Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 120.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
Malchut is called Shechina (Divinity), as she is filled with the Light, Shochen
(Dweller—the Creator). The Creator is called Shochen when Malchut feels Him
as such, within her. If man, being part of Malchut, purifies himself of egoism,
either partially or completely, and thus fills his corrected desires with the Light
(the Creator), he becomes part of the Shechina.
Malchut consists of four parts that are named by their properties (also called
faces): face of a lion, face of an ox, face of an eagle, and face of a man. Alternately,
Malchut is likened to a spiritual kernel, surrounded by four shells, which correspond
to the four Klipot (impure forces): Ruach Se’ara (Stormy Wind), Anan Gadol
(Great Cloud), Esh Mitlakachat (Blazing Flame), and Noga (Radiance).
Kabbalah can describe spiritual actions either as names of Sefirot and
Partzufim or as names of HaVaYaH, EKYEH, and so forth, with their fillings
and Gematriot (plural for Gematria—the numeric value). Although the most
frequently used language is that of Sefirot and Partzufim, sometimes the
language of HaVaYaH with its fillings can also be applied, even in parallel or
simultaneously with the former.
Most Kabbalistic terms are composite: Maatzil (the Creator) comes from the
word Tzel (shadow), as the Creature emerges from the Creator’s concealment,
from His restrictions. Another name for the Creator is Boreh (combination of
Bo—come and Re’eh—see).
A name denotes attainment. Upon attaining an object, man gives it a
name. Similarly, man gives a name to the Creator according to the property
that he attains, depending on how he feels the Creator. There are several
kinds of names to the Creator, based on His properties. For example, the
Creator’s name EMET—“Truth” is based on the sensations of His Light within
the Partzuf.
Below are the names of the Creator with the corresponding names of
the Sefirot:
– Keter: Aleph-Hey-Yod-Hey (EKYEH)
– Hochma: Yod-Hey (YA)
– Bina: HaVaYaH with the punctuation Segol-Holam-Hirik, as Elokim: Yod
(Yod-Vav-Dalet) – Hey (Hey-Yod) – Vav (Vav-Aleph-Vav) – Hey (Hey-Yod).
– Hesed: Aleph-Lamed = EL (pronounced KEL)
– Gevura: Aleph-Lamed-Hey-Yod-Mem (ELOKIM)
– Tifferet: Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey (HaVaYaH without punctuation)
– Netzah: HaVaYaH TZEVAOT
– Yesod: Shin-Dalet-Yod = SHADDAY
– Malchut: ADONAY (pronounced ADNI)