Main Reading for PRAYER OF MANY, today with ENGLISH ZOHAR READING, page 112.
ARVUT OF : Robin Anderson
The same letter, Hey, designates the presence of the Light of YESHSUT, the
degree of MA within Malchut. For this degree must also be recorded, be present
in Malchut. And these two degrees, MI and MA, are present in Malchut: MI
above and MA below.
The Zohar calls Malchut the “world being revealed.” That is to say, whatever
Malchut reveals, the lower ones receive. Those individual attainments, individual
sensations of the Light that descend from Malchut are what they call “their
world.” Similarly, whatever we feel in our sensory organs is what we call “our
world.” But this is nothing more than what we receive from Malchut of the
lowest degree in the world of Assiya, Malchut of the previous degree.
However, we should know that the actual notion of “our world” indicates
the true attainment of the degree called “our world,” i.e., man’s sensation of his
ultimate disconnection from the Creator, total helplessness, and the realization
of his absolute egoism. One can attain this sensation only if the spiritual Light
shines on him from Above, in contrast to which he will see his true spiritual
state. However, in order to reach such a state, one must make great efforts in the
study of Kabbalah so as to draw upon himself the influence of the Surrounding
Light (“Introduction to The Study of Ten Sefirot,” item 155).
However, when man attains this state, he immediately raises such a request
to the Creator that his MAN is not left unanswered, and he receives the strength
to transcend “our world” and ascend with his properties to a Higher Degree—
Malchut of the world of Assiya. And then it is she that becomes his world.
Here we are speaking about very high degrees. The Malchut that is being
revealed is Malchut of the world of Atzilut, Nukva de ZA. And the fact that The
Zohar calls her “Supernal” indicates the state of Malchut when she attains the
degree of MI during her ascent and clothing the Upper World, the Supernal
Mother. Therefore, Malchut herself is then called “Supernal,” and the degree of
MA is, accordingly, called “lower.”
KNOWS ALL THE HOSTS BY NUMBER: number designates perfection.
Light without a number indicates that the Light is imperfect, whereas the Light
with a number is perfect. The action of ZA with regard to passing the Light from
Bina to Malchut is described in the phrase: THE HEAVENS TELL OF THE
from the word Mispar—number, the Light’s perfection). ZA passes this Light
from AVI to Malchut, called THE CREATOR’S GREATNESS.