Man & God Mitzvot


Baal HaSulam. Gatehouse of Intentions

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 2:

Baal HaSulam. The Gatehouse of Intentions (Chapter 5. #61)


S. (00:20) Before we start reading what’s going on here or how to go into the study?

R. Well, we’re already familiar with the study, he explains to us the connection, the ties of the Ten Sefirot, it is unlike the Sephirot and Partzufim connected between them in the world of Atzilut and the world of BYA that are connected to the world of Atzilut. And this is in essence of our work, this is the very place where we are when we begin to correct ourselves. So, here he explains the inner vessels, external vessels, surrounding light, inner lights, the worlds of BYA, everything that we need in order to practically approach the corrections, yes.

Reading (01:33 – 02:39) #61 “The inner vessel of the marrow for Neshama descends in Beria where it becomes Neshama…” Twice.

Reading (02:46 – 06:29) Simple Light – #61 “However, in the world itself, it is never made from a vessel of Neshama since the Haya and Yechida never clothe…”

2. S. (06:45) If you can explain where are the vessels are sorted out and corrected, the world of Atzilut?

R. The vessels are corrected and scrutinized in Atzilut, yes, Beria, Yetzira. Assiya, and when they arise to the world of Atzilut, there is their correction. But there are a few stages here of correction of the vessels, a correction of the vessel where the world Assiya, Yetzira, Beria and also to the world of Atzilut in stages.

3. S. (07:55) We have friends in the US that are with us in the ten so we can have enough people, that’s nice. And for us to have five friends, we have friends who are working in the US, if you see nothing there, for instance, you open the screen so we will have five friends. I know this trick and I respect it. So he writes that “the lights of VAK became as a Neshama and then he says that the world of Atzilut will never show that”. So what is he trying to say, that it’s all a lie?

R. Why immediately “lie”, again, why do you judge for lie or truth? Who wants to make a fool out of you, what are you in the market, what kind of words are these?

S. No it’s like an illusion, as if he’s lying, as if everything we’re saying is a lie.

R. As if it was an illusion and as if we are in a lie, this lie is given to us so that we can come to truth and correction. It is not like a lie like in our world that someone wants to screw you over and leave you at a loss; rather the opposite, to bring you to the real correction and so they are taking you through the lie as well like we do little children. Also we lie to them, this way and that way, but through that for them to get wise and get smart and to reach real wisdom.

S. Then he says “they can never receive the Neshama and the whole six thousand years that remaining light of VAK”, so what is he trying to say here?

R. That the light of Neshama, as he says to you, you cannot receive them through the six thousand years.

S. What does that mean?

R. That you cannot receive them because the vessels aren’t complete yet because the light of Neshama relates to GAR, the first three.

S. So what is our work, what should be our work?

R. We always are in this confusion: what is Katnut and what is Gatlut, what is smallness, what is greatness. In Katnut, you have Nefesh, Ruach in the vessel of Zeir Anpin and Malchut, and not entirely of course. All the five vessels that are connected and this is why the Nefesh, Ruach, this is how we call it. But even Nefesh and Ruach aren’t real because they don’t have NeshamaHaya and Yechida that will support them.

S. Meaning we want to rise above the state we see basically, they’re not real.

R. Yes, it’s like in our world, the baby exists, the small child, but he cannot exist without the older ones, without the adults, he has vessel but he cannot exist on his own.

S. So when do we see the truth, what we just talked about, when do we see the truth?

R. We see the truth when we reach, how do you say this so it will be understood, to Bar Mitzvah age.

S. I had a Bar Mitzvah, I didn’t discover anything yet, what do you mean Bar Mitzvah?

R. When you have VAK of Neshama.

S. Can you say a bit more so we can understand what you’re talking about?

R. When you will see the truth when the Creator wants.

S. How can I make Him want to give me?

R. Ask, ask really well.

S. You’re saying it’s the connection in the ten, you can’t ask alone?

R. Alright.

4. S. (12:47) How does it happen that vessels are corrected Atzilut, what’s that mean “corrected”?

R. There are lights there that can correct the vessels and cause them to connect, and then the vessels that are connected can receive the lights in order to bestow in the connection between them. So we have NRNHY, of course not as it will be in the end of Correction but already begin to connect five vessels and five lights. There is a lot of what to study there that this correction is still not a final correction.

5. S. (14:01) It is still not clear what the division is: NRNHY or as you told the student previously that Neshama belongs to Haya and Yechida?

R. This we cannot determine, finally, completely, because we have some here and some here, and from the side of the vessels, from the side of the lights, to what we determine towards the soul? Because the Neshama, on one hand is received in the vessels of reception and relates to GAR, and Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama on one hand, and on another hand, it relates to VAK and is dressed in the vessels of VAK and the light of Neshama is in the middle, it’s like Bina. That it relates to, it belongs to this and this, depending on how you look at it, and this is how we need to look at it.

S. And in this item, what is he saying, why can’t Neshama be, why can’t they be Neshama . . . ., Neshama, flesh and skin? The fact that they can’t get Haya and Yechida is clear but why can’t they receive the Neshama?

R. Because it also belongs to GAR: Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, it as if belongs to GAR. (translation fell out – 15:42)

6. S. (16:00) He writes, Haya and Yechida never clothe”, is that a rule forever, they never clothe?

R. Until final correct Haya and Yechida cannot clothe completely within the vessel because they are vessels of reception, they need the vessels of reception to clothe in them, and the vessels of reception until final Correctional are not corrected because they depend on each other.

S. And after the final Correction there is a clothing of Haya?

R. Yes, until then there is no limit.

S. What is this that we learn about the First and Second Temples?

R. This is where this is Mochin de Haya and Mochin de Yechida, yes, but when we’re talking about that final Correction, of course there is not. As it will be in Gmar Tikkun, the final Correction, which never existed before, which is why there was never final scrutiny and they broke, the two temples, that’s it. We cannot reveal what is missing in corrections until it is revealed, which is why it is said that “the Third Temple needs to come down from the Heavens”.

7. S. (17:43) I am constantly trying to depict everything that is written as the system of the guests and the host, can you please?

R. No, we will talk about it some other time, when we will have time.

8. S. (18:03) Even though the vessels are missing we still feel the wholeness, right, and that’s for us to keep on working?

R. Yes it already belongs on the degree of the person, depends on the degree of the person. It could be that he is in a very low degree but he feels in it wholeness, he always checks himself against to what he has.

Reading (18:44 – 20:02) #62 “The middle vessel is the Lev [heart], a vessel for Ruach. It descends in Yetzira where it becomes Neshama…” Twice

Reading (20:07 – 21:14) #63 “Indeed, the Neshama in Yetzira is Neshama in relation to Yetzira itself,..”

Reading (21:16 – 22:03) #64 “You should know that the internality and externality of the vessels,..” Twice

9. S. (22:30) As usual, what we always study: we have three vessels and some are the lights of Mochin.

Reading (22:41 – 22:52) #64 “and all the internality is called Mochin in relation to it,,..” continues.

10. S. (23:10) In a systemic way, I remember we learned that upper Partzuf only goes down to the one below it and here in item sixty-two, it’s as it Atzilut goes down to all the Partzufim below it, how is that?

R. The world of Atzilut can come down in Beria, Yetzira, Assiyah and come back up, and in these worlds of BYA can rise to the world of Atzilut, rather what?

S. Usually Beria goes down to Yetzira and Yetzira to Assiyah, clothed on each other, that’s how I remember it. And here is written that Atzilut comes down?

R. That he is divided into HBT HGT NHY is rising too.

S. They don’t come down?

R. Here not yet but they can do it as well.

S. Usually we learn that BYA rises to Atzilut in order to be corrected so what process is described here, that Atzilut comes down, it’s the opposite?

R. It can descend, yes, there’s no problem because all of these worlds are Bina and Atzilut can go down to the worlds of BYA and BYA can arise to the worlds of Atzilut also in part: Beria, Yetzira and Assiya and together, all of them. Soon we will learn this.

11. S. (25:00) What is the world Atzilut?

R. The world of Atzilut is our vessels and lights that are scrutinized from the broken vessels on the degree of Keter and Hochma, let’s say.

12. S. (25:33) Is there room to depict the concepts of the world of Atzilut even though I don’t have any understanding about it?

R. We can’t depict anything yet, these are just special vessels with lights in them that exist above the Parsa. this is the world of Atzilut: everything that can be corrected through the breakage of the vessel in the world of Nekudim.

13. S. (26:11) What he writes as Zeir Anpin to Bina and everything with the . . . . of NefeshAtzilut becomes Nesham of Assiya. Every time he gives us different definitions of the Neshama, what does it mean that Neshama is made of internality, externality, so what is Neshama?

R. Neshama are also Kelim and vessels, vessels and lights that are attained in the connection with the upper degree, with the Creator. So since their stable, standard light cannot be more than Neshama, that’s why it’s called Neshama.

S. So Zeir Anpin, they say it’s connected to Bina, where is Zeir Anpin, where is Bina, they’re both in the world of Atzilut?

R. No, I don’t understand what you’re asking.

S. Are Zeir Anpin and Bina?

R. Which Zeir Anpin?

S. It says “like the Zeir Anpin and Bina”, where is Zeir Anpin, the world of Atzilut or above that?

R. What are you reading?

S. [27:30] “At that time, Yetzira covers and clothes some of Beria like the Lev that covers the Moach Atzilut, and like Zeir Anpin toward Bina, while the outer vessel of the Kavved of Nefesh of Atzilut, it itself becomes a Neshama to Assiya.”

R. In the middle vessel of light there is the lev, the heart, and it’s made there in Neshama, the inner vessel, and then Yetzira is clothed in Beria, example of lev that covers the Moach in Atzilut, and like Zeir Anpin towards Bina. They have clothing, a holding sort of, Zeir Anpin clothed inside the Bina and He’s taking from the Bina, the Bina rises, grows. And the external vessels of the Kavved of Nefesh of Atzilut is itself becoming the Neshama of Assiya, yes. All of the vessels of the upper now become clothed in the lower and there creates the Neshama, a bigger vessel, Neshama is always an inner vessel.

S. This is something we have to attain everything he writes here?

R. Everything that is relating Atzilut, we have to attain.

S. Thank you

R. This is all ahead of us.

Reading (29:33 – 30:58) Simple Light # 64 “All three phases of externality are called body, and all the internality is called Mochin in relation to it.”

14. R. (31:03) Yes, yes, and all the rest: Neshama, Ruach and sometime Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama are already relating to the lower degrees.

Reading cont. (31:31 – 32:13) #65 “ It follows that the Mochin of externality has become a receptacle for the Mochin of internality and is called “its air,..”

15. R. (32:15) Well, this we don’t study and he doesn’t clarify so maybe later.

Reading (32:26 -32:58 ) Chapter 6 – # 66 “Now we will explain the chariot of Ezekiel, which is in Yetzira,..”

Reading (33:03 – 34:00) # 67 “The inner lights and their vessels are the higher ones inside and the lower ones outside..”

Reading (34:09 – 34:57) #68 “It therefore follows that the vessels of Assiya are the middle point of the whole of Assiya..” Twice

Reading (35:07 – 36:52) Simple Light – #68 “The vessels of Assiya are the middle point of the whole of Assiya, and all the worlds are in the middle of the inner and surrounding lights..”

16. R. (36:54) Here he just wants to justify the ARI of why he writes.

17. S. (37:11) This state of VAK where you cannot draw the lights of Haya and Yechida, is this a result of us not being able to raise a prayer?

R. We don’t even feel the need for it, we don’t have the deficiency, there is no revelation of a deficiency for these vessels that we need to correct. We will advance and we will see what comes out; this already has to be in the process of the last generation and it is yet to be revealed.

Reading (38:27 – 39:31) #69 “Once we know this, let us return to our matter, that the shells of Assiya are more at the center than all of Assiya and all the worlds except for this earth…” Twice

18. R. (39:33) This is what we are going to study tomorrow.


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