Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 124.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
If the Kelim and their filling originate from the first restriction, the letter
Yod is present in the filling of HaVaYaH. And if the Kelim are filled with the
Light of the second restriction, it is the letter Aleph, present in the filling of
HaVaYaH. The difference between the Gematriot of AB and SAG lies in the
filling of the letter Vav: Gematria of Vav in Partzuf AB is twenty-two (from the
filling of Ohr Hochma), whereas Gematria of Vav in Partzuf SAG is thirteen (from
the filling of Ohr Hassadim). From the aforesaid, it is clear that Partzuf AB
originates from the first restriction, whereas the letter Vav (ZA) in Partzuf SAG
originates from the second restriction.
3) HaVaYaH with the filling of MA:
Yod: Yod + Vav + Dalet = 20
Hey: Hey + Aleph = 6
Vav: Vav + Aleph + Vav = 13
Hey: Hey + Aleph = 6
Such a filling of HaVaYaH is called 20 + 6 + 13 + 6 = 45 = Mem (40) + Hey (5) =
MA (the letter Hey is pronounced as “ah”).
4) HaVaYaH with the filling of BON:
Yod: Yod + Vav + Dalet = 20
Hey: Hey + Hey = 10
Vav: Vav + Vav = 12
Hey: Hey + Hey = 10
Such a filling of HaVaYaH is called 20 + 10 + 12 + 10 = 52 = Nun (50) +
Bet (2), pronounced as BON for easier articulation. This is the Gematria of
Partzuf Malchut, and it is equivalent to twice the value of the unfilled HaVaYaH:
HaVaYaH = 26, and 26 x 2 = 52 = MA.