Baal HaSulam. The Prophecy of Baal HaSulam
Morning Lesson October 7, 2022 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Baal HaSulam. The Prophecy of Baal HaSulam
Reading “The Prophecy of Baal HaSulam”
1. S. (13:12) Can you explain the allegory about the big one and the little one that they equalized themselves and still have no taste and no reason?
R. No, I’m not interpreting prophecy; this is what Baal HaSulam sees and not me.
S. So what can you learn from this prophecy?
R. According to feeling, according to your intellect, according to your question not too add from your mind to that which a Kabbalist sees as prayer.
S. Can I still ask, how come a Kabbalist cannot understand things?
R. You cannot with your intellect as smart as you are and every considers you to be smart and so do I but you cannot with your intellect enter a prophecy and start to give it that analysis and synthesis and critique it like you think it is not suitable. These are not the same vessels.
2. S. (14:40) Beyond everything there it describes here the process of building a prayer, as if Baal HaSulam from the moment he acknowledged until the point that he expresses he poured out his prayer, I think the Creator hears our hearts. So what is the difference between what is in me and what I expressed as a prayer? What is the process?
R. The addition is how the Creator is Illuminating you and how you answer him, your addition and to the extent to that you are through this in mutual connection between them you and in such a model, your modulation towards each other. To the extent your feeling connects to his and vice versa. So the sum of these harmonies, the waves, their sum manufacturers the common vessel.
S. Thank you. I will have to think about that but there’s another question about yesterday when we build a prayer we are always addressing, we want, we’re asking, there is always there is there concept of I or we but we need to become as one man, must we not address the Creator as I because we is plural?
R. No, this is already those who are connected together as one we as one.
3. S. (16:56) This prophecy is very shocking. The Creator has many names. Why does the Creator show himself to Baal HaSulam as Shaddai?
R. I do not know ,I will not start to make commentary on the prophecy, I am not on the degree of the prophecy. I’m not going to tell you about what I think or feel about, it is not for our advertising for me, this is what I for the time being understand and grasp therefore don’t ask me. There are things that I cannot answer and let me explain to you why. Because this is my personal perception in this general picture of the Kabbalist.
4. S. (17:58) What is the state where Baal HaSulam speaks directly to the Creator?
R. Why not?
S. Is this something that we can also do?
R. Of course everyone can get to that, each and everyone and we will for sure we’ll get to it, the question is only when and in what participation from each, from everyone.