Main Reading for KABBALISTIC PRAYER this week, today with The Reading of THE PARSHA, and its decoding by Rav Michael Laitman. ARVUT OF: Carlota L and Chilam C. Please read the following: GENESIS 12: 1-20 GENESIS 13: 1-18 GENESIS 14: 1-24 GENESIS 15: 1-21 GENESIS 16: 1-16 GENESIS 17: 1-27 DECODING OF THE PARSHA WITH…
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MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 8th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. מבה חסין קדוש ברב טובך, נהל עדתֶך PREPARATION FOR RECEIVING THE TORAH: THE LIGHT OF CORRECTION -Rav Michael Laitman The Torah is the force of correction, and it changes us to equivalence with…
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SHACHARIT שַחֲרִית MORNING PRAYER and The 7th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. THE LAW OF ROOTS AND BRANCHES So it is with the worlds, where each lowerworld is an imprint of the world Above it. -Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”, Gems of…
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VIDUI: Forgive and correct our every failure to connect. RECITATION BEFORE THE TIKKUN RACHEL AND TIKKUN LEAH: Psalms Chapter 102 תְּהִלִּים יז כִּי-בָנָה יְהוָה צִיּוֹן– נִרְאָה, בִּכְבוֹדוֹ. 17 When the LORD hath built up Zion, when He hath appeared in His glory; TIKKUN RACHEL: Psalms Chapter 137 תְּהִלִּים א עַל נַהֲרוֹת, בָּבֶל–שָׁם יָשַׁבְנוּ, גַּם-בָּכִינוּ: בְּזָכְרֵנוּ, אֶת-צִיּוֹן.…
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Lesson on the topic of “Patience and Persistence” Patience and Persistence – Selected Excerpts From the Sources 1. Baal HaSulam, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy” The wisdom of Kabbalah: It requires great sages who examine their hearts and study it for twenty or thirty years. Only then will they be able to testify to…
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Baal HaSulam. Peace in the World Peace in the World Scrutinies and inquiries concerning matters that cause absence of peace, suggestions of world reformers and testing them against reality, observing the “good” that is founded on “mercy and truth, justice and peace,” as implied in the book of Psalms. “Mercy and truth met; justice and…
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Lesson on the topic of “All Your Actions Will be for The Sake of the Creator” Стенограмма набрана и отредактирована с русского синхронного перевода, поэтому в ней возможны смысловые неточности. Ежедневный урок (Утро), 1 ноября 2022 года Часть 1: Все действия твои будут ради небес Чтец: Мы на уроке на тему «Все действия твои будут ради…
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Psalms Chapter 48 תְּהִלִּים יב יִשְׂמַח, הַר צִיּוֹן–תָּגֵלְנָה, בְּנוֹת יְהוּדָה: לְמַעַן, מִשְׁפָּטֶיךָ. 12 Let mount Zion be glad, let the daughters of Judah rejoice, because of Thy judgments.
THE LIGHTING OF THE LORD´S CANDLE בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָי אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶׁר קִדְשָנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶל שַ Blessed are You, ADONAI, Ruler of the universe, who sanctified us with the commandment of lighting The Lord’s candle. L’chaim (LIGHT A CANDLE OR A MENORAH) CALL FOR SHECHINA, THE DIVINE PRESENCE OF GOD: This…
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IN GOD`S QUALITY נית נוראות ימינך תענני ARVUT: Celina Syuy
Ma’ariv/Arvit מַעֲרִיב/עַרְבִית ( EVENING/NIGHT PRAYER) and The 6th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. ETERNAL LIFE With The power of “Your awful right hand shall answer me”. Exodus Chapter 23 שְׁמוֹת לב לֹא-תִכְרֹת לָהֶם וְלֵאלֹהֵיהֶם, בְּרִית. 32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. ____________________________________________________ The…
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Rabash, “Love of Friends” (abridged version): The only way to enter the spiritual world and obtain a new sensation is for a few people to get together who have a small desire to exit their egoism. However, they can’t do it independently without help from outside. Even if they try to get together to connect,…
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Praise the Crown of Bestowal! Dear friends, Knights of The Creator, great gratitude once again, for another jewel of correction that you have contributed to “The Crown of Bestowal”, by coming to The Assembly of PRAYER OF MANY today. Peace & wellness to His Kingdom! Love to His Heart! Power to His crown!L’chaim! COHANIM BLESSING:…
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Reading of The Book of Zohar before sleeping, vol 5 page 247. Read from right to left. נית In Force & Love of God Adonai Ha´Aretz וBnei Baruch Kabbalah Amity
MITZVA 420 To give the first of the fleece to the kohein (Deut. 18:4) (according to the Talmud, this is not mandatory in the present outside of Israel, but it is permissible, and some observant people do so) (CCA52). Deuteronomy Chapter 18 דְּבָרִים ד רֵאשִׁית דְּגָנְךָ תִּירֹשְׁךָ וְיִצְהָרֶךָ, וְרֵאשִׁית גֵּז צֹאנְךָ–תִּתֶּן-לוֹ. 4 The first-fruits of thy corn, of thy…
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MINCHA מִנְחָה (OFFERING) AFTERNOON PRAYER and The 5th Tefilat HaAmidah תפילת העמידה of Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה) The Prayer of Eighteen Sefirot. נית ברכם טהרם, רחמי צדקתך תמיד גמלם, חסין קדוש A KLI FOR RECEIVING THE LIGHT -Rav Michael Laitman The Kli for receiving the Light is not the desire to be filled with pleasure but the…
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KIDDUSH LEVANAH קִדּוּשׁ לְבָנָה : – PRAYER OF CONSESSION ON FIRST QUARTER MOON We must know that the reason for forgetting the faith stemsfrom the fact that faith above the reason and the mind is againstall the desires of the body. Since the desires of the body comeby the nature imprinted in us, called…
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