Lesson 1 “A Real Gathering”
Congress Lesson #1 April 30, 2022 Transcription
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
“Only The Friends” – World Kabbalah Convention 2022
1.Rav’s Introduction: (04:50)
I’m very happy that we are able to have such a congress. It is truly the most important topic, a topic where if we get organized correctly then in our organization in the group there we meet with the Creator. He on his side relates only to the group and not to anyone individually. When we reach a connection called the group, coming together, then there we discover him and we reach him with adhesion and there we discover the whole purpose of reality, the purpose of development, the purpose of our existence, the purpose of life.
It is not that we need to take two steps from being individual to connection and from connection to the Creator but rather there in the connection itself, when we play it out we discover the Creator and this is why we only have one step to do really, to the connection between us. Those who will discover that they have no interest in that or maybe they even rejected from that and aren’t capable, they don’t want to, specifically that we learn that those are the right, true conditions that we have because this is expressed in,” I have created the evil inclination”, that we discover our ego, how much we are not capable of connecting and therefore all that is left for us is to carry out the connection, to realize it. If we implement it then there we discover the Creator, the upper world, the spiritual world.
This connection is our soul, there is nothing more to do but only one thing and therefore this congress is actually the expression of the entire spiritual connection that we need to do, wiith that we finish all of the corrections. It is impossible to implement it at once, so we do it again and again and again but this is the action, this is the way.
There is nothing more to do, we don’t need to think of anything else except for how I, even though it is not important for me and I am even rejected from that, how do I nevertheless overcome and time after time more and more. I come closer to the importance of connection. The understanding of the greatness of connection, the solution, the only solution is inside of the connection. In this way, in this connection, there we find the Creator. There is the key, the door, the entrance to the upper world. Therefore the congress is really, in its foundation, very important, very much directed correctly and I am happy that we have people, there are women together with us, and in that way we are together, truly together with a common effort among everyone. The men and the women from all the countries around the entire globe, from all of humanity. We will reach such an effort so that in the connection between us we will start to discover the upper force.
Rav. (01:33:33) Yes, I didn’t stop for one minute watching the congress and being together with you in one heart with all the activities you are doing. I think it is a very powerful congress, unprecedented, it is felt the purpose of the congress is directed towards connection, if we achieve connection between us we discover the Creator. We say from the love of people to the love of the Creator, from connection with people we attain connection with the Creator. We might think that once we achieve connection with the ten there are more ways to discover the Creator, but there is no other way, we are there already and that same place is where we discover the connection with the Creator. So the purpose of the congress is to discover the Creator and this is everything.
More friends understand there is no other way, no other method as written by the Kabbalists. You can also go into the archive with plenty of sources, from the wisdom of Kabbalah, not only Rabash and Baal HaSulam, but dozens of other Kabbalists and see others write this way. Therefore we are on the right direction, the right path, taking a beautiful step forward. Here I would like to stop for a moment, and understand that he who is greater than his friend his desire is greater, so the part of man, one’s individual part in the system of Adam HaRishon, the more powerful, the more great, accordingly it is more difficult for a person to correct and reveal, attain through it one’s place in the system of Adam HaRishon, in the system of the common soul. Therefore, the higher souls have difficulties performing corrections, understanding what is required of them to approach the goal. It is truly a big problem. I look at the friends who carry within them such great souls to correct them and how difficult it is to take even one step forward because the heaviness is great, it is a burden to carry forward another step and another step.
After each step he tried to take, he stops and has to take a rest, get to know and feel, recognize what is done in him relative to a person who has a lighter soul who does these things quickly in his level of adhesion with the Creator is lesser yet this is according to what he has. In the last generation we are from those great and bad souls so it is not simple for us to achieve corrections. We are now beginning to really approach correction, our common correction which is really felt. I am really asking for us to brace ourselves as we don’t have much left to reveal ourselves connected among ourselves and the Creator. There is a connection between us, the congress is very important and powerful and well directed to the goal. I am really impressed every moment I am watching it. I am very pleased with you. That is what I have to say.
Rav. (02:13:07) Yes, I am with you, I am willing to listen, what do you want to hear from me? I heard you, I have enjoyed it very much for more than two hours. I’m very happy and very pleased with what is done here and also with the work of all of our friends of our American organizers and all over the world, men, women, thank you. What do you want to hear?
S. If there are any questions.
R. In the meantime, I’ll say another word, we always talk about connection, we don’t emphasize in this connection that it is 10 Sefirot, what is ten Sefirot? It is 9 Sefirot in which the light is revealed and Malchut is the will to receive, the personal will to receive on which we perform the restriction, the screen and the desire to connect with the first nine, those 9 Sefirot, the friends, is revealed in the reflected light and accordingly in the reflected light in the friends that direct light dresses in it. So it turns out that a person by connecting correctly in the group, by this he builds his vessel, his soul truly in practice, this is our work, to restrict myself that is what I need and connect with the friends.
To the extent that I respect them above me, to the extent that I want to elevate them in my eyes above myself, by this I build the condition to discover in them the sublime appreciation, the upper light, from love, from their push upwards that I want to push them from my desire to reveal in them the light, the Creator, the force of bestowal. By this I make of them the vessel to receive the light, this is how I build my soul. I restrict myself, connect with the friends, the friends become the first 9 Sefirot of the Partzuf of my soul and I who restricted my desire to become Malchut. And in this way we begin to work with the vessel of the soul. I really hope that in this way we will advance and approach the construction of the soul. Okay?
Q1 S. (02:17:00) We had a really wonderful workshop, how do we use the ego to raise the friend to see him greater and in this workshop I saw, I felt that there are friends that have greater coarseness than mine and I was jealous of it. I was jealous because I felt they can be stronger than me, their hearts will reach closer to the Creator, is it right to feel such a thing?
R. It is correct to feel this normally we don’t feel this way, we feel the opposite, but fine he who is greater than his friend his inclination is greater than him and we gathered here people with very serious will to receive, powerful, stubborn and it is difficult to build the common vessel between us but precisely in this we belong to the last generation and then this we belong to the real correction of the final stage of our world global general ego. So we have to continue, soon it will be revealed in this how special we are in this, as we should not be afraid, we should not be afraid of revealing the evil, we will also have forward to organize it and overcome it by each one subjugating himself before the friends, receive instructions from above and in this way we will advance.
Q2 S. (02:19:03) What does it mean in this work of our connection between us that we reveal the light in the friends?
R. To the extent that I cancel my ego and I annul before my friends by this I build the condition for the revelation of the Creator, it was revealed precisely in my annulment of my ego towards the friends. This is how Rabash writes the more one subjugates himself before the friends, one compared to the ten, he regards himself as one after the zeros or two zeros and then himself. So accordingly, to that expansion he discovers the Creator that determines the level of the revelation of the Creator and the person in other words to the extent he subjugates his ego.
Q3 S. (02:20:07) What is the Creator now giving us in the world Kli?
R. The Creator has given us everything now, as always he gives us all the conditions, all the disturbance we need in order to continue to discover him and then approach his revelation that is the purpose of our development to discover the Creator according to our equivalence of form with him and reach adhesion. That is it, this is what he’s doing with us, he’s constantly positioning us correctly to reveal him in the most correct way. The upper light bestows from above and organizes all the parts of the vessel in such a way that every single moment we are in the ideal state to connect and reveal the Creator.
Q4 S: (02:21:23) It is not our first Congress but there was a sensation today that something really huge, how ready we are that the Creator will give us the light?
R. We are ready for from above the only question is to what extent we’re taking this part upon ourselves to really be a vessel that receives from above the abundance, the upper light, the message of correction and passing it on, that depends on us to the extent to which we do it. There is physical work in this world and human systems and also between us in the spiritual systems.
Q5 S. (02:22:28) Most of the lesson we needed to ask questions, what are those same questions we need to ask to turn them into a mutual one?
R. I can’t really answer it, will you do among yourselves nevertheless acts toward connection between you and therefore I respect this entire work, you’re working correctly, do more and more. Do it. Okay?
Q6 S. (02:23:11) I am not comfortable talking to other people, total strangers, but I make myself do this during the workshops and Q and A’s, is this the way to love my friends more than I love myself because it’s not something I want to do but it’s something I want to do to do the work?
R. At the end of the road when you begin to correct yourself and truly connect to the friends you will find that you are yearning to speak to them,, maybe not in words but to be connected to them internally. It only shows the level of your closeness to the friends and this is the result of the influence of the upper light on you. You’re probably not demanding from the light to influence you and connect you to the friends, you should pay attention to that.
Q7 S. (02:24:25) During the workshop with the connection with a friend’s feels a lot more tangible, when the Rav speaks or we hear from the world kli it’s less, how can we make ourselves better to use these tools, how can we use this to strengthen the connection within the ten because right now there is still a difference it seems?
R. Just keep going, keep going and you will understand through what is happening, you will understand, you will get the answers. For the time being we just need to continue but continue with as complete participation as possible.
Q8 S. (02:25:34) It is really a huge Congress, I think there was the sensation that there is a sensation that the ten is whole that has both minuses and pluses, is it similar, what allows this?
R. It is also very important if the group teaches people that is also very important for its progress and for getting the conditions for a progress for advancement.
Q9 S. (02:26:20) How to develop the jealousy towards the qualities of the friends?
R. When I’m with the friends I am filled with jealousy because I hear how they ask, how they answer, I see how they connect, how close they are to each other and how they understand the source. It is still different for me so it fills me with envy and by this I build deficiencies, envy is the deficiency, new vessels that are born in me, awaken in me. Therefore through them and to attain new discernments for myself as well I acquire from the friends their deficiencies and add them to me and then this way I expand, I discover until we all come back connect among us in this way in envy, lust and honor and by this we connect all of us into one another.
Q10 S. (02:28:02) How to obtain such a vessel that will allow us to return the surrounding light, the direct light to surrounding light?
R. First thing is to connect him among yourselves and then you will be able to speak about spiritual actions, first of all there has to be connection between yourselves.
Q11 S. (02:28:41) If my restriction is accepted by the Creator, then he enters to all the friends into my heart?
R. Yes.
S. What is the next step, how am I incorporated in them?
R. In the same action try and see if you succeed this is what happens.
Q12 S. (02:29:17) How in this Congress and in the workshops can we attain annulment before the friends?
R. I need to depict to myself that, as it is written, the Creator stands behind every friend. I cannot reach the Creator unless I annul myself before the friend that is it. It is just that the friend here helps me and seemingly disrupts me but if I restrict myself before the friends as Rabash writes, zero before the one, so in that way I come to state where I reveal the Creator in my annulment before the friend I reveal the Creator to me.
Q13 S. (02:30:29) We succeeded now, so much to incorporate in one another to share our impressions. There is the sensation that besides the friends there is nobody in my heart, how to find the Creator in this place?
R. The Creator has revealed within the friends not outside but within, the deeper you go into them you will discover in them is where the Creator is. You don’t need to look for anything else where precisely within them, inwards, keep going and you will see that you will succeed.
Q14 S. (02:31:22) I feel such a huge deficiency to become one right now, it almost doesn’t matter what we say to each other as if we’re thinking the same melody in our hearts. Why do we have such a feeling of such connectedness between us right now, this is something very special?
R. All the desires, all the thoughts that come to us come from the Creator, he’s the source of everything so we should be thankful and we will continue.