Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 115.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
Hence, it is written that MI DOES NOT BEGET (ANY OFFSPRING),
even though the point of Malchut left the thought (Bina) and descended back
to her place, and all ten Sefirot and the Light returned to the Partzuf, THE
NAME ELEH IS still CONCEALED, for she still cannot receive Hochma in the
absence of Hassadim.
However, BECAUSE HE CREATED ELEH, meaning that after He added a
Zivug to the screen of MA (lower world, Malchut), there appeared Ohr Hassadim,
called WITHOUT A NUMBER. And ELEH were filled with Ohr Hassadim,
which means BARAH = CREATED ELEH, as clothing in Ohr Hassadim is called
BARAH (creation). Only after this are they called ELOKIM, for only after the
reception of Ohr Hassadim can they receive Ohr Hochma, called “the Light of a
number,” the Light of 600,000, as a result of which, the letters combine and
form the complete name Elokim.
The same perfection (clothing of Hochma in Hassadim) also extends to
the souls and descendants that emerge from the name Elokim. AND HE IS
CALLED BY THIS NAME: all that emerges is called by this name, with these
properties He creates all descendants—Partzufim from His Zivug on Ohr Hochma.
THE NAME 600,000 is Hochma, TOGETHER WITH HASSADIM, so that they
will have the perfection of the name, so that Light will clothe Light, as they are
clothed in the NAME. It is therefore written: SEE, I CALL THEM BY NAME,
for “to call” means to revive and bring to perfection.
- He asks, “What is the meaning of ‘by the greatness of His might and
wealth?’” This is the head of the degree, where all desires ascend and remain
concealed. The strong one that ascended in the name Elokim, as it is said,
“This is the secret of the Upper World, called MI.” No man is missing from
the 600,000 that He created by the power of this name. And because no one
is missing from these 600,000, it follows that wherever the sons of Israel
perished and were punished for their transgressions, we subsequently find
that not one from the 600,000 had disappeared, so that everything would
remain the same Above and below. And just as no one had disappeared from
the 600,000 Above, no one has disappeared from this number below.
Keter de AVI, called the HEAD OF DEGREES. This is Bina of AA, which
became Keter de Partzuf AVI, WHERE ALL DESIRES ASCEND (MAN of the
lower ones), and receive all the degrees from there. This degree is filled with
Ohr Hassadim, and exists in perfection even in the absence of Ohr Hochma, as its
Light of Hassadim comes from GAR de BINA of AA. In other words, it has such
a powerful Light of Hassadim that although this degree emerged from Rosh de
AA, it is not regarded as having left it, for it feels no need for Ohr Hochma. This
degree, Keter of AVI, is the Rosh of all the degrees in the world of Atzilut, from
where AVI, YESHSUT and ZON receive the Light.