Baal HaSulam. Introduction to the Book of Zohar
Morning Lesson January 29, 2023 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 2:
Baal HaSulam. Introduction to The Book of Zohar. #71
Reading Item #70 (00:17 – 01:32)
1. R. This is a must for each and every one who gets an awakening from above, that is why He is called, Yashar El, straight to the Creator, no matter who and what he is.
Reader continues (01:47 – 05:08) “To cry and to pray for the raising of Shechina..”
2. S. (05:24) Can you explain, exactly, who causes the killings and looting, the ruin?
R. Anyone who is not attached to the purpose of creation, anyone who is not attached to that plan that the Creator set for everyone, for all the created being. That they have to connect and to invite by that upper common force for everyone called Messiah that can draw them pull them all from in order to receive to the desire in order to bestow, a desire to connect; from separation to adhesion, from the ego to bestowal. This is what is happening and certainly when coming after all the personal, small corrections to the general final Correction, that is called, the correction of the Messiah, that’s the big light that has to draw everyone out of their ego. We see now how the world is coming closer to acknowledge their egoistic nature, and what they can do is to acknowledge their necessary correction without which they cannot exist. So we see that among the people there are some who don’t want to hear about it, that is why he says “woe unto them for they cause the spirit of the Messiah to leave the world and never return, since they are the ones who make the Torah dry without any moisture of sense and reason”; without people understanding why they exist and what’s the point, the benefit of their life. Because they only exert, find themselves to the practical part of the Torah, for them actions are the most important thing, performing actions rather than correcting their heart and they do not want to know or learn the secrets of Torah and the flavors of the Mitzvot, that is the problem. And they are the ones who cause the whole world all the trouble, the killing, the looting and destruction in the world, yes, “and ruin, robbery, poverty, killing and destruction in the world”, these are those people who don’t want to enter the internality of these actions that come to us from nature and we cannot discover what is the true reason of our troubles is.
S. When I’m looking at the state in the state of Israel where see the terrorist creases and that there is some protests in the street, who do I point to and say that ‘they’ cause this?
R. I think that this group called ‘Israel’ must reach an understanding of the correction, first understanding, as the most developed and dependent on everyone and everyone depends on it. This is why what happens to it happens so that it finally discovered the true reason for this, the true situation. That you won’t be able to run away from the increased ego, from our terrible attitude towards each other and everything; and that’s why we have no choice but to elevate ourselves from in order to receive which is the biggest ego that lays between us, to in order to bestow. That all depends only on the connection between us, what the reason of Kabbalah explains. That’s why for the worse nation the Torah was given, the method of Correction, when there is no choice we have to use it otherwise by this we do not correct ourselves and also we are preventing the whole world for advancing correctly. And so certainly everyone feels that it is our fault that the world is going through all kinds of bad states. Let’s hope that we’ll understand it, the children of Israel, and it will become easier for us.
3. S. (12:30) How can I attain this understanding, this realization?
R. You can attain this understanding that Kabbalist write about by, also reaching the degree of the Kabbalists, how to do that? They write it for you in all the way, all the revelation of their method, go ahead do it.
S. And there is no connection to the Jewish culture, of the Mitzvot, except for the love of others?
R. There is nothing, only love of others, there is nothing else that obligates, doesn’t matter where he’s from, nation, religious background. All he has to do is correct his ego which is expressed in his relation to others, and it doesn’t matter who he is: German, Jewish, French Turkish, it doesn’t matter, those are external things completely.
S. How can we in the ten show the importance of this commandment, that this is the main thing for us so it will become the main thing for us?
R. I didn’t understand, repeat please.
S. How can we in the ten increase the importance so this will be the main thing in our life?
R. It all depends on us, ‘why we are alive?’ To exist for sixty, seventy, eighty years and that’s it and nothing will be left from our lives, like animals? There is no benefit in us, not for ourselves, not for others in that, so we have to think ‘what is the purpose of life’? So he is saying that the purpose of life is for you to see your life, what does it mean to see in your life? That you can attain the continuous of your corporeal life, right now in this world and continue into the next world, even while you are alive out of your body, without a body. And this is what we have to attain and continue our life, quite literally, eternal, eternal with no end.
S. I understand this but one more technical question: we have many friends that don’t speak German and they really try to translate, they do great work. But we found that we are reading something in the Zohar that seem to be the opposite and this really confuses me, makes me diverted from the main thing. And this, too, is probably all from the Creator and I justify this state?
R. There is not in the Zohar anything that you can interpret in several directions, it’s all about the understanding. Please give me an example and I will explain to you what is written and you’ll see that this is correct.
S. It is not related to what we just read, that we have to learn it to understand it, right?
R. We have to understand, we still have to understand that everything has both ‘the revealed’ and ‘the concealed’, and we have to understand what is written.
S. We have friends who can also take part in the reading and translation and they don’t want it, what can we tell the friends that don’t want to take part here?
R. I don’t know, they are really are doing a great disservice to themselves, if they can help others in translation and understanding the material and they don’t do it, it is not good for them, it’s not good, this is really a great harm.
4. S. (19:47) We see that most of humanity wants to solve all their problems in the forms of this world, all kinds of actions in this world and we want to solve the problems in the spiritually. Where is the point that meets between us and humanity?
R. The meeting point between us and humanity is in the desire to receive, where we all begin to aim it towards the correction of in order to bestow for all, for all.
5. S. (20:31) I was thinking how to phrase the question shortly and this is what I got: what do you think, why doesn’t the Creator give all the people of Israel an awakening of the point in the heart, if the responsibility is theirs to correct so why is the awakening all of the world, and why is the responsibility only from Israel. Aren’t they the ones who have the point of the heart and know the reason of Kabbalah, maybe they don’t invest enough?
R. The thing is that the form of the world, the form of reality is integral which is why it’s like in circles and it develops in such a way, and corrects in such a way according to the circles from the most center circle until the most outer circle. Which is why the nation of Israel even though it is tied with all of the souls and the nations, it, too, is awakened in such a gradual way.
6. S. (22:05) I know a lot of people who study the Torah their whole life but I know now it is not with the Kabbalistic understanding of it, is there any merit?
R. There is no healing in what they do, there is no remedy in what they do because there is no intention to disconnect from the egoistic desire to receive.
7. S. (23:04) Can we look for proof in a reason that the problems we have in the group, the relations, affect the people who control the world?
R. We don’t need to search for anything, we just need to go forward, advance in our connection, and in that everything will be revealed.
8. S. (23:46) It says here that “people by their actions, they cause the Messiah to leave forever, meaning by them learning Mitzvot without intention”, how does that not contradict that from Lo Lishma, you come to Lishma?
R. It doesn’t matter what we do, we will still come to corrections, the only thing is: is it going to be the short way or the long way? When we study these things, this is how it will happen.
S. So this means that it’s not forever that departure of the Messiah?
R. Not for eternity, this is how it is called.
9. S. (24:49) I’m really trying to understand what Baal HaSulam is says here, he says, “even the best among them”, I don’t know who he refers to, that engaged in the Torah did it for their own body of when doing with the body without the desired intention to give to their Maker”. You know what scares me, maybe I don’t have the right intention as well, what is the desirable intention, that’s not clear?
R. First of all, you’re thinking of yourself is not good.
S. No, I’m thinking in general.
R. But think of the world however much you can, to push the world towards correction.
S. Yes but where are ‘desired connections’, how can I know that I’m sitting in my ten?
R. Towards the correction of everyone.
S. Can you explain what that is?
R. No, I cannot explain, I explained a thousand times and I see it doesn’t help.
10. S. (25:55) How can there be a situation that we as the ones who act, the created beings, can cause the harm for the system because the system is a state of wholeness?
R. But we are in the system, we are ourselves are in the system, and the system is connected by us, through us so, what do you want, of course.
S. How can we harm, how can we cause harm, murders and tragedies?
R. That we don’t agree with those connections that the system wants to connect us in this way, we are the active ingredients in the system.
S. But we discover what the system activates in us, we only discover it?
R. We reveal, the question is: do we agree with that, do we add, to that, our own efforts as well?
11. S. (27:23) We’re learning that ‘we have to justify reality, that There Is None Else Besides Him, and that anyone who judges, judges from his own flaws’; and here Baal HaSulam blames people and he judges, it’s the opposite of what we are learning?
R. This is how you study.
S. I’m trying to justify what Baal HaSulam says here, I want to justify the Creator, so who should I justify Baal HaSulam or the Creator?
R. You will read it a few times and you will see what you understand, read, let’s say ten, fifteen times, we’ll see if it will becomes clear.
Reading (28:24 – 35:07) # 71 “The reason for their words is as we have explained, that when all those who engage in the Torah degrade their own internality and the internality of the Torah..”
12. R. (35:09) That’s it, with that we have completed this ‘Introduction’, and questions? there should be here many questions, don’t be shy, please ask.
13. S. (35:35) Here in the text he talks about the righteous people in the world, usually we talk about Israel meaning anyone who has connection with the Creator, where are the righteous people in the world, the nations of the world?
R. The righteous of the nations of the world are those people from all various strengths that have nothing to do with the wisdom of Kabbalah, who have an inclination a general inclination to be in good relations with everyone.
14. S. (36:16) If all of us in Bnei Baruch connect correctly will would we bring correction to the rest of the world, because it seems to be that the Creator has hand-picked us for a reason. And sometimes I wonder why me, in the entire country, I come from a country called Sierra Leone in West Africa, and I wonder why I’m the only one in that country that seem to be here. So the Creator must have a reason why He choice us; so if we all connect, will we bring this correction?
R. Yes, if we all connect, all of Bnei Baruch around the world, if we connect together this will be such a massive force and so intricate, so that we will definitely push through our unity the entire world towards connection because we are representatives of each nation and every kind of the world part of the world.
15. S. (37:59) Tell us please, can the spirit of the Messiah be departed from the ten?
R. Yes of course it can be.
S. How can we avoid that?
R. Read a few times what we have read.
16. S. (38:25) Why, for what reason does the Creator enable, allow everyone to write about Sefer ha-Chinuch, 613 Mitzvot, are we, maybe if we are not from the Jewish people, it becomes more difficult?
R. You don’t belong to that, all in all what is demanded from us is to correct our ego that existing each and everyone, that’s it, to correct the ego that is in everyone. Leave all these 613 Mitzvot and all the things that they study and do, it doesn’t belong to us, that’s it.
17. S. (39:38) It says here that “all the nations of the world will acknowledge and know the merit of Israel above them”, how will they get to know that?
R. That I don’t know, it’s spoken about the future, but likely they will just realize that to come out of all the horrific states that we are in and are threatening us in the future is possible only if we are convinced that our only true enemy is the ego and we try to rise above it in our unity. And in that, it will be the recognition in the wisdom of Kabbalah as the instrument, the tool, to rise about the all the evil in the world.
S. To take upon themselves wisdom of Kabbalah?
R. I don’t know, what doesn’t matter what is to be called, it has no significance; the important thing is that people let go of their ego, it doesn’t matter what they call it, and are lifted up in a good relation between one another as if to merge in one desire.
S. But in principle they have to reach a relationship of the spiritual world, the worlds, all the system?
R. All of this is going to be automatic, it will be automatic depending on the changing of the qualities that they will feel and sense themselves in a different space, in a different environment.
18. S. (41:35) If Israel, the ones who advance towards the Creator, will correct their inner state so the nations of the world, meaning the ones who do not advance to the Creator, will simply follow them and somehow will feel it, this inner change, right?
R. Yes.
19. S. (42:08) What is the internality and the externality in a relationships in the ten?
R. Connection or distance, first of all, everything is measured according to the degree of closeness or distance, and other than that there’s nothing.
20. S. (42:58) It says that “after the destruction of the second temple, the wisdom of Kabbalah was concealed and was not allowed to engage in it, so what’s the argument here of Baal HaSulam that the ones who studied Kabbalah, they were not allowed to engage in this wisdom?
R. I don’t know, I don’t dwell into history, I don’t know who wrote and who determined; you know how many, there’s so many opinions in the revealed Torah and the concealer Torah, it doesn’t even make sense to talk about it. We have to deal in what it is revealed and how it is revealing, and in that, we will hasten the correction.
S. It says here that “with all the glory in the lands of Poland and Lithuania, only relics will remain in our holy land. It’s upon us, the relics, to correct this wrongdoing”, who is “these relics”?
R. The remaining of, ‘the remaining’ is whoever is left from the seventeen, eighteen, nineteen hundreds, where we had many places where we studied; nothing of that is left today. Where are all those halls, where are all of those places where we studied in both revealed and concealed, all of that is, has disappeared.
S. My question is it’s only upon us?
R. It is only on us, only on us, yes, those who were attracted to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the concealed.
S. I think this is very confusing ‘only about us’, meaning the way I understand it, the people of Israel, the ones who were saved and seemingly stayed alive and came to the land of Israel, that’s how I understand what’s written.
R. I don’t think that he restricts himself in those that arrived after the Holocaust to Israel; he simply says that in our generation there is another opportunity to correct itself, let’s do that and let’s bring the Messiah forward.