Baal HaSulam. From My Flesh I Shall See God
Morning Lesson July 10, 2022 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 2:
Baal HaSulam. From My Flesh I Shall See God (The Need to Attain the Emanator)
1. R. (00:11) I just want to remind you that this article is not a complete article, Baal HaSulam wrote a collection of excerpts in order to perhaps assemble them into one expanded article but never did. So let us at least read what he wrote for himself.
Reading (00:37) “The Need to Attain The Emanator” Twice
2. R. (05:28) The fact that we wish to know what’s up, what’s down, what is happening with all those things in all the worlds, outerspace, these things cannot come out toward the whole, the wholeness of the deficiency is when a person yearns for the attaining of the emanator, but attaining the emanator is a deficiency towards itself and this is its being. This is very important.
Reading “That is it feels itself as an emanated being…”
3. R. (06:37) Yes meaning eventually in our development what we go through, is all kinds of forms of development where we wish to explore the space around us everything, until we eventually come to a desire to attain our emanator, which is the highest deficiency and eventually it is revealed in people.
4. S. (07:10) This desire to attain its emanator, its Creator. Is this a desire or intention?
R. No it is a desire, a deficiency.
S. So it has to be corrected and have an intention also?
R. Of course of course we will have to correct these things. We are speaking nearly all the phenomena that we are describing that awaken in us.
S. What does it say here about measure opposite measure?
R. To the extent a person develops to that extent he slowly begins to yearn to know who is his source. Eventually it comes to the desire to attain the emanator.
S. So opposite this desire it says here that to the same extent is the size of its own body.
R. Yes because as much as it yearns towards the emanator, it is a sign a measure, of his desire. How much it grows.
5. S. (08:39) About this matter of focusing on this internal desire to attain the emanator, specifically how can a person focus on that and not go after all the other external temptations?
R. The creator gives you an opportunity meaning that he awakens in a person a desire towards him for the Creator and then a person has to try and grow this desire with the help of the society with the arvut, as we learned about it. Okay?
6. S. (09:20) He says here that we should still know what is the lack that intellectual soul feels. Where does this intellectual soul have a deficiency, what is the intellectual soul?
R. These deficiencies are revealed from the broken vessel of Adam HaRishon, where slowly, gradually this vessel comes to a state where the upper light influences it more and more and then various deficiencies appear in the vessels and this is what we feel, you see how the world is advancing, people who lived in the jungle or the trees or in caves didn’t yearn for anything other than to eat and have a good time. Today they want a bit more and a bit more people, wish to get to know the world to understand it. This is all a result of the development of the will to receive.
S. What does he mean when he says it’s engraved in his nature to greatly crave to know its emanator and Creator, is it each one of us or only those who study the wisdom of Kabbalah?
R. People yearn for all sorts of knowledge. I wish to know, who am I, what am I, where did I come from, who is was playing with me from above, what is my destiny, my fate, what is happening to me. The Creator arranges nature in such a way that makes me ask myself what will be of me, what will be my fate, my destiny and what will happen and I feel that there is no other choice I have to know just like I investigate nature using science, similarly I wish to investigate the higher nature.
S. So is everyone drawn to know that and all that?
R. Gradually, gradually but through this incorporation since the world’s becoming more incorporated and inclusive then today we may not understand it, but by this incorporation of everyone and everyone we share our Impressions from one end of the world to another. From one side of humanity to the other, so very quickly we come to states where everyone will be asking about it, will be worried about it. There are people who are very distant from it, entire whole nations and tribes, but today that is not the case they’re coming closer and they are asking.
S. Does it come as a result of the problems, the troubles that they come, that they suddenly become interested in such things?
R. Also troubles. Troubles mean revelation of the deficiencies that are pushing us forward.
7. S. (12:41) Until 100 or 150 years ago most people would follow some religion today, in the modern world as we call it and people seemingly there’s no God in his story, they’re just busy chasing after science, money why was this stage of disconnection that humanity is now going through, disconnecting from this idea that there is some Creator, religion, all of these things, why does that happen?
R. Because back then they used to think they depend on the upper force, now with the help of science and wisdom they think they depend on with money and power, especially the power of money, but those are stages of development, soon you will see they will find the importance in something else and eventually they will find the importance in the connection between us since through that we can turn the world upside down.
S. So humanity will make a turn in the direction of the Creator or the direction of connection?
R. In the direction of connection.
8. S. (14:10) The point in the heart, or the question of what is the purpose of life, these are also desires that stem from the desire to attain the emanator?
R. Yes that is exactly the center of the point in the heart where it is connected to the emanator.
9. S. (14:34) Everything comes from the Creator except the fear, the attainment of the emanator, is that the Creator’s desire or does that come out of fear, spiritual fear?
R. The attainment of the emanator depends on the degree of spiritual fear towards it.
Reading continues (15:03) “It is written, for you to not see any image…”
10. R. (19:38) It’s hard for us to understand this text, Baal HaSulam wrote it on a different degree than he would typically write for other people. We will read it again perhaps then we will see how by repeating it we understand it more or at least we connect a bit more to the text.
Reading again “It is written, for you to not see any image…”
11. R. (21:53) Here he keeps discussing how can we come into some contact with the emanator.
Reading continues “We can say about it that this first…”
12. R. (25:06) I understand that there will not be any questions here. He wrote it truly for himself. Anyone who would change the emanator in the middle and upper degrees he understands what he is talking about that he could look at all of creation from a certain height. Going further we will see how these things are not so clear. What can you do? He is writing about the degrees about which he cannot explain simply.
13. S. (25:56) He gives some advice here to try and remember this form and then it will be my desire to give you some of my wealth.
R. So how can you explain what it is written?
S. That is what I am asking you to explain. There is a certain form here that you can try and make an effort to remember.
R. No it’s not to remember and repeat in a corporeal manner. You have to reach a certain amount of spiritual knowledge in your spiritual attainment and then you will be able to arrange these things in such a way that it will be clear to you how this process is working, what is happening in the spiritual ascent meaning the system will become clear to you how it works but it it’s not like you could now understand it with your intellect.