S. (01:14:58) It is written in the text that the Creator’s speech is action. Can you talk about what this speech before the action is?
R. Just like in our world there is speech and action and the main thing is the action, yes? Same way in spirituality with the Creator we can say that His speech is the action itself.
S. The other question is what should the friends’ speech be before the action?
R. We connect between us for the time being and gradually from that we move to action and also it is not us but rather we turn to the Creator, we pray and the Creator performs an action upon us. All our actions are in us deciding together about something and turning to the Creator to carry out that action. We have no possibility of performing an action, we don’t have the strength or the intellect for it, we have no possibility, everything is done by the Creator.
21. S. (01:16:57) During the reading of The Zohar it sucked me in as if I’m reading some fantastical novel and forgot about the connection with the friends. Is it right or what do I do with it?
R. It is all okay, continue.
22. S. (01:17:14) While reading these texts together I vaguely felt pictures and feelings hidden especially in these words, how can I get more into the feeling of these texts?
R. Try to depict that all of this is happening inside, within you, in your heart. Everything only happens in the heart.
23. S. (01:18:08) What is the role of Aza and Azael?.It sounds that they mainly want to fail the person from making the correction.
R. We will see, we will see. Right now we don’t have any proof one way or another. We will get to know them more. These are the forces of our soul, of our Nefesh.
24. S. (01:18:44) You said twice, you mentioned that it is not necessary to read the Zohar even in the same language that you understand. We know that Baal HaSulam had students that studied with him without understanding the language. The question is what does the Kabbalist attain if he does not understand the words, and the meanings. The simple everyday meaning of these words, what does he attain?
R. He attains what the Creator opens for him and the Creator opens the heart of man, the mind of man and gives him a feeling and understanding according to the extent that a person needs it and this only happens according to one’s tendency and inclination meaning how much he wants or needs this; Therefore, it is not exactly important what language and what is happening. Also we think that we are talking, that we are thinking in words as if we are putting together words and this way we have sentences that are intellectual in our mind and emotional sentences in our heart but it is not necessarily so. We can perform all kinds of connections in our thoughts and desires, not in words but in feelings. Therefore don’t adhere everything to words and sentences.
S. What is the main thing we have to gather, the glue between us?
R. We need, in the connection between us, to build the vessel in which the Creator will be revealed. Beside the revelation of the Creator we need but one thing because He includes everything.
S. There is my connection with the ten, there is some inner connection there, to what we are reading in the Book of Zohar, right? How do I arrange that connection between what I am reading and some changes that are happening in the ten?
R. Look for it, search for it.
S. Do I need to make a connection? Is there a connection between the changes happening in the text and what is happening in the ten?
R. Certainly there is, look for it. That search actually is the most correct work.
25. S. (01:22:25) A student reading The Zohar, how do we develop the dedication toward the Creator?
R. In the connection with the friends where I want to connect with them with all of my might and despite the fact that with each of them I have a net of a very complex relations I nevertheless want through this network through this net too connect with the friends in such a way that despite the fact that there are many conditions for connection these and those and those all those that I want to be connected with them with all those conditions together direct. That’s what I need.
26. S. (01:23:32) During the [missing translation] there’s only a feeling to pray but there are no words but there’s a kind of feeling in the heart to just create for something. What is it that we can pray for when the Zohar is being read to us?
R. For everything. From personal requests to the requests that include the whole world, for everything.
27. S. (01:24:27) In the last line of 156 it says that the Creator punishes for the thought and the desire alone. Is it up to a person to control over what the Creator sends him?
R. No, only the Creator controls our thoughts and desires.
28. S. (01:25:08) Who are the angels who ask the Creator questions and He answers?
R. Angels are the forces that operate within a person. Those are the angels, and we need to activate them all toward connection and nearing the Creator, and then by that we merit the help from the Creator by which we will connect.
29. S. (01:25:53) How does mercy, the light of Hassadim, impact the world of Klipot? How do we use it so we don’t end up there in the world of Klipot?
R. We need to be as far as possible from the ego. We don’t need anything else.
30. S. (01:27:19) You said we can operate with feelings without clothing them in words but in the most inner sense of the word ‘friend’ what am I connecting with?
R. What do you connect to? You connect with the desire, with a desire of the friend. Usually that is how you come back to resemble the man and you the Adam in you. The same thing for correction connection, what else do you connect with?
S. No, I thought that a friend was in general a friends desire to receive pleasure.
R. No, we are not allowed to say it that way. We have to define it precisely. What exactly do you want to connect with? With what desire of the friend do you want to connect and you want to build one common desire.
S. I need to isolate the desire that is specifically for the Creator and it is the desire aimed at the Creator or is it the inner intention?
R. Intention, desire, aspiration, it doesn’t matter as long as it is all between you and the Creator and you want to connect them together.
S. Is it correct to understand that this yearning, this intention toward the Creator is the intention to bestow.
R. Yes, what can you do?
S. The desire toward the Creator ,you can explain it in different words.
R. No, no, we are not children anymore we understand that it won’t work that way.
31. S. (01:29:33) Today in the excerpts two combinations of the words Elokim. Can you explain what are the components?
R. Did you learn from us at all?
S. Yes, I learned that it is the light and the dark.
R. Mi, Eleh, Mi is Galgalta ve Eynaim Eleh is AHP. If we connect Eleh and Mi we get Galgalta ve Eynaim and AHP the ten Sefirot and then we can ask and operate within them.
32. S. (01:30:26) The forces of the soul are we to feel them as positive or negative or something that is necessary to connect between us?
R. Something that is necessary for connection.
33. S. (01:30:51) It was so exciting that I didn’t want to let go of the text. I was sorry we stopped and didn’t continue to read. My second question was that I’m so naturally shy and suddenly I get this feeling that I have to ask a question and I don’t get what is this thing?
R. It is not important what this phenomena is, do not be afraid, don’t be shy or ashamed about it just ask and enter into the discussion.
34. S. (01:31:48) It is written that an individual demand hurts a soul. How will we request individually?
R. That is not good. We need to always ask for the ten. Adam HaRishon is the ten. There will be a billion people there or 100,000 or ten, it doesn’t matter how many but we are asking for the ten.
35. S. (01:32:56) How can it be that the angels speak badly?
R. There are good angels and there are bad angels just like in the example of Aza and Azael.
36. S. (01:33:19) In reading The Zohar on one side there is the desire a force that is pulling towards the connection and on the other a flashlight that shines over the correction?
R. Don’t be afraid to damage the connection but rather think how you can intensify and augment the connection.
37. S. (01:34:09) The Creator in the work also gives over the thought and the desire alone and punishes over the desire and the thought alone. if the Creator sends desires and thoughts why is the person punished over that and what is our work?
R. A person is punished because he doesn’t want to erase or delete all of his bad egoistic thoughts that he has.
38. S. (01:34:55) It’s written a lot in the Zohar about these Kelim, don’t touch and we also talk about in the environment that we can direct ourselves towards the connection with the right desire. On the other hand we say that we just need to annul and flow with the Book of Zohar and follow the friends with our eyes closed. When do we need to follow and scrutinize and when do we blindly follow?
R. We will scrutinize that gradually slowly slowly, no matter how much we talk about it. It won’t help, but rather little by little bit by bit we will build the right attitude between us.
39. S. (01:36:04) Have fallen angels been assigned to show us our ego and come to accept it?
R. It presents us with our ego that is correct, but not so that we will be able to receive it that way but rather so that we will work against it.
40. S. (01:36:49) I just wrote it down. A person is being punished because he does not want to erase his bad thoughts. I cannot erase I have to ask and I want to ask?
R. Yes of course of course.
41. S. (01:37:21) The Creator only does good to his creatures, why do we hear that He created evil and good Angels, is it just my perception?
R. That they will have the possibility to have free choice for a person and that person will be able to scrutinize what is good and what is bad and advance in the right and good way which also not just good, but rather the middle line, whereas also the bad joins the good.
S. Now that we know that there is no evil and even the evil in the bad is good?
R. No, until I scrutinize it, it is not correct.
S. How do I scrutinize?
R. That is what we are learning.
42. S. (01:38:37) You said that you are calling for us to search for the inner connection between you and before in preparation to the Congress how do we search for these inner connections between us?
R. Together, research together and ask the Creator.
S. The feeling is an inner work, how do we feel these connections practically?
R. About feeling I cannot tell you try to seek it yourself.
43. S. (01:39:24) How does a person change his thoughts and egoistic desires to Holy ones?
R. Where he wants to use it for the benefit of the society.
44. S. (01:39:45) How do we keep our desire alive to reveal the qualities of the soul and have new discernments?
R. By learning and connecting to friends.
45. S. (01:40:15) When we work in the ten and want to get to repentance, is our work in repentance recognition of the evil heart, the stoney heart?
R. Yes.
S. We recognize?
R. Yes.
46. S. (01:40:52) How do we increase the connection through the reading of The Zohar
R. We think and talk between us where there’s no choice and we must connect in order for the Creator to hear our voice, that is what we need to raise to the Creator. And prayer needs to always be in a minion in ten together as much as possible, if more than even better. If we want to ask and demand something from the Creator and to send something to Him and request something from Him then we need to be as big as possible in quantity.
S. What does it matter which text is in the background?
R. What do you mean, what text do you want to read a romantic novel and start reading?
S. What is important to us and think and intend?
R. The text awakens in us to think in a certain direction.
47. S. (01:42:43) What is the balance between light and dark in the system?
R. The balance between light and dark is that the darkness joins the light as the posterior of the Partzuf of holiness and helps us even more to receive the light, whereas the darkness comes and gives us this contrast between light and darkness. We see even more and respect the darkness, the light, the connection between them as you cannot have one without the other but in the end we can see that darkness shines like light. That is what will be.
48. S. (01:44:00) We are united by The Book of Zohar and your explanations. How more effectively can we connect internally not just through trying to delve deeper into the source but on the level of the heart. How more can we ask for that?
R. Only through our work. and for the Creator to help us work and connect more and more.
49. S. (01:44:41) The forces activated internally transform the perception of reality?
R. Certainly, we depict the perception of our reality, there is no reality truly without us, reality is depicted according to our picture.
S. Can we call these forces new organs or senses that are being formed through our connection?
R. Yes of course yes.
50. S. (01:45:53) It’s written that the breakage of the vessels and construction of the vessels and the rising of the MAN we place these sparks back in their place as they were before the breakage of Adam HaRishon. We need to do corrections. How do I scrutinize, do I clarify and scrutinize in my work to what am I rising? There are the sparks and there’s the stoney heart?
R. That you see the benefits your connection with the friends you ask the Creator to correct it and collect them, and then you see that it still bothers you that you’re not capable of working with this. You ask the Creator that you cannot work with this and to cut this from you for the time being and to keep it on the side. Okay?
51. S. (01:47:48) It is written in the text, and in this coarseness the Creator punishes, which is why in the foreign work the Creator punishes over the thought and the desire alone, as it is written in order to catch Israel in their heart. It is punished for the idle work in the heart and accordingly the jumps and Azle and Azale to receive their wisdom even though they didn’t receive anything. The question is, how is it the two opposite forces Hochma and Hassadim give us the sensation of godliness of the Creator?
R. When Hochma clothes Hassadim we understand, feel, and see to the extent of its clothing in Hassadim clarifies itself, scrutinizes itself and that brings us the picture of the Creator.
52. S. (01:49:01) It’s written in 321 below that all the matter of Klipot have no deeds and all of their actions and only in thought and in desire alone and the forces of separation are strong. How to understand that actions are done in the thought?
R. We don’t need any more than that, we probably don’t need any more than that.
53. S. (01:50:21) Even if we don’t understand when studying The Zohar you said that it will bring us closer to the Creator, how can I test this in my ten?
R Just like today for almost two hours we are already in the study of The Zohar, and it has a very good influence on us. I truly feel the result. I see this result and the extent in which it is incorporated in each and every one and the extent to which we start to change our attitude towards the text itself of The Zohar, and what it speaks about there and how we will come closer through this book to the Creator. Behind all the angels that these forces we will start to feel the Creator depicting for us the whole of reality in a pictorial form and we will feel this. We will live this way.
54. S. (01:51:55) Many times we say that even though we don’t understand what is written, there is an importance to say through the text open in front of the eyes and follow to be in the flow with everyone. Why if we don’t understand the text should be open in front of our eyes?
R. Because we don’t do anything we just raise our deficiency and the Creator illuminates from himself into this deficiency, the light of Hochma and by that we grow. It’s not me and the might of my hand to do this action or anything. It all extends from above it all comes from above also the questions, also the answers, the feelings, the thoughts, everything comes to us from above from the force of None Else Besides Him. That’s why we need during the reading of The Zohar even more as much as possible, to connect between us. And to search for the Creator inside the connection between us, where is He? Where did He disappear? And for that we will receive greater and greater illumination from Him until we start to feel His presence in us.
S. If I sit during the reading and just listen without the text in front of me, is there a difference in the attitude in the work?
R. No if you can’t read then you don’t read. We had several people that couldn’t read not because of being illiterate or something but rather because of a problem with their eyes, so they sat and heard. Back then there was no computer, or no photocopying and it was like that you know, in the beginning of the ’80s.
55. S. (01:54:22) I’d like to scrutinize the relation to the context in the text and the way it will clothe us, I asked this in the past but I want to ask from a different angle. Let’s say in TES, the whole concept of the shattering and the Klipot, we always barely learn it and also I think you mentioned several times that Rabash too would skip over that part and we barely studied that only in special times we would study those parts of the shattering. Here in The Zohar there are many many details and descriptions of all these parts if I understand correctly, of all the Klipot, the worlds of impurity Etc. Why actually is this exchange in the approach and what do we need to do as far as the work during the reading?
R. Look, the worlds of Abiah and Tumah, Baal HaSulam did not want to interpret, this is how I understood it from Rabash. Here and there he writes about it in order to whoever studies will understand a thing out of a thing. In The Zohar it’s a little more because Zohar is written in such a way that it includes everything and brings everything into correction.
S. What does that mean when we read about these worlds now, so what do we need to want?
R. We need to want to be included ourselves in everything that is written in the book and let it influence and give us strength, the highest and best strengths of connection and heal us from the separation. To be able to participate in all of the actions of the Creator entirely in the heart and mind.
S. So there’s no meaning to the specific content of the text?
R. I can’t say that, no because we are impressed, we read it and we are impressed from the text. Along with that we need to because it is The Zohar and this is how I heard from Rabash that the introduction to the Book of Zohar includes in it the entire Book of Zohar, all the … then we read and we study. I have gone with him through the introduction that I am ready to finish it and go back to the beginning of the introduction. This is the most useful.
S. When we think and want all The Zohar to bring us all these good forces while we’re reading about these evil forces in the separating forces Etc. How do we settle this clash or is there a clash here?
R. Maybe the upper light acts on all and brings the evil to good.
S. If it’s possible in a very specific way let’s say we’re reading about Aza and Azael all kinds of evil angels Etc. I want those forces of the Nefesh, we say it’s all forces of the Nefesh in me and they’ll be revealed, they’ll be corrected?
R. They will be revealed and corrected and all the forces into Gmar Tikkun, the end of correction because all of this is one system integral, and this is how we come close to the final correction.
56. S. (01:58:52) What does it mean that we are being punished for the doubts, it seems that the doubts help us with advancement?
R. Yes of course, but we need to clarify them, we need to scrutinize them. The fact that we’re getting it from the Creator, all of the concerns, all of the doubts, it means that we have to turn to Him and ask Him that He will solve these problems so that we are in the right line, in the correct line.