Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 1. Part 2. Inner Observation. Chapter 9, item 103
Morning Lesson June 10, 2022 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 3:
Baal HaSulam. “Study of the Ten Sefirot” (TES). Vol. 1. Part 2. Inner Observation. Chapter Nine. #104 (“We have explained above about the incorporation…”)
Reading #103 (00:28)
Reading #104 (01:43)
Reading #105 (03:28)
1. Meaning every light that goes through a certain Sefirot leaves itself there and continues on.
Reading #105 Continued (03:52) “When the reflected light of Yesod travels through Malchut…”
2. S. (05:22) When there was a restriction all of Malchut emptied from the light, now we are talking about reflected light and the lights that are in Malchut meaning that in Malchut of Malchut has reflected the light in all Sefirot above or have light. So, it’s not clear to me how it works one and the other?
R. I do not understand what you are asking.
S. If the light goes through, how could it be the Malchut of Malchut can receive the light and reflect it, meaning that all the Sefirot are filled with light, how does it happen that after Malchut is restricted all the ten Sefirot of Malchut are supposed to be restricted.
R. No, the fact that it makes a restriction, the restriction is over the reception of the light but the light is before her, the fact that it made a restriction over the reception of the light not it can make a calculation how much to receive in order to bestow and then it makes this rejection after the restriction the original elevating the reflected light from below upwards.
S. When the Ari writes that the Malchut of the Ein Sof restricted all of the light and all the light departed and remains empty so what does it mean to some light remains, but she doesn’t receive it, she is filled with light, what is that calculation?
R. This is what we’re talking about the Malchut of Ein Sof that made the restriction here we’re not talking about that but the reception of light in order to bestow, the direct light and the reflected light that expands within the ten Sefirot of the Partzuf.
S. Meaning, yes this direct light, so after the Malchut restricts the light enters?
R. It restricts itself in receiving but later makes the calculation on how much it can receive in order to bestow and then by that there is a force opens, a path opens for the light to appear until the Malchut.
S. I will ask again, it says that it’s a reflected light and say the first Partzuf, Galgalta, gives light until the degree of Keter.
R. Yes.
S. Reflected light?
R. Yes.
S. The degree of Keter where, this degree of Keter that is in Malchut outside of Malchut, where is this Keter?
R. That is considered bringing back to Malchut.
S. Is this Malchut of Malchut?
R. I do not understand what is your confusion here. Malchut of Malchut of Malchut.
S. There’s the totality of the will to receive and inside there is the Malchut that was restricted, we are talking about it.
R. What is the general will to receive?
S. All the discernments that are in the four phases of direct light.
R. Forget about that, that is in the Ein Sof.
S. We are just talking about this Malchut that was restricted?
R. One of the ten Sefirot, the last called Malchut, so the light that comes to it she rejected and makes a calculation how much you can receive in order to bestow, that is the process that we are talking about here.
S. So the upper light that he’s talking about it being reflecting or the nine Sefirot or ten Sefirot, it means that the upper light that is already inside of her.
R. Of course, it is in the inside direct light.
3. S. (09:39) If I understand correctly the reflected light is on all the Aviut and it raises ten reflected lights, so the order is the first light which is the Malchut of Malchut or Keter of the Malchut?
R. Malchut elevates the reflected light and what comes to it, Meaning direct light comes to her, she performs the restriction, besides the restriction she elevates her response called the reflected light, so what are you asking.
S. There are ten degrees of coarseness, and it rises to the Ein Sof to Keter, meaning there are ten reflected light, so the first light is that Malchut of Malchut or Keter of Malchut?
R. Over Keter of Malchut because Malchut of direct light is Keter of reflected light.
4. S. (11:04) What is reflected light practically in the work in the ten?
R. When the created being wants to receive only to bestow containment to the Creator, to the source.
S. Is the means that I ask for the friends, for their deficiency is that practically drawing the reflected light?
R. Yes of course, try it a few times then you will see how you are advancing to realize what is written.
5. S. (11:55) What does the reflected light of Malchut add to her nine Sefirot and what do her nine Sefirot give back to her?
R. Reflected light comes from Malchut to Keter includes within it all the lights that Malchut returns, that’s it.
S. But does she add something to the Sefirot?
R. It adds to it, reflected light and that’s why it has connection with the Creator in all of this ten Sefirot.
6. S. (12:40) Who receives the reflected light and what changes does it do in the system?
R. Malchut within each and every state establishes this reflected light, receives.
S. Meaning she receives the reflected light itself?
R. Not exactly, we will learn that because basically Malchut of direct light becomes Keter of the reflected light and Keter of the direct light becomes Malchut of the reflected light.
7. S. (13:29) What does it mean that Malchut becomes the source of the reflected light? How can you be the source?
R. She stops receiving the light in order to receive, makes a calculation that only in order to bestow she would receive. She, only under this condition, it’s about to receive direct light, and by that it really connects to the Creator to Keter because Malchut of the reflected light connects to Keter of the direct light. That’s why each one receives and bestows to the opposite Behina to Keter to Malchut and Malchut to Keter and that’s why it’s a connection between the Creator and the created being.
S. It turns out that Malchut is beginning to aim itself to Keter?
R. Of course, who else it bestows if not Keter? She doesn’t reveal anything besides Keter, it is the Creator that is revealed before her.
S. It aims itself only to Keter, so how does this graduation happen, where Malchut of Ohr Hozer goes to Yesod?
R. We will see, let’s see.
8. S. (15:15) This reflected light has the same quality like the direct light or the moment the light comes to contact with the screen it loses something of its quality?
R. No, it receives an addition of coarseness, what lies within the created being in Malchut and certainly the reflected light is not the same the same intensity as the direct light, it has all kind of discernments of the created being wanting to bestow to the Creator, however, how to equalize them, who is more and less and what exactly, we will talk about it. In the meantime, we won’t go into that. It will confuse us.
9. S. (16:17) Can we say that Malchut becomes the source to the next degree and for the ten Sefirot of the reflected light is already the next Partzuf?
R. It is not yet the next Partzuf but is the preparation for the next one.
10. S. (16:44) Is the ten Sefirot of the reflected light, is that built in the ten Sefirot of direct light?
R. Ten Sefirot of the reflected light causes the building of the ten Sefirot of direct light, they awaken and invite Malchut to respond this way, that’s what I can say. There are many actions there, however everything stems from the 10 Sefirot of direct light appearing there, Malchut as it performs a restriction, it has a response over the 10 Sefirot of the ten Sefirot of direct light in a certain way, builds the 10 Sefirot of the reflected light.
11. S. (17:54) Why do the ten Sefirot of the direct light go down, ten in Keter and nine in Hochma, and all the ten Sefirot remain in each and every degree?
R. That is the intensity of the light coming this way it is direct light. As much as it comes from a lower degree, a lower Sefira, it is weaker and back the reflected light, the lower, as it comes from a lower degree, it is stronger is an opposite value, lights, and vessels.
12. S. (18:47) How does the reflected light come out as vessels and the direct light comes out as a feeling and they complete one another in a horizontal way?
R. We don’t talk about that but there’s something to what you talk about it.
Item #106 (19:20)
Item #107 (20:25)
13. R. (20:55) it is always ten but how much of the reflected light and how much of direct light depends on the number of the Sefira.
Item #107 Continued: (21:02) “Hochma has eight of direct light….”
14. R. (22:11) Meaning that there are lights in each Sefira from the light that went through her upwards and there are lights that went through her from up downwards, that’s why each Sefira is different from the next.
Item #108 (22:28)
15. R. (24:34) Meaning in each and every Sefirot that come from about down and then Sefirot that come from below upwards but ten altogether in each Sefira.
Item #109 (24:50)
16. R. (25:10) Just like in Keter there are only ten Sefirot of direct light in Malchut there are ten Sefirot of reflected light and all the Sefirot between Keter and Malchut and Malchut and Keter, they are already part of this and part of that part of that.
17. S. (25:27) There is a difference here in item 107, we read that Hochma has seven Sefirot of direct light, and before that we read that Hochma has nine Sefirot in Hochma, and all the lower eight Sefirot went through her.
R. Nine Sefirot in Hochma because Hochma is the second Sefira, Keter and Hochma, and then from Hochma until Malchut you have nine Sefirot. What else?
S. Later in the reflected light we have Hochma has eight Sefirot of direct light.
R. That’s how many go through her.
S. What are these nine Sefirot? What’s the difference between the Sefirot that go from below upwards, and then it’s nine, but when they become eight Sefirot of direct light?
R. In Hochma we have eight Sefirot of direct light, in Keter we have ten Sefirot of direct light, in Hochma, nine. What are you reading this?
S. In item one hundred.
R. One hundred?
S. Yes it seemingly contradicts, it contradicts, but it’s different from 107. In item one hundred says that all the bottom, that there are nine Sefirot in Hochma, because the lower eight Sefirot of…
R. Wait, wait, item one hundred. The light of Bina passes through Keter and Hochma, it leaves its root in them, and so on in this manner. Well? It’s the same in the light of Bina because it must travel through the two preceding Sefirot, before it comes to Bina, it necessarily acquires its place in Keter and Hochma as well. Thus there are now three lights in Keter, which are the lights of Keter, and the lights of Hochma, and the light of Bina. Likewise there are two lights in Hochma, which are the light of Hochma and the light Bina, and one light in the Sefira of Bina, namely her own light. It continues in the same manner until the light of Malchut emerges. At that time Keter has all the ten Sefirot because the lower nine lights have necessarily traveled through Keter, thus acquiring their place there. There are also nine Sefirot in Hochma, because all the eight lower Sefirot below her, traveled through her and remained there. Likewise, there are eight Sefirot in Bina, seven in Hesed, and so on. What’s the problem here? Here there is no problem.
S. Here it seemingly there is no problem. There are nine Sefirot in Hochma, and then, it inverts in item 107 in Hochma there are eight of direct light and two of reflected light, so how does the nine become eight, or how to understand the difference here?
R. It could be that he’s counting what enters in Hochma and what emerges from Hochma to Bina, where she doesn’t have the light for itself or herself, because there is no Sefira below her, that’s very technical. What’s the other place you’re reading?
S. In 107, they become eight Sefirot of direct light. Maybe because of the inverse value of vessels and light. Previously its vessels, then its light?
R. Item 107, in Hochma has eight of direct light and two of reflected light, Bina, seven of the direct light and three of reflected light. Well? Here there’s no question.
S. It’s seemingly okay, but previously it was nine Sefirot.
R. Where?
S. What we just went through in item one hundred. Nine Sefirot that went through her now she became eight of direct light and two of reflected. Previously there were nine. So what’s the difference between this Sefira that comes down from above downwards, and this Sefira that comes from direct light to reflected light. What is the qualitative difference?
R. Because there’s a difference between the Sefirot that goes through Hochma or Bina down words and what remains. That’s the difference. The Sefira, the light that goes through a certain Sefira leaves her root there, of that Sefira and continues onwards. So in Hochma there are eight of direct light and two of reflected light, in Bina there are seven of direct light and three of reflected light. I still do not grasp your difficulty here.
S. My question is technical but I’m trying to turn it from technical to more emotional because that’s how you are directing us to learn, and I find intellectual confusion. In the beginning it’s written nine Sefirot, now it’s written eight Sefirot. So I’m trying to turn it into something to understand.
R. Do you understand what he’s saying?
S. Keter has ten Sefirot. Now as Malchut bestows to Keter there is one Sefira of reflected light. So it’s not clear, is it ten or nine and one? It’s the same with Hochma, is it eight and two with the reflected light, or nine that Hochma has, according to what we understand?
R. It depends on how you are counting it.
S. What’s the difference in the way I’m counting?
R. The difference in the count is what goes through and what’s there. That’s how I started talking to him about. Keter has ten Sefirot. Hochma has nine Sefirot, and so on and so forth, until Malchut. Yes? On the way back when the reflected light comes from Malchut, so one light comes to Keter, two to Hochma, three to Bina, etc., that’s what he writes. So what is the question?
S. What’s left, where accordingly Baal HaSulam in item 106 or 107, that’s what he looks at. We say that there are nine of Hochma but eight are left. It travels through her eight.
R. Yes because we are already not talking about Hochma, we are already talking how much Bina receives from Hochma. Bina receives from Hochma eight Sefirot. Keter and Hochma remain in Keter and Hochma, and eight other lights move onwards.
S. The reflected light reaches up to Hochma, it doesn’t reach to Keter, let’s say the reflected light that leaves two Sefirot of reflected light in Hochma, it reaches Hochma, or it goes through it as well?
R. How are you counting this? I really don’t understand?
S. Because if this was what Hochma bestows down, we look at that as eight, I understand what the reflected light clothes also, the two Sefirot we count. So I’m asking, is it from Hochma, from the bestowal of Hochma below, that’s what the reflected light clothes on?
R. Yes of course.
S. It doesn’t feel Hochma itself?
R. That depends on how we count it. We usually talk about the lights that go through from one Sefira upwards, and from it downwards.
S. Suppose Malchut reaches Keter, the reflected light goes through Malchut?
R. And reaches to the Keter.
S. It fills all the Partzuf until Keter or it doesn’t enter Keter?
R. It enters the Keter as well.
S. So if it enters Keter then where does this one part, because we say Keter bestows nine from it to Malchut.
R. Keter of direct light is Malchut of reflected. That’s what we say, yes? That’s it. Bestows there.
S. Somehow the sum, if you look at it logically, it sums up to eleven, not to ten. If Malchut bestows reflected light, ten Sefirot to Keter,……….., how does that come down to the ten Sefirot of Keter itself?
R. In Keter we have nine Sefirot of direct light, and Malchut of reflected light, otherwise there will be no connection whatsoever between the light and the Partzuf
S. That’s exactly what’s not clear. You just said that Keter has nine Sefirot of direct light. Keter has nine Sefirot or it bestows nine Sefirot?
R. She bestows nine Sefirot.
S. In Keter it says there are ten Sefirot?
R. Yes of course. Each and every Sefira has ten Sefirot. Only how much of direct light and how much of reflected light. That’s the question.
S. The clothing of the reflected and the direct light is the bestowal of each Sefira in Malchut? Not what it has in itself?
R. Again I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Look at what he writes in, let’s say, 106. By the incorporation of the reflected light through passing, ten Sefirot were established in each and every Sefira. Keter has nine Sefira of direct light and one of reflected light. Is that clear or not?
S. There is a matter here that is not clear.
R. So what is not clear altogether, 106. It turns out that we have ten Sefirot in each and every Sefira of the above ten Sefirot. Meaning, together with the reflected light, in other words, the light of Malchut that is received each and every Sefira completes the ten Sefirot. Malchut completes each and every Sefira, whatever it’s missing for it to get to ten Sefirot. Because in Keter there are nine Sefirot of direct light, there are nine Sefirot of direct light in Keter, KHB, HGT, NHY, and one reflected light, namely Malchut. For she receives the last from the ten Sefirot of reflected light. Keter of direct light is Malchut of Ohr Hozer, reflected light. Consequently he has only one light of the reflected light, in Keter.
S. So before there is reflected light in Keter there are ten Sefirot after the reflected light. We look at it as nine plus one?
R. Before we have reflected light in Keter we can’t even talk about there being any light whatsoever, if already. What do you want to ask in that? Let’s say you.
S. Now we look at Keter as made of nine plus one.
R. Because she has a connection with Malchut. Actually, we can never talk in any Sefira without connecting it to Malchut. The Malchut which responds, opens each and every Sefira to the reception of the light. So how many lights enter into each and every Sefira? From the fact that Malchut opens up there. Therefore, we always have ten Sefirot of direct light and reflected light together, and that is how we examine it. Where are we now?
S. We started reading 109.
Item #109 (38:55) “Netzah has three of direct light and seven of reflected light…”
18. R. (39:17) In Keter we have ten Sefirot of direct light.
Item #109 Continued (39:22) “Netzah has three of direct light and seven of reflected light…”
19. S. (40:55) Malchut that reaches Behinat Dalet of Dalet, erects a screen and then it can start providing the reflected light, is this correct?
R. Yes.
S. That’s why all the questions of Keter one and Malchut one, compliments the Partzuf, when basically all the discernments are from the descent of the previous three layers, levels, until Malchut becomes a supplier of reflected light. Is this correct?
R. Correct
S. Thank you very much
20. S. (41:43) no translation
R. Yes, try to think about it more and you will understand that we always have lights in all the Kelim, in all the vessels, and this is how we have to relate to the transferring of the light. Where are we?
Item #110 (42:52)
21. R. (43:59) Meaning all the ten Sefirot of reflected light complete in each and every Sefira from Malchut to Keter until the ten individual Sefirot.
Item #111 (44:12)
23. R. (45:29) Well continue, what can I say?
Item #112 (45:37)
22. R. (47:36) Yes, meaning we have a very simple law here. No matter where we take the ten Sefirot, the rules that takes place here, in the ten, ten wherever it is, the laws will be the same laws.
23. S. (47:54) There is always ten Sefirot, but some part is direct, and some is reflected light, as we said. But that blockage between these two parts, what is that?
R. That’s the Sefirot. That’s the relationship of each and every Sefira to the direct light that comes to the Partzuf. The light that comes to the Partzuf enters through the Keter, then Hochma, Bina etc., so that light is divided that way between all the ten Sefirot.
S. Isn’t that a screen? What is it about?
R. About the screen we will talk later. He’s telling you simply, that every light that enters, enters through the Keter and comes from Keter to Malchut, and then to the extent in which there are direct light Sefirot in each and every individual Sefira, as much as there are reflected light Sefirot in each and every Sefira, and each and every one there are ten, and how much direct and how much reflected there is in each, depends on the level on the which separate we are talking about. That’s it.
S. So, it turns out that the Malchut rises every, to a degree where there is direct light?
R. Of course, Malchut stabilizes the reflected light from the direct light. It turns out that actually in all the Sefirot you have all the lights, in all the Sefirot you have the restrictions, and the screens and everything, and then you are talking in the generality of the Partzuf. Here he entered the individual forms but actually we usually don’t study this way. That in each Sefira there is a screen, reflected light, restriction etc., we don’t usually learn it this way. But we need to know that that’s how it takes place. That’s how it exists.
24. S. (50:25) So, it turns out that there’s always light in the Sefira of Keter that is intended for Malchut and doesn’t enter. That’s the first thing. Secondly, so in order to reach the final correction, what we need to do is for light to enter Malchut, if I understand correctly.
R. Yes.
S. So when this light, that is intended to Malchut, there will be eleven Sefirot?
R. No, in each and every Sefira there will be ten Sefirot of direct light and ten Sefirot of reflected light. Because each Sefira will receive fully.
25. S. (51:17) Malchut enables the reflected light not to come out of the Partzuf? Does Malchut prevent the reflected light to come out of the Partzuf?
R. Malchut with her reflected light gives an establishment to the Partzuf, and with that we say, I want to kind of complete him, in that we say that Malchut stabilizes the Partzuf, yes.
26. S. (25:30) This means that when he says direct light he means the direct light that clothed within the reflected light, filling in the Partzuf already after the Zivug?
R. Yes, there cannot be reflected light, which is reflected from Malchut upwards without a Zivug de Hakaa, without a striking and a coupling.
S. There is no direct light in Malchut?
R. No, there isn’t.
S. So, what is the light of Nefesh we read in Malchut? What is this light? It is only reflected light? That’s what we call the light of Nefesh?
R. Yes, for the time being it is like that.
27. R. (53:18) We will conclude the lesson and that’s it.