GEMARA: Would this act not render the vessel useless? Said R. Huna the son of R. Jehoshua:
“The vessel is not made useless, because sparks do not amount to anything.”
“He shall not put any water into it,” etc. Shall we assume that this anonymous Mishna is in
accordance with R. Jose, who said that it is prohibited even to cause light to be extinguished?
How can you explain this in this way? R. Jose spoke of the Sabbath itself; have you heard him
saying so about the eve of Sabbath? And should you say that here is also meant on Sabbath
itself, there is a Boraitha which states plainly: A vessel may be put under the lamp to receive
sparks on Sabbath, and so much the more on the eve of Sabbath; but water must not be put in,
even on the eve of Sabbath, and much less on the Sabbath itself. Therefore said R. Ashi: “It may
be said that it is in accordance even with the rabbis, who do not mind the causing of light to be
extinguished through indirect means on the Sabbath. In this case, however, the sparks are
extinguished (through direct means, i.e.) by placing water underneath the lamp.”