Man & God Mitzvot



Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 152.

ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson

However, opposite the pure (altruistic) Malchut, stands the impure Malchut,
who is pride and does not wish to receive the Light from Gimel and rely on it.
Instead, she rises up in the desire to be the head, and in so creates the sharp
angle of the Dalet. That indicates that the presence of Ohr Hassadim disappears,
transforming it into the letter Reish, which is written as it is pronounced—with
two letters: Reish and Shin.
The true merging of the pure ZA and Malchut is called ECHaD (one),
consists of the letters Aleph, Chet and Dalet, for the letters from Aleph to Chet
are the nine Sefirot of ZA. He passes the Light from Gimel of Bina to Gimel of
Malchut, resulting in Malchut being filled with the Light of Hassadim, thereby
becoming Dalet with a protruding right angle. As a result of this, ZA and
Malchut become one.
When the lower ones (people) sin in their actions (intentions), they give
the impure Malchut the strength to cling to the pure one—Dalet, to erase the
sharp angle of the Light of Hassadim and turn it into the letter Reish. Thus,
the word Echad (one) becomes Acher (other, alien, foreign): Aleph-Chet-Dalet of
the word Echad are transformed into Aleph-Chet-Reish of the word Acher, for
instead of the connection with the Creator emerges a connection with other,
impure forces, called “Elokim Acherim” (other gods), which cling to ZA and
Malchut of the pure world of Atzilut.
This leads to the letters Kuf and Reish distorting the Creator’s seal (Shin),
the letter of truth. As a result, Yesod of Malchut, which receives from Yesod de ZA,
becomes linked to the impure source instead of the pure, for a new Yesod of the
impure Malchut was formed with the help of the letter Shin.
From here the impure forces develop up to ten Sefirot with a head and a
body, whereas Shin becomes the source of all that desolates, for destruction of
purity begets impurity. And from this emerged the system of the impure worlds
ABYA of the impure man.
Thus, we have learned how the letters Kuf and Reish became the two
sources of emergence and development of impure forces. And since the impure
forces pose as pure, they are called false, counterfeit letters whose purpose is to
annihilate the system of the pure forces and their unity with the Creator, so as
to forge themselves out of the devastation of the pure forces.
The birth of the impure forces from the destruction of the pure ones
is possible on account of the letter Shin, Yesod of Malchut, joining with the
impure forces as a result of the forging of the letter Reish out of Dalet. Thereby,
Echad turns into Acher, and the system of the impure forces (Elokim Acherim,
other gods) is created.


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