Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 122.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
In order for the creature to emerge from the Creator, the Light emanating
from Him must descend through four stages, whereas the fifth stage already
perceives itself as a separate and independent (from the Creator) desire to enjoy
precisely the Light emanating from the Creator.
Upon emerging from the Creator—a result of a sequential emanation of
His Light—the desire to receive pleasure (Kli-vessel) also consists of five parts
designated by the letters: the tip of the Yod, Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey. These five parts
(four letters) are called the Creator’s name HaVaYaH, because the Kli gives the
Creator a name according to its sensation of Him, according to its sensation of
the Light that fills it. The Light that fills the Kli is called “filling.”
The Kli created by the Creator is divided into five parts, called “worlds.”
Each world is in turn divided into five more parts, called Partzufim (faces). Then,
each Partzuf (singular for Partzufim) consists of five parts called Sefirot. In all,
there are 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 spiritual objects or degrees from the lowest degree to
the Creator Himself.
Each Partzuf consists of five parts (Sefirot), designated by a dot and four
letters: Keter-dot + Hochma-Yod + Bina-Hey + ZA-Vav + Malchut-Hey = HaVaYaH.
The difference between each of the 125 Partzufim lies in the type of Light that fills
them, whereas the core of the Kli, the letters HaVaYaH, remain the same. A desire
cannot appear unless the Creator’s Light had previously passed through the five
stages; only the fifth stage is considered a birth of a new creation (desire).
The whole universe (all the worlds) is nothing but the ten Sefirot or the
Creator’s name HaVaYaH.