Rabash. Record 67. What Is Truth?
67. What Is Truth?
For the most part, beauty is determined by what the majority decides is beautiful or not beautiful when it comes to clothes and furniture. We see that each generation rejects the depiction of beauty of the previous generation. For example: In the previous generation, people knew that furniture should be made of wood, with all kinds of engravings on them. Today, the closets are wall-closets, as it was in Jerusalem a few generations ago. We see that in old apartments there are wall-closets, but today the wall-closets are nicer than then.
However, who can really say what is beautiful? It is impossible to answer this or give a definition. Instead, anything that the majority agrees on that is beautiful, everyone follows this example. Hence, each time, there is a new trend, meaning new patterns.
It follows that anything that the majority appreciates is considered beautiful and people follow is called “respectable clothes,” and what people respect, people can exert in order to acquire.
Therefore, in spirituality, called “in order to bestow,” which people do not respect because the majority does not appreciate spirituality, it is difficult to work and labor to obtain spiritual things. But here, too, the question is, Which is the truth? Is it important or not?
The answer to this is that although spirituality is very important, but in order not to spoil spiritual matters, there was a correction that we cannot see who appreciates it. Instead, a person must believe that there is great importance in being among those who see the King’s face.
It follows that in truth, it is very important and very honorable, but it was given in a manner of correction so that the creatures will not see the importance of the matter. Hence, there is no general consensus over it. For this reason, spirituality is regarded as being in the dust, meaning that nothing can be more despised than dust. It follows that internally, it is truly important and honorable. But on the outside, it seems like dust.
Conversely, in corporeality, on the outside, a different form is defined as beautiful, and each time we respect things. But internally, meaning in truth, it is all a lie, except people determined that this is beauty.
But each time, they regret and say about something else that it is beautiful, and about the previous form, that it is not beautiful. But in truth, inside there is no beauty; it is all a lie. However, according to the view of the majority, they say that this is important and that is unimportant, but fundamentally, it is all a lie. This is not so with spirituality.