Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 123.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
A filling of HaVaYaH with Light is referred to as its revelation. Thus, the
letters emerge from the state of concealment when they are not filled. In all there
are five Partzufim: Keter (Galgalta), AB, SAG, MA and BON. The first—Partzuf
Keter—is the main one and the source of all the rest. Its ten Sefirot is plain (inner)
HaVaYaH, for each of the four letters of its HaVaYaH comes outside, revealing
a new Partzuf that clothes it.
So then, out of Partzuf Keter-Galgalta, from the letter Yod comes Partzuf
Hochma (AB), from the letter Hey—Partzuf Bina (SAG), from the letter Vav—
Partzuf ZA (MA), and from the letter Hey—Partzuf Malchut (BON). Thus Partzuf
Keter is designated by plain HaVaYaH, and the Partzufim that clothe it are
designated by filled HaVaYaH. The recording of HaVaYaH with the Light
that fills it is called Miluy (filling). For the purposes of brevity when naming
a Partzuf, the notion of Gematria was introduced. Gematria is the numerical
value of the Light that fills the Partzuf.
Wisdom (Hochma) is called calculation (Heshbon), Gematria. A calculation
is made only in a place where Light is received: (i) a preliminary calculation is
made as to how much Light the Partzuf can receive for the Creator’s sake; (ii)
the Light is received in accordance with the calculation; (iii) calculation of the
received amount, called Miluy, Gematria.
Malchut cannot receive the Light of Hochma without the Light of Hassadim,
and in that event, Hochma cannot shine in her. Then Malchut ascends to Bina
and becomes like an embryo inside of her, by which she receives the right
line—Hassadim. Upon joining the past and the present states, Malchut receives
Hochma into Hassadim, and the Light of Hochma shines in her. All these actions
of Malchut are accompanied by calculations, called Gematriot.
The Gematria (numerical value) of the Partzuf unfilled with the Light, the
Gematria of the empty HaVaYaH is as follows:
HaVaYaH = Yod + Hey + Vav + Hey = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26. The Gematria of a
filled HaVaYaH is formed by filling each letter; In Hebrew, each letter has a full
name: A-Aleph, B-Bet, etc.. Hence, there are four kinds of fillings in HaVaYaH:
1) AB, 2) SAG, 3) MA and 4) BON.
1) HaVaYaH with the filling of AB:
Yod: Yod + Vav + Dalet = 10 + 6 + 4 = 20
Hey: Hey + Yod = 5 + 10 = 15
Vav: Vav + Yod + Vav = 6 + 10 + 6 = 22
Hey: Hey + Yod = 5 + 10 = 15
In all: 20 + 15 + 22 + 15 = 72 = AB, where “A” designates the letter Ayin = 70,
and not Aleph = 1. HaVaYaH filled with this Light is called Partzuf AB (Partzuf
Hochma), for the letter Yod with its filling signifies the Light of Wisdom, Ohr
Hochma. Such a filling is called “HaVaYaH with the filling of Yod.”
2) HaVaYaH with the filling of SAG: the Partzuf that is filled with Light of
Mercy, Ohr Hassadim, is called SAG, for its Gematria is this:
SAG = Samech (60) + Gimel (3) = 63:
Yod: Yod + Vav + Dalet = 10 + 6 + 4 = 20
Hey: Hey + Yod = 5 + 10 = 15
Vav: Vav + Aleph + Vav = 6 + 1 + 6 = 13
Hey: Hey + Yod = 5 + 10 = 15
In all: 20 + 15 + 13 + 15 = 63 = Samech + Gimel = SAG