Rabash. Record 47. Worse than Everyone
Morning Lesson June 15, 2022, Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 1:
Rabash 47. Worse than Everyone
1. Rav’s Introduction: Yes, it is written worse than everyone what does it mean? That a person should feel that he is worse than everyone because he feels that no person has the faults that he has although he sees that they engage in work less than he does. So it turns out that what he has he feels that those faults that he has, no one else has them. This is why he feels himself as worse than everyone. Everyone has all kinds of other faults, but he does not feel their faults as closely as what he has even though he sees that they engage in the work less than he does, however for this he feels that they are in a better state than he is. This means that the faults the problems that he feels are closer to him and so he feels that he is worse than everyone and in truth we need to come closer to a state where we will not calculate and compare ourselves with others but only towards Creator, that actually what is more important for me is how much do I feel that the Creator’s pleased with me, not that I’m good or bad in my own eyes that I would say so, but rather how much in the eyes of the Creator, good or not so good. This is what a person should check. How do we check it? With respect to others. One has no other test, no other serious concrete test but rather as much as he relates well to others then one can say about himself whether he’s better or worse and this is how one advances. This means that from degree to degree from state-to-state one needs to see himself how much easy making concessions to everyone, justifying everyone that he is mercy over them as much as they have faults, deficiencies relative to him, these are such faults that he can forgive, and this is what he therefore feels himself as worse than everyone. Again what does he write, a person should feel that he is worse than everyone because he feels that no person has the faults that he has although he sees that they engage in the work less than he does. Then he truly sees that relative to others he has a lot more to correct and accordingly he feels himself how much he more and more needs the help of the Creator to come closer to him so that He will correct him and in that way he will advance.
2. S. (04:35) What does it mean that he sees that they engage in the work less than he does?
R. Even though it seems to him that they’re engaging in the work less than he is, but they are also less worse than he is, they don’t have so much to correct, they relatively are mediocre whereas he sees in himself many faults and problems, things that are not okay that are wrong. He’s constantly criticizing, he feels himself all the time in lowly states, so this is why he checks himself, weighs himself that he is worse than everyone.
S. It is said that they engaged in the work less than he does. It speaks of the friends in the ten or in the group or in general?
R. Relative to the ten that’s for sure but also with respect to the whole of humanity. With respect to the whole of humanity there’s a general measurement and group measurement, in the group for sure he has to see himself how much is worse than everyone and how much she can support everyone from below upwards to elevate them and towards people in general towards the whole of humanity to also see that he does not understand why he was chosen to nevertheless be the servant of the Creator at least to some extent and therefore he sees himself that he does not deserve that state that stature that the Creator has chosen. This is why he gradually advances towards the truth, and he feels himself as worse than everyone.
S. They engage in the work less than him and relative to humanity, ok you can say it, but in reference to the ten they work more than me or it’s a specific state.
R. These are states, states certainly it’s not a permanent state but it is desirable for one to repeat it and check himself this way.
3. S. (07:09) It turns out that whatever he does he will always feel a deficiency, he has something to correct and when he corrects himself he corrects the whole world right?
R. That is also true, but it is not only about this.
4. S. (07:31) The text says, oftentimes we feel that we are the worst compared to the whole world Kli which is very lowly very distant, but we feel that we have the potential that we can be good, and we can reach correction. What is the connection between the potential that we feel internally in the ten and the connection with the Creator?
R. We cannot measure things truly because for this we need to exit the with receive completely then also to rise to the degree of Bina and then from the degree of Bina we are able to measure all the states in a way that is more or less objective and before that our measurement will never be correct however relatively in order to advance as we are constantly between the friends, when we are in the group, this is a condition that cannot be ignored when we are in the group between the friends we can measure ourselves relative to them to the extent that I relate to them, not towards them that I check every each and every friend where he is, I cannot see that in truth as it says they have eyes but they cannot see the truth but what I can do is I can somehow see myself from one state to another how I improve and activate the prayer to the Creator that he will help me to judge the friends in a more correct manner more objectively and so on. This is how we advance. To feel that he is worse than everyone it’s not the way that you sometimes see people I see them that they are truly humiliated, lowly, that they discover themselves that they are worse than everyone, yes I am worse than everyone this is my spiritual state and from this spiritual state as it says he raises the poor, that specifically when people are in these states when they feel themselves this way from those states their heart is asking that they will be lifted in the right way not that they want to lift themselves, elevate themselves that they will feel better so that they will be above others in order to receive some reward but rather their worth is that from that lowest state that they feel they can specifically support everyone and by that they can advance everyone to the Creator. This is the prayer of the poor. There are articles about that, a lot is written about it, what is the prayer of the poor for he shall engulf.
5. S. (11:25) There is a contradiction felt here because he says to see lower than everyone that is already attainment that’s already an ascent on the other hand he incriminates the friends, condemns them.
R. I do not understand what you’re saying what it says here a person should feel that he is worse than everyone because he feels that no person has the faults that he has that all other people do not have the faults that he has, he has special faults this is what each and every one feels although he sees that they engage in the work less than he does however the deficiencies that he has others do not have them. They feel themselves this is how it seems to him that they feel themselves in a very calm manner in a way that is way less worse than what he has.
6. R. (12:53) Well think about it, these are things that we need each and every day to check ourselves, to arrange ourselves to calibrate ourselves, this is how it is.
7. S. (13:07) It is clearly understood that this is the state that should be but what should we do if after you check it you’ll understand clearly you are actually the opposite, you are not guilty.
R. Are you truly in such a state or that you only want it that you feel that you deserve it or that it’s coming to you, or it has come to you, and you are already in that state, feel special.
S. I know for certain that this is happening, maybe not with some details but if you think deeper I can feel very comfortable in that state.
R. Well there’s the matter of desirable versus existing. The fact that I want to be more than everyone the highest the closest to the Creator that’s on the one hand on the other hand, am I in that state. If I’m in this state well let’s check how much I’m in this or not according to my relationships with others. Out of that I can measure my state towards the Creator. If all people, all the people in the world who exist before me, if I can feel them as one complex of their desires and care for them with all of my heart then it is considered that I’m close to the Creator. If I am not toward that state then I’m not coming closer to the Creator, so let’s check ourselves.
S. To be aimed and to be inside this feeling, this sensation there are different things in order to be directed at it, it’s realistic?
R. We do not need more. If you’re checking how much you care about the good future for everyone without any difference all kinds of differences that exist between people and nations et cetera and parts of humanity I want the benefit of everyone and I want it not theoretically that each one says I love everyone that but rather that I truly want to see everyone gather together in my heart and I want to feel them if I would be in the place of the Creator I would fill them up with the all of the abundance and I would care for them only about them all the time. This is called to open your heart. That you want to correct all of your desires so that they will be in order to bestow.
S. What is the prayer that will be here?
R. That it will happen, that it will happen, this is how you want it to be this is what you turn to the Creator for, this is called from the love of people that you are going towards the love of the Creator because the love of the Creator is the sum total of this effort.
8. S. (17:13) A person discovers that people are connected, they are one for the other, the Creator arranges them, cares for them, what kind of a deficiency can you extract from it other than lowliness?
R. Lowliness is that this is how a person shows himself, sees himself that he’s lowly, that he’s worse than everyone, okay, but the most important thing is how does he relate to others to people. The Creator wants us to bring all of humanity to Him so that He will be able to connect them together and to fill them together. This is why we are called Yashar El, Israel straight to the Creator, a group of people who are working towards bringing all of humanity to the Creator and we do not need to do anymore.
S. There’s a point where you look at a group of people, public, the general people and there’s a strong feeling that the Creator is sustaining them, is caring for them, takes them through states. What is the room that he leaves for you for work?
R. You will want it, you will ask that you will pray for them not for yourself but for the whole of humanity the whole of humanity. You’re asking Him the strength that you will have the ability to activate a request a prayer towards Him so that He will have a heart in which to include all the deficiencies all of their desires that are corrupted and you are raising these deficiencies these desires to Him to the Creator so that He will correct it meaning that you’re giving it a wrapping of Hassadim mercy on your side and raising them to the Creator and that the Creator can already take care of them.
9. S. (19:35) When this absolute automatic work opens up relative to others puts you in a dead end until you feel this total repulsion that you can’t send it there’s a stench coming out what is the next step?
R. First of all you need to isolate yourself emotionally meaning not to become incorporated, not to come closer to people but rather first of all to determine in which form you are now going to connect with him. You will want to feel their deficiencies, how much they are far away from the feeling of the Creator so that you will pray the Creator will come closer to them. It does not matter where you are, you are even willing to stay in the state that you are in, rather the most important is that you ask for them. This is called the prayer in the public, the prayer of many, it is a prayer for the many and this is what elevates a person higher and higher, if this is how he is asking for everyone. He doesn’t take into account really whether they’re good or bad they love him they hate him that does not matter because of course they are what they are but rather we need to ask for everyone that the Creator will bring them closer and only out of Him bringing them closer they will change for the better and they reach the corrections.
S. In this work when I try to feel these vessels and to raise them in prayer to the Creator so that He will fill them and correct them a certain feeling rises from that, where you are seemingly not looking at….
R. Don’t think about yourself that you also need to change, think only about them that you are asking for them you have a possibility nevertheless to turn to the Creator. The Creator gave you an opportunity He gave you a thought, a desire, small ones but nevertheless such that you can turn to Him and ask for them for the whole of humanity so don’t bring you to this your own prayer, it doesn’t work together. If you are asking for them then you are not in this except for the fact that you are serving their deficiencies to the Creator.
S. How to accept it that as long as you are inside the process of asking for others the work we are doing is pure but once you fall out of it you see that you are impure we’re doing a good job and we are impure.
R. So don’t exit it don’t come out of this work don’t come out of praying for the others and then you will see how much the Creator will change you He will correct you He will bring you closer to Him but you are not asking anything for yourself this is called that you’re making a restriction and you are asking only for their deficiencies that the Creator of correct them, and as for you it doesn’t matter it is not important to me what I am and what is happening to me I’m only asking for the others.
S. In our ten we constantly, we have six prayers during the day.
R. Sir I do not want to hear what is happening in your ten don’t take everyone’s time, be less of an egoist, listen to what I’m saying and try to do what I’m saying, that is it.
10. S. (24:40) Sometimes a person wants to run away when he feels that he is the worst, how can we overcome this?
R. Well, I understand him indeed it’s a very strong feeling that you have no room among everyone and in general who are you what are you what are you even doing here you want to run away from this whole business and from the connection with the Creator even with the group and nothing, to simply disappear such great faults appear that you simply want to disappear to come out of them, what to do? To realize that this is something coming from the Creator and you to work specifically with these desires that he is awakening in you and to continue that way there is no choice and these states are the most beneficial states for advancement.
11. S. (25:57) When you ask for the ten, connect to friends, ask the Creator to fill them with light, at what point do you go from here to a prayer for the whole world, how to ask for the whole world?
R. Well if you’re not yet capable of shifting from the ten to the world and depicting to yourself the deficiencies of the entire world, well don’t do it for the time being. It seems to me that it is possible that the world today is quite round, and everyone feels or are able to feel to understand the deficiencies of others is happening everywhere to the better and to the worse. It is possible, it is possible to become incorporated with the whole world and to ask for the whole world and we also learned that all-in-all we exist in a single vessel. It is impossible that it will be good for one place and bad in another place, it seems to us that this is how we are still living so that the most important that it will be good in a place where I am in but that is incorrect. When we will see the truth we will see that it is only with respect to us that the world appears as though it is divided into many parts and that every sector from the world lives its own life but it’s not how it is this only seems to us this way in our ego but once we will see the truth we will see a totally different form, totally different, let’s hope that it will be revealed more soon.
S. Practically I’m trying to understand the ten dissolves inside this prayer for the whole world or are there many new degrees in this process, how not to lose these connections in the ten?
R. We need to connect between us in the ten even more strongly in order to pull the whole world behind us or in order to push before us the whole world towards the Creator. We have to be even more in a single desire, a single intention of a single heart.
S. No translate in Russian the connection in the whole world should have the form as in the ten?
R. Yes, try to do it like that.
12. S. (29:25) About seeing everyone inside your heart, inside the ten, should I somehow check myself that my attitude changes?
R. Through your prayer by incorporating in the friends you can check each and every state.
S. Yes, but I can simply pray for each friend and do that as the work, or should I measure certain changes here?
R. Try, I can’t tell you. You need to search within you all kinds of discernments and see how you advance with them.
13. S. (30:19) I want to go back to Rabash’s short article, in what way am I worse than everyone?
R. You’re worse than everyone in that you received the ability to come closer a little bit among everyone to the Creator. You understand you feel you are in the state that you can change and feel something, and in that you are not bestowing to the world as much as you can. You are worse.
S. How can I measure myself relative to others if I am worse or not?
R. Because they did not receive an ascent like you, they did not receive a connection to the Creator and you did receive it, and so how do you actualize it and how do you use it?
S. That is relative to humanity?
R. Yes.
S. The friends in the work Kli and in my ten, how can I measure to see if I am worse or not?
R. To the extent that you were pushing them to the Creator and pulling them to the Creator, which by the way is not the same thing, the force of pulling and the force of pushing, and as much as you take part among them.
S. What is the difference between pushing or pulling them?
R. Not at once, think about it and then I can answer you another time after you think about it and then you will have a certain interest in this.
S. If I do my role in my place, maybe I’m not worse or maybe I’m successful but I’m doing the best that I can?
R. From this moment you do not want to advance to another moment to something else then you do not exist. You see, you look at a person and in the next moment you see a chair instead of the person, you see a table instead of the person and this is not a man because that man is not operating he’s not in a state where he is similar to the Creator and pulling everyone to him, no. Rather he made of himself the still or the vegetative but not Adam, not human. He lost the right direction, the energy, the strength.
14. S. (33:06) For a long time now I feel quite frustrated about this feeling that I’m deviating from the work, and I do not understand why I have my ten and there is humanity and I feel that I’m constantly praying for humanity for what is happening in the world and it is giving me a feeling of frustration because I said maybe this is wrong maybe I should focus only on the ten. Not that I neglected but this is where the great prayers are, so thank you for this lesson and I imagine that there are many who work this way, and it is good that we combine these things?
R. I will tell you, what is important for us is to be more concentrated together in turning to the Creator, this is actually clear to everyone, and we talk about it all the time also. Which deficiencies should we exactly concentrate on when we turn to the Creator? Here I will recommend that there is no shortage in nothing lacking in humanity, in Bnei Baruch in the different groups other than connection, and in that as much as these circles are closer and closer to the Creator, so each and every circle should feel itself responsible and also worse than the other circles. Therefore we are actually, and this is truly happening to some extent, that we feel ourselves as not successful, not advancing, not special in any way because in truth the situation is the opposite. We are advancing greatly, we are very special, but this is how it appears, this is how it appears. It is like if you go to some great scientist and you will ask him what is happening in his science, and he will say, ‘Oh we have so many problems and we still do not understand this and that’ and he is frustrated. If you ask a simple person from the street he will not tell you these things because he does not feel these deficiencies. As Rabash writes here, to feel worse than everyone needs that I actually elevate myself to a higher degree than before and then I feel myself as worse. Because one who is greater than his friend he’s inclination is greater. That is why I feel myself as worse, not okay and this should awaken me to make my vessels of bestowal greater, even more in the direction of connecting the group in connecting others.
S. Also on the topic of the worst in everyone, I never trusted myself and I guess it is good that I cannot trust myself. What I observed from you and the Kabbalists, I want the promise to be upheld whereby we are all in adhesion and wholeness except for me. Up to now I remember what you said first when we were in the old building, you said to me 12-13 years ago, friend, believe us up above everyone is laughing at you and the last full remains down below and I’m holding on to this sentence, but apparently it is still relevant.
R. I’m with you in all of these states believe me. I wish that I will feel myself worse than everyone but in such a way that it won’t paralyze but rather push you, sting you towards a prayer, towards a prayer.
15. S. (37:46) What to do when I feel that I’m not capable of making a concession for the friends and I am worse than all the friends, what to do in that state?
R. Pray. This is a very good state where you feel yourself that you are worse than everyone, when you have no way out of it as well. To pray everywhere, whatever may be, first we need to activate the prayer. You should understand that what appears to us is not something that we reveal, rather it is the Creator who is revealing it to us so that we will constantly turn to Him. Everything that I have in my heart and my brain, each and every moment I wish to feel it and rise to the Creator. Let Him correct me, let Him advance me, it is enough for me for only one moment to feel what I have in my brain and in my heart and already I need a new state. This is how we advance, so don’t forget about it. Clear Africa?
S. We’ll be together.
16. S. (39:47) As much as I feel myself as worse and not corrected to the same extent there is great gratitude to you, to the group, to the Creator for the fact that I am where I am, but how from that state can I the help the group, I do not know what to?
R. Specifically because you feel yourself as if you are the worst, that you are not corrected you cannot participate correctly and help everyone correctly. Specifically in this state you have something with which to turn to the Creator so that he will help you, correct you and He will correct you and then from the state of what the Creator’s giving you, you will be able to enter the group even more and invest in them even more.
S. I can ask for myself?
R. But you are asking Him that he will help you to support the group.
17. S. (41:02) When I want to last for everyone, I need to come closer to them, so how do I do it without becoming incorporated in all of the other corporeal desires?
R. On one hand it says don’t distance yourself from the public, on the other hand we see that Kabbalists always tell us to isolate ourselves a little bit from the public. How can we feel the public to some extent? We need to fill the public without being incorporated in it, but only to touch it so to say, and it is enough to ask for the public.
18. S. (41:58) You said that coming closer to the Creator in the way that I measure how I do good for the Creator is only by how I relate to the friends. What to do about the fact that I am not doing enough for the friends?
R. In truth this should always be the feeling and it’s good that you feel this, but together with that you should not stop you, but rather push you to do more. Set for yourself a certain set of actions that you are doing for the sake of the group.
S. In affections, in writing and recording?
R. Yes, like that, try it.
19. S. (42:46) When I scan my life and the events that I went through I feel worse than everyone. Does the Creator give these feelings in order to make me feel shame and responsibility?
R. The Creator is giving you everything in order to advance you. Nothing descends on a person but only to advance you towards the goal, accept these things always. Meaning in the worst possible manifestations, the most foolish forms that you can imagine and all those states, the Creator nevertheless wants to bring you closer to the goal.
20. S. (43:42) Should we play in the ten as though I’m the worst of everyone?
R. Maybe also act but try to measure it to check those states if they exist, you do not need to act them out so much.
21. S. (44:10) Should I feel the worst in that my desire for the connection is smaller than that of the friends?
R. I want to say only one thing, the more you succeed even as Moses who is the greatest of them all, the greatest of all people who existed, and he was the closest to the Creator of all the people that existed. Even if you were closer to him nevertheless you will feel yourself lonely, humiliated, and worse than everyone. We need to understand that the feeling of loneliness is a necessary feeling, and it helps us, it is extremely beneficial in order to reach corrections and that is why we feel, and this is why we receive this feeling.
22. S. (45:21) Should I forcefully lower myself so that I feel the worst of everyone?
R. Yes but it should not be artificial.
23. S. (45:37) I feel that the friends are judging me, is it because I’m the worst?
R. Maybe, you can talk to them about it, there’s no problem, talk to them.
24. S. (45:49) What does it mean to retire from the public?
R. To retire from the public means that they close themselves off like in a monastery and they do not care about anything.
25. S. (46:06) In what is a person worse if he keeps hearing from the friends that they appreciate the work that he is doing?
R. When you hear the friends they will tell you that you are okay and check yourself, how you are relative to the group, the friends the Creator and you will see that you are actually not okay.
26. S. (46:35) If I do not see myself as worse than others does it mean that I’m not on the right track?
R. No, it means nothing. The annulment that a person wishes to perform towards the friends and relative to the rest of the world that is actually the correct action that can bring you back to the right trajectory, the right track.
27. S. (47:14) Does being the worst person mean that a person understands that there’s no place to run away from the work and he understands the mutual responsibility?
R. I did not understand. Please repeat the translation.
S. A person reveals his evil inclination, does it mean that he also understands that there is no place to run away and understands the mutual responsibility?
R. It does not mean that he understands, he should try many times and in it he will understand.
28. S. (48:15) You answered a friend, about the prayer, do not leave this work and do not think about your own corrections, so what is this effort?
R. It is an effort that we would do. Look, we need to listen to all of the conversations from today. We’ve been talking about a one liner for 50 minutes. Let them hear it again.
29. S. (48:48) Does the feeling of loneliness bring a person to a prayer and what for?
R. Yes because lowliness takes him out, he does not agree in his ego to remain in loneliness and that is why it awakens him otherwise he wouldn’t have felt his loneliness.
30. S. (49:10) When I ask for my friends am I asking for myself indirectly also?
R. This is happening with certainty nevertheless it is recommended that we do it this way.
31. S. (49:31) How can one work with the feeling that he is worse than everyone without growing weaker morally out of the feeling?
R. I am doing spiritual work, what do you mean morally, not morally? I’m doing spiritual work. There’s a whole world in front of me and behind the world is the Creator and then you connect to the Creator through the world, that is it.
32. S. (50:00) I need to be the lowest of everyone but in parallel I need to evoke envy in the friends. How can I combine these two?
R. Also by being the lowest I can awaken envy. Even to evoke someone’s envy, I can also envy someone’s loneliness.
33. S. (50:34) If I have to think only about others, what does it matter if I’m the worst or the highest of everyone?
R. No, it does not matter but later when we begin to make calculations then it is important to me to check how I position myself relative to others.
34. S. (51:05) Why in feeling the worst of everyone is the Creator is helping us to discover him more?
R. Because the worst a person feels himself he needs the Creator and he wants to approach Him and to receive help, support, adhere to Him.
35. S. (51:25) Is this an expression of pride when a person thinks that he is the worst, the lowliest in the world.
R. No, it is not an expression of pride, but it is the ego, yes, that is showing him. We are doing a lot; we are making a lot of steps forward with the help of the ego otherwise we would not be able to measure ourselves relative to the Creator.
36. S. (51:55) Why does the Creator bring us to such a lowly state and how are we supposed to balance this spiritual state with our corporeality?
R. We won’t be able to balance it with corporeality for the time being but when we advance more and more we will see just how much we can receive from corporeality all the vessels and discernments about spirituality. It is all along the way, we will learn it.
37. S. (52:36) Is this feeling of this state that I’m worse than everyone does it necessarily evoke shame?
R. Not necessarily. If I understand that this has to be along the way, if I ascribe it to the Creator who created it, the will to receive and he discovers me, I’m that object in which the Creator reveals how he created this object. The Creator created me, this person and the Creator now reveals how this person is worse than I ask the Creator to save me from the state because I do not want to be in the state where he created me because by that I point to the corruption.
38. S. (53:46) How will I have the strength to face the shame and how does a person advance through this shame rather than stop?
R. Specifically when we advance it is through the shame, always through the shame. Hence we have to respect the shame and see how to use it more practically, more specifically.
39. S. (54:14) How to feel the worst of everyone and along with that be in joy?
R. If I can see that thanks to that we are advancing towards the purpose of Creation then I’m happy. It is written about Moses that he was the lowliest and the most humble, the highest but also the most humble.