Man & God Mitzvot


READING: between after midnight and sunrise of Sunday

Lesson on the topic of “Following the Creator in the Desert”

Morning Lesson February 02, 2023, Transcription 

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio 

Part 2:

Follow the Creator in the Desert – Selected Excerpt from the Sources

Excerpt number one

1. R. (01:02) Yes meaning the importance is to walk after the Creator together knesset means connecting everything together precisely in the desert where there is nothing there, like we until we reach corrections and begin to reveal the Creator the upper worlds and so on, we see that all in all, everything around us is Desert. And a land that is not so meaning that land is from the word desire that nothing comes out of it. And thus we walk and walk in the desert until we arrive at corrections, we go through corrections and arrive at the final correction where everything opens, and in this way we arrive at the purpose of life. Thus says the Lord I remember in your favor the kindness of your youth meaning that I am with you together, you’re my baby so to speak, follow me in the desert. and the people that are going to correction in the land that is not sown, that nothing could be taken out of it to eat to drink to fill yourself. And at a time that you walk in such a way you reach correction.

Excerpt #2

R. (03:32) Israel is Yashar Kel straight to the Creator those who yearn to arrive at the revelation of the Creator, okay.

R. (03:59) Divinity is the revelation of the Creator it is walking ahead of them meaning they are walking behind the revelation of the Creator to come close to it.

Reader continues: “And the Lord went before them in the pillar and in the cloud…”

R. (04:39) Achoraim from her posterior as she was walking ahead of them she was showing them deficiency, darkness and then they would walk in the desert as in darkness until they came to the goal until they arrived at the goal.

 Excerpt #3

5. R. (05:33) Meaning wherever the Creator in a person in a person’s desire wherever he is yet to be revealed, this is called desert a person lives within himself within his desires they don’t reveal anything to him, and this is called he is walking in the desert. When he arrives to a point where the Creator begins to be revealed to reveal himself it means that he is entering the land of Israel.

 Reader continues: “Where it’s written desert…”

 Excerpt #4

6. S. (07:27) In this movement in the desert are we giving the possibility to perform at least one step are we given the forces to bring contentment to the Creator?

R. Of course.

7. S. (07:50) Whether it’s really explained when we reveal the badness in us that we need to correct?

R. Yes.

8. S. (08:14) He really writes here I remembered the grace of your youth and then he comes back, what does he mean here? What did he remember? What is this memory of his / her youth?

R. It means the Creator, the nation of Israel, those who can yearn for him, those who are called Yashar Kel Israel straight to the creator, every person in humanity that is yearning to reveal the Creator is called Israel Yashar Kel .

S. Now when we’re going to the convention are we going into the desert, it’s not desert really yet right?

R. Desert is an internal state of the person there are those who are in the desert there are those who are even before the desert in Egypt, there are those who are after the desert already, that will come to the point where they already built the vessel with all of all together which is called the holy temple, it all depends on each and every person.

S. Do we need to do some kind of preparation before the convention? or what we’re doing right now is this the preparation for the convention?

R. Of course even now.

S. What important is there when you’re doing the entrance into land of Israel right here?

R. I prepare myself to come with everyone to the desert where we’re going to stay live there for 2 days, in the tent, to eat with everyone to sit with everyone, to sing with everyone to study with everyone and in this way we will be connected to try to connect so much that we reveal the Creator in our connection. That there’s me and the friends and between us each reveals the Creator, on the way between him and the friends.

S. Meaning to give up your comfort as well that’s what you’re saying?

R. Of course we give up the comfort I’m most comfortable at home. But I go to the desert because there are the conditions for the revelation of the Creator. It’s not comfortable and it’s not good and it’s not warm and it’s not like home but I pay with this inconvenience in order to come close to the Creator.

S. On the other hand, I’m no longer 18 years old to lay down on some mattress, put me in the tent in the night and I come back sick, I don’t have a room there. I am not comfortable there. Why should I be there? It’s very difficult for me personally?

R. I know I know you’re spoiled all of your life is like that.

S. No, I have back pain ,I’m suffering with that..

R. You have a cabinet, you have your own work, office and you have an apartment and more and more things I will not tell everyone, so of course you go to the desert and for you this is a true desert.

S. What is it to give if I give up my comfort? It’s really hard for me. I’m not laughing, what is this, is personally given to me in my spiritual work that I’m giving up my comfort?

R. Were you in the Army?

S. Of course I was, I was in a fighting unit in the artillery really, what does it give me? I’m going to go and suffer this instead of being in my living room. I’ll watch it on the TV and ….

R. Of course, of course.

S. No, really what does it give me?

R. Coffee in the right hand and the cake in the left hand your ass is on the couch air conditioner of course and in the prayer to the Creator.

S. What prayer? What’s the connection?

R. Thank God that I’m not there but here.

S. I’m seeing you on the big screen so really I’m asking what does it giving me that I make in the effort I’m laying on the mattress at the convention and it’s good for me what does it give me? I’ll sit at home and watch it with my comfort with the intention like you’re saying I’ll do it with one breath with everyone, what’s the problem? What is it going to give me?

R. You will come to the Congress and you will enter the tent and you will receive a mattress on the floor and they will tell you that we’re missing mattresses we’re going to add someone else to your mattress let’s say Moshi, Moshi you agree to share with him? 

S. If he’ll be nice, yes. 

R. Both of you, nice.

S. And even then they’re telling me to go peel onions in the kitchen?. 

R. Exactly both of you on one matters..

S. It’s a question I’m really asking you Rav, what happens, you are making a big effort, you come to the kitchen ,uncomfortable and inconvenient conditions, what is it giving me?

R. What do I care if it’s comfortable or uncomfortable I want now at the moment that I’m on the mattress in the desert and more outside there is wind and cold and rain, and from all angles There’s a draft wind, I search for only one thing how do I want to at this very moment enter the Creator and be in him, in him. That’s it, nothing else other than that.

S. What, you’re saying now to rise above the state?

R. Because in him our hearts rejoice that’s what I want that is it and even if Swatca is next to me I agree..

S. Specifically I’m next to you, every convention. By the way I hope to see you there too on the convention.

R. Of course.

S. Physically?

R. Of course, of course I’m not staying here. 

S. I am very happy, I think we’ll all be happy.

R. Good. 

9. S. (15:) Why is bread from the earth? Why is it called work from the lower ones why is it called spoiled bread?

R. Bread from the sky that’s what it’s called, it’s that bread from the heavens.

10. S. (17:07) On one hand Rav our business is a little weird as to what enter spirituality is impossible and when we receive a certain advancement it turns out that we’re there, we don’t even pay attention to the fact that we’re there, only later we understand that there’s something above our nature, how do we connect in such a way to correct this state called Israel above us? what other exertion needs to be invested here because to do we are doing a lot and the friends how can they want this?

R. Israel is very simple: Isra, Yashar, it is straight and El is the Creator straight to the Creator, when we all look from below upwards towards the Creator then we will be called Israel straight to the Creator, that’s it.

S. So the work is only all only to gather?

R. Together in each shows the other an example.

11. S. (18:34) We are preparing for the convention, we are truly in trepidation we already have the meeting of the Kyiv group this evening in which we are going to raise the importance of the convention the preparation we talk about miracles because we noticed that not once what happens in conventions is miracles we simply can’t happen how it’s happens, truly assistance from above so the question is why do miracles take place specifically in conventions?

R. These are not miracles, these are the results of your inner pressure for connecting with one another. But really it’s not miracles and miracles don’t exist, we are going to rise upwards see all of the worlds see everything from above downwards, the Creator will reveal himself to us as a network that includes everything within it, and we’re going to feel ourselves as existing in a space that has no beginning and no end, it is in constant motion. And all of this is going to be okay normal, there is going to be nothing amazing in it. This is how we will exist.

S. How did it work out that it’s something happens inside of me, a certain discussion with the friends, and it happens within at the same moment we’re seeing a certain response on the outside? Maybe we say it incorrectly but it’s all from above somehow the Creator is signaling to us that we are connected. How should we relate to that?

R. Calmly normally and to aim ourselves constantly to greater connection with the friends.

S. How towards such events and all together the expectation for the convention how to guide or aim ourselves correctly to wait correctly for such miracles? how should we intend ourselves correctly in this case?

R. Intend ourselves towards miracles because if we want to connect with one another then our closeness with one another it’s already a miracle because it’s against the fundamental all of nature the law of egoism. So if we aim to rise above egoism, we will draw and attract forces that are above it, forces that are above nature. I’m very hopeful that we will succeed. The Creator will guide us and show us and we will be connected together with the force of bestowal the force of love. And this war will end and everything in the world will calm down and all of us will become as one man with one heart. 

12. S. (22:37) Yesterday in the second part, in the excerpts that we read, we simply received an immense impression that gave us such deficiency from the desert, there was the feeling as if we are truly going for the final bottle for life. How to adhere to you so that together we will win this battle not sit there in the back in some comfortable couch but rather to make this effort? I was listening to the lesson with my mouth, my jaw dropped and I truly wanted this to be implemented, how can we adhere to this?

R. You don’t need to adhere and cleave to me you need to cleave and adhere to the friends to me you don’t need to glue yourself to me.

S. Then how, the whole group together do we kind of like gather to some correct form in this way?

R. If this is how it’s going to happen and this is what everyone wants this is how it’s going to happen because the Creator does everything anyway, after all of our efforts come the work of the creator. As it says that the Creator will finish for me that’s it everything will be good. I’m hugging all of you men women kids everyone. 

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