Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 1. Part 3. Inner Observation, Chapter 3, item 4
Morning Lesson July 14, 2022 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Baal HaSulam. “Study of the Ten Sefirot” (TES). Vol. 1. Part 3. Inner Observation. Chapter Three. #4 (“When the ten Sefirot of reflected light”)
Reading Item 4 (00:24)
1. S. (04:10) Yesod of direct light had one Sefira of direct light and I attained the nine Sefirot of reflected light. How is this state attained by Malchut being included in Yesod?
R. Of course, everything is connected in the Malchut but what it does attain depends on the heights of which it attains it on and then the Sefirot of direct light or reflected light connect in Malchut and altogether Malchut receives all the Sefirot of direct light and reflected light and that determines the degree. So from Yesod only having one of direct light, what goes from it to Malchut but nine from reflected light what goes from Malchut to him, above to the Keter that is why everywhere there is ten Sefirot but it depends on how much direct light and how much reflected light. That is the main thing he wants to tell us.
S. What does it mean that through him the nine Sefirot of Malchut have to raise reflected light all the way to Keter?
R. I do not quite understand your depiction. The light comes through all of the Sefirot from Keter to Malchut and afterwards comes ten Sefirot from reflected light from Malchut to Keter and what are you asking?
S. It says here and you say, to that the Sefirot go through the Yesod.
R. Not specifically the Yesod but Hod and Netzach and the rest of the Sefirot.
S. So what does it attain?
R. They get so it does not get anything we just say if Malchut stands at Yesod, what is inner from direct light and what is inner from reflected light if it stands at Hod what it will it have has reflected light and so on.
S. To the state of degree that is attained in that moment that is called Yesod?
R. Yes because Yesod it is the cause but there are nine of direct light and one of reflected light.
2. S. (07:19) He says the Keter of direct light. It had HGTNHY of direct light and has now attained Malchut of reflected light completed in ten Sefirot so what is the condition for the reflected light to get this benefit?
R. To have a restriction, screen and reflected light and Malchut and then it was complete, all the Sefirot to ten.
S. And we can say that the ten can do such a thing can raise reflected light?
R. Of course.
S. How do we do the practically?
R. If we want to connect and complete each other you are already in a complete circle in a full connection and you become a Sefirot and you become a Partzuf and you become a soul.
S. So all of our work is only to create reflected light, do we succeed in adding reflected light in the tens?
R. As much as you want to bestow to the Creator and feel that you are receiving from him, that he was bestowing to you and you want to bestow back to him like the guest and the host are that you are establishing direct light and reflected light and together they are called a Partzuf.
S. Do you see that we succeed in generating reflected light?
R. What I see is not important. I am telling you what the conditions are and whoever performs those conditions will build a Partzuf.
3. S. (09:07) You said about the relationship between the guest and the host so do we …. as the upper nine in order to feel and generate reflected light?
R. Of course every ten exists in order to raise reflected light.
S. The upper nine who wants to bestow upon us?
R. You connect between you and intend that what you want is to bestow back to the Creator, to the host and you will start feeling the right attitude of the host towards you.
S. There was something in the article it seems that in the imagination all of the Sefirot receive direct light from the Keter but as it is in Netzach, they are not receiving direct light directly from the Keter. So how to relate to this process?
R. I don’t understand what are all the Sefirot that are related to Keter?
S. In the article, it specified Netzach which receives direct light from Hod or Yesod ?
R. Well it doesn’t receive direct light, from Yesod it gets reflected light.
S. Which one, I did not understand, maybe I asked in the wrong way but what I was trying to say was if the Keter, Hochma, Bina are the qualities of the Creator and we say that Malchut was me so what does Zeir Anpin created between a relationship between Keter and Malchut?
R. Mr. I cannot give you a whole lecture now, how Zeir Anpin was born and what happens in there. We are studying concretely here, ask about this if you have something but about what is written down here. I respect your desire to know everything but not that now you will take the whole lesson and start asking whatever you feel like about how Zeir Anpin was created. That is not the way we work, sorry, anywhere you study together with others you can only ask until a certain limit. Think of the others that will help you more to open these things up than you asking and getting answers.
Reading 5 (12:43)
Reading 6
4. R. (06:22) So he was giving us a rule here how we can see how the direct light completes the reflected light, ten Sefirot, and we always get a complete vessel actually on each and every degree we have part of reflected light, part of direct light until eventually when we all enter a Zivug all of the whole complete Sefirot are there. Each one completes the other and the other completes it and that’s how you reach a whole completion.
5. S. (17:04) Why do the Sefirot of direct light need to attain the Keter they emerge from the Keter?
R. They do not need to attain the Keter, the Sefirot of reflected light completes the Keter, they complete it.
S. What is the goal of the Malchut that it couples with a Sefira of direct light?
R. Her goal is to establish reflected light that will be a vessel for all of the Sefirot of direct light.
S. She causes a certain attainment?
R. Of course Malchut causes attainment, Malchut on each and every degree and the general and the Sof of the Partzuf is a vessel to attain the light.
S. The attainment is in the Sefirot of direct light?
R. As much as Malchut and its reflected light can clothes on that direct to light that is called that she attains the light. Clothing is called attainment.
6. S. (18:40) You said that the Sefirot of direct light and reflected light always build ten Sefirot between them, what does that mean, how do they complement each other?
R. As much as we have direct light or reflected light it will always be ten. Because it cannot be that in the reflected light there will be more or less If we have ten Sefirot with a Partzuf, Masach, reflected light, that is how it works.
7. S. (19:22) What does it mean that the 10 Sefirot to Malchut clothes outside all of them? From Keter to Malchut ?
R. Again.
S. What does it mean that the 10 Sefirot from Keter to Malchut clothe outside of them.
R. The 10 Sefirot from Keter to Malchut, where is it written?
S. 3rd paragraph up from the end.
R. Thus the incorporation of every Sefirot incorporated beyond the 10 Sefirot because of direct light and reflected light it is in thickwise, clothing in one another, this is because of their equal level. In the internality, all 10 Sefirot stand lengthwise from Keter to Malchut and they are clothed lengthwise by ten Sefirot of Hochma that stand lengthwise from Keter to Malchut. Ten Sefirot of Bina clothes from them, from Keter to Malchut until the 10 Sefirot in Malchut clothes outside all of them from Keter to Malchut.
S. What does it mean that the Sefirot of Malchut clothe externally in everyone everything?
R. Because the last one forms a coupling by stripe striking and wraps them and gives them all reflected light.
8. S. (21:55) Align the update from yesterday about the short lesson, afternoon with Rav, so we will send a survey today and I also wanted to update that the idea came from the ideological group. Following the update from yesterday there was a question that arose about who was the ideological group and what is its role, we would like to ask you to just say a few words about that.
R. I am not really putting this trip together but I am in this, I’m involved in it. I am interested that there will be a group that will manage BB. That there will be many men and women, our friends that are veterans especially, that there will not be any confusions or questions but those who have been through states, all kinds and this group will perform instead of me, they will be instead of me. That they will be, there are a lot of people turning to me asking daily, a lot of people with all kinds of questions and all kinds of issues and I am not so interested to take care of it. I am an old man already, I feel like I don’t not have as much force any more and better if we determine somebody, some assembly within BB. This body, this committee will perform instead of me whether I am alive or pass away, there will be something like a form instead of me, also now and also later on when I will not be here anymore. So that is why I am really interested in such a thing and what do I have to say, is there an address?
R. Send your questions and you will get explanations there. I’m really interested in that this body will be put together and start working and me, instead of morning lessons, except for the lessons I will not be a part of all your life unless God forbid, I don’t know specific things I need to take care of. Gather questions, all kinds of things, issues, maybe you have to show up here he says he is going to be there, the secretary right?
S. Yes he is the secretary of the form and group.
R. So I would turn to him and he will explain everything now that he can do it alone but that whole group for now as it exists, you can change it, you can make changes in it, you are building for yourselves a government.
S. So just to say, there is no need to turn to him directly, just turn to the I just want to mention to you again have a survey will be sent, please fill it in we will look at the hours in the study materials and then we will look at when it will happen.
R. So let’s end here.