Man & God Mitzvot


Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 140.

ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson

ZA, tens, medium letters, nine letters: Yod, Chaf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech,
Ayin, Peh, Tzadik.
Malchut, hundreds, small letters, four letters: Kuf, Reish, Shin, Tav.
However, it is known that units are in Malchut, tens are in ZA, and hundreds
are in Bina, which contradicts the aforesaid that units are in Bina, tens are in
ZA, and hundreds are in Malchut. Such inverse dependence is caused by the
inverse relationship between the Lights and the Kelim: the lowest Light enters
the Highest Kelim. The Upper Kelim are the first to emerge, from Keter down to
Malchut (Keter, Hochma, Bina, ZA, and Malchut), whereas the first to enter them
is the smallest Light, Nefesh, followed by Ruach, Neshama, Haya and Yechida.
Therefore, if there are only units in the Kelim, from Aleph to Tet, then only
the Light of Nefesh is present. And if tens are added to the Kelim, the Light of
Ruach appears, and if hundreds are added to the Kelim, the Light of Neshama
fills them.
This is why hundreds are defined as Bina, tens as ZA, and units as Malchut.
However, with regard to the Kelim, the order is inversed: units are in Bina, tens
are in ZA, and hundreds are in Malchut.

Bina: Light (100) – Kelim (100)

ZA: Light (10) – Kelim (10)

Malchut: Light (1) – Kelim (1)

The letters descend from Bina to ZA and from there to Malchut. When they
descend from Bina to ZA, they descend as three lines: 22/3 = 7 letters in each, with
the remaining letter being added to the middle line. These twenty-two letters descend
in three lines to Malchut, which consists of five final letters MANTZEPACH,
thereby bringing the total number in Malchut to 22 + 5 = 27 letters.
The middle line is called “Heaven,” “firmament.” Therefore, when The
Zohar speaks of letters in the firmament, it means that the two middle lines,
7 + 7 = 14 = Yod + Dalet = Yad (hand) writes all the twenty-two letters in the
firmament (ZA) through the middle line. That is how one should interpret the
words of the Torah regarding the letters that appear in the sky or having seen the
hand that writes the letters in the sky.
The twenty-two letters of the Torah are the Kelim to be filled by the Light
of NRN. Units—from Aleph to Yod—are the Kli intended for the Light of Bina
(Neshama). Tens—from Yod to Kuf—are the Kli meant for the Light of ZA (Ruach).
Hundreds—from Kuf to Tav—are the Kli for the Light of Malchut (Nefesh).


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